There’s hope that not everyone who works for the Mainstream Media is a full-blown psychopath, despite the monumental torrent of weaponized lies and evil that they have wreaked upon the world in recent years.
Project Veritas