It was widely believed, and not without evidence, that the media, Big Tech, and other Democratic actors were pushing Biden into the White House with the hope that he could be replaced if certain developments occurred — that is, if his failing mental condition or corrupt past made his continued occupation of the Oval Office problematic. Certainly, there has been abundant evidence that Biden’s mental lapses and incoherent speech patterns have grown worse since his election. Further, incriminating information about the illegal behavior of Joe’s son Hunter and his own deep involvement in Hunter’s financial dealings with foreign government keeps popping up, no matter how hard Democratic lapdogs in the media work to suppress such revelations. One might think the other player in what Biden himself has described as a “co-presidency” would be rapidly moving forward in media-induced public attention as a successor in the near or middle term. Why have the media failed to sell Kamala Harris to their viewers as someone ready to jump into Joe’s shoes, if his advancing debilitation required it?
There are two obvious reasons for this failure. One, Kamala Harris was an affirmative action pick for the second spot on the Democratic ticket, who has failed to blossom into something more. She has not shown herself to be a leader or even particularly intelligent. She rose to high office accidentally, as the mistress of a onetime powerful legislative leader in California (who is black and Democratic). She also luckily came from a racially mixed parentage with a Marxist revolutionary academic father, and she made all the obligatory noise on certain social issues. Every time Kamala is required to say something intelligent or statesmanlike, however, she reverts to teenage giggling and pulls out the usual shtick about prejudice and racism. Of course, who can blame her? It is this nonsense that allowed her to win the number-two spot on Biden’s ticket, as a vocal, corporeal representative of several designated minorities (aka victim groups).
Joe, however, stays in office and is likely to remain there through his present term for reasons beyond the silliness of his number two. No matter how disastrously his administration performs, he remains enormously popular with the public. According to Rasmussen, which seems to be a reliable poll, Biden’s popularity has been hovering at around 50%. Regardless of how much inflation Joe has generated, regardless of his attempts to impose black racist teachings on both the military and educational system while persecuting Trump voters, and regardless of his efforts to create an energy shortage to please his climate-change constituency, while keeping the Southern border overrun with illegals and drug cartels, our president resonates with half of the electorate. This support exceeds what may be described as the permanent political Left.