DR PETER Mccullough – Urgent Warning About Poisonous Jabs

If it seems like I’m running all Stew-Peters-all-the-time, I was looking for the most recent video featuring Dr Peter McCullough – and found him on with Stew Peters in this interview that was published yesterday.

Dr Peter McCullough MD is a Professor at Texas A & M College of Medicine, President, Cardiorenal Society of America, Editor-in-Chief, Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine, Senior Associate Editor, American Journal of Cardiology and others. He has written 46 peer-reviewed publications on COVID-19 and is considered among the world’s experts on the topic, testifying in the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs in November 2020, and throughout 2021 in the Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, in the Colorado General Assembly, and in the New Hampshire Senate, concerning many aspects of the pandemic response.

Dr McCullough also practices internal medicine in Dallas and he was initially a proponent of the vaccine, until the many adverse reactions among his patients changed his mind completely. He has since come out adamantly against the jab.

He says, “Like most physicians looking at the data coming out of the registrational trials, the products looked like they were effective, ‘90% vaccine efficacy’…Through December, January, February, probably 70% of my patients here at Baylor in Dallas received the COVID-19 vaccine…looking backwards, now, on January 22nd, we had actually already had 186 deaths that had occurred after the vaccine. The threshold of concern is about 150 or so. In general, we get about 150 [deaths] for all the vaccines combined. 500 million shots per year, across 70 vaccines but for a single vaccine…

“I think if we had had a data and safety monitoring board, they would have shut down the vaccine in February of 2021.”

Stew responds, “25 people died during the Swine Flu vaccine. They shut it down immediately…Now, you’re talking about 180-some odd deaths at one location. The CDC is now acknowledging over 12,000 deaths. For perspective, that’s 3 [sic] times the amount of people that perished in 9/11…some of the most deadly days in our world’s history, specifically, here in the United States are minuscule in comparison to these deaths, I just don’t understand. So how did you come to the conclusion that these deaths or the condition of these inoculated patients was actually related to the injections?”

Dr McCullough says, “Initially, we didn’t know. As these deaths continued to mount, on two occasions, in March and then later on, in June, the CDC put on their website that CDC and FDA reviewers had looked at the deaths and none of them were related to the vaccine and so doctors in my circles were questioning this, because patients were immediately dying after the vaccine at the vaccine centers or then shortly thereafter, we’d be called about some kind of fatal event that’s happened, whether it’s at home or patients come to the hospital with some type of fatal event.

“And so two important analyses came forward, one from McLaughlin in London and one by Rose, using the VAERS data and they basically concluded this: that 50% of the deaths occur between 48 hours of the injection and 80% of the deaths occur within a week.

“86% of the deaths have no other explanation. They’re well enough to walk into an ambulatory and actually have the COVID-19 vaccine and within two days, they’ve died. So, it’s my judgement – and I’ve done a lot of work on data and safety monitoring boards and clinical review boards – it’s my judgement, at this point in time that the vaccine is the cause of death in the majority of cases…

“The proposition, now of coming in or of even being pressured or forced or coerced into a vaccine, which, for some people, it looks like it will be fatal is an agonizing situation. I’ve never seen it in my career.”

Dr McCullough says that in a report published by the American Journal of Science and Law, it looks like the non-fatal events that occur go along 4 organ systems: the brain, the heart, the immune system and the hematologic system.

“My analysis of this, for instance, the cardiac myocarditis – there’s now an official FDA warning on this – that appears to relatively immediate, in the data that the CDC and the NIH reviewed – and the FDA reviewed – it was in about two days of the second shot…I’ve seen these cases in my clinic and they’re frightening.

“The CDC has now certified 2,000 of these cases. They tended to hit younger individuals…I’m becoming very worried that the messenger RNA or the adenoviral DNA is taken up and it’s not disposed-of and that the spike protein is continuing to be produced locally in the tissues and causing damage.

“Senator [Ron] Johnson held the first vaccine injury…press briefing and I was amazed at what the late-onset and the emergence of the neurologic symptoms that you mentioned. And it really depends – and we know – the lipid nanoparticles are taken up into the brain, the messenger RNA and the adenoviral DNA is taken up into the brain and it probably depends on how much and where the seeding occurs…

“I have a patient in my practice who has a very prominent cerebellar syndrome…she has imbalance and also has tremendous memory loss, tremor. She is absolutely not right, Stew. I’ve had her ten years in my practice and she was perfectly normal. She took a vaccine and within about a month, now it’s progressing to the next level, she has this horrific neurologic syndrome.”

The two get into the baffling symptoms presented by some, particularly the young, who are gasping for breath but whose tests appear normal and what the explanation might be.

Dr McCullough says, “Doctors in my circles, the interpretation of this is that the messenger RNA or the adenoviral DNA is taken up in the cells, the spike protein is produced in the cells, it’s expressed on the cell surface and then body is attacking its own cells. The spike protein that circulates in the blood, after a few weeks, that’s actually mopped-up by the circulating antibodies, which are supposed to be there.

