If Spike Protein Facilitates Entry Of a Gain-Of-Function Coronavirus Into Cells, Then Why Are We Coerced To Submit to Spike Protein-Generating Vaccines?

Sometimes the obvious skips right past us. We have all viewed film footage of multiple shots hitting President John F. Kennedy’s neck and head in a frontal attack, and part of his head was blown onto the trunk of his open limousine, but the story was a shooter behind the President’s moving vehicle with a crude rifle with no gunsight, was the lone assassin. Commercial aircraft were hijacked beginning at 7:59 AM and flying off course on 9-11-2001 and struck the World Trade Center Towers almost an hour later and no radar system detected or alerted the military in a … Continue reading If Spike Protein Facilitates Entry Of a Gain-Of-Function Coronavirus Into Cells, Then Why Are We Coerced To Submit to Spike Protein-Generating Vaccines?