“Ogata and colleagues from Harvard published a paper showing the first injection of messenger RNA, they’re circulating spike proteins. After the second injection, the antibodies raise up in the bloodstream and damp down the spike protein but the local production of spike protein is what we’re concerned about, causing these neuro-, cardiac and hematologic syndromes.

“So we have some laboratories hints. Dr Charles Hoffe in Canada has presented on this. The D-dimer test, which is a sensitive test of blood-clotting, which is elevated in SARS-CoV-2 infection, appears to be elevated in those patients with these vaccine injuries. He’s reporting 50% to 60% rates of elevation of D-dimer.

“We know that the imaging, right now is not helping us. Getting MRI imaging or other imaging, you can’t see the spike protein, itself causing damage and yet, we can’t measure the spike protein in blood. There’s still no clinical test to do that but importantly, we do imaging. It’s important, because we have to rule out blood clots and we know the FDA has warnings on J&J, for instance on blood clots in the brain. There are analyses showing that blood clots are, to a greater extent, with Pfizer and Moderna.

“They can occur throughout the body, so every patient who presents with a neurologic syndrome must have imaging, either CT or MRI imaging, mainly to rule out blood clot as an etiology of the neurologic syndrome.”

Stew then asks him if there is a way to reverse any of this. Dr McCullough replies, “We don’t think so. I think what happens, Stew is that so many Americans patriotically went out, hey volunteered to be in the vaccine program in December, January and February. We had a huge rush a people who did this. They were told that it was safe and effective. Nobody really asked what was in these vaccines and then, we started to see this evolve over time, so I think it’s fine for people to change their view on the vaccine and they should, based on emerging data. The CDC keeps telling us, ‘Go to VAERS.com and look for yourself, do your research. That’s what we see throughout all the CDC webpages.

“What we haven’t had, that is really an act of malfeasance is we have not had a press briefing by the sponsors of the program, which is the CDC and the FDA to tell Americans what’s going on with safety…They should be having at least weekly or monthly press briefings on this. They should have a critical event committee, a data and safety monitoring board, a human ethics committee. There was a paper by Bruno and colleagues – worldwide paper, 57 authors, 17 countries – they basically told everybody in the world, ‘Get the safety mechanisms in place on the vaccine program or shut it down.’

“We can’t continue to do this and blindside Americans and people all over the world on safety. We can’t ask them to take a vaccine without giving fair disclosure, fair balance on safety information.”

Stew asks him if he’s ever in his career seen a blank insert, such as is seen in the packaging of the vaccine vials. Dr McCullough says he hasn’t and that the mechanism of that is the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA); they’re not fully approved, so there is no vetted packages insert on safety information.

“It’s called ISI or Important Safety Information and what the viewer should know is that when something gets fully approved, it must be fully presented with fair balance. And what we see by our government agencies is that they’re taking advantage of the loosely-written EUA legislation, which doesn’t indicate that fair balance needs to be presented and so they’re not presenting it.

“But I’ve chaired over two dozen data and safety monitoring boards, with committee work – we always work in teams – I have been a part of major programs where we’ve had to shut it down because of safety. I’ve done this before. I’ve done this type of work, I’ve chaired the data and safety monitoring boards for the National Institutes of Health – in fact, I’m doing so, right now. So I can tell you, as a doctor and this is my book of business. I’m in my fourth decade of doing this, I can tell you, this program should have been shut down in February, based on safety…Stew, it’s going to go down as the most dangerous biologic medicinal product roll-out in human history…

“The mechanism of action is clearly poisonous and then we know that the generation of the spike protein, itself, it damages local tissues, it’s not natural for a human cell to produce this foreign spike protein. We’ve never asked the human body to produce a foreign protein, ever. This is so radically new to do this and to do it on a mass scale and to, let alone express on the cell surface and have the body start to attack its own cells and then, let it circulate in the bloodstream, where we know it damages blood cells and causes blood clotting.

“So the mechanism of action in the human body is so alarmingly dangerous, if you were to draw this up on a chalkboard, two years ago and say, ‘You know, we’re gonna do this, we’re gonna give it a whirl, I don’t think we could even get a human volunteer to sign up for this. I don’t think I wold ever bring it forward as a product idea, even on the drawing board.”

Stew asks him if he wold ever recommend the vaccine for a child and he responds, “Under no circumstances…at this point in time, I really can’t recommend it to anybody…I think, at this point in time, it’s fair to warn against it…I’d say, take the risks with a natural infection right now and let’s treat early. We have EUA on monoclonal antibodies. They have just as good of an approval as the vaccines. We should give monoclonal antibody infusions…The vaccine, once it’s in the body, we can’t get it out and we don’t know how to manage these complications, some of which are fatal.”

When asked about the “shedding” phenomenon, Dr McCullough does think it’s real but he doesn’t think it persists much beyond 4 weeks, as the antibodies mop them up, which is the purpose of the vaccine.

Reprinted with the author’s permission.

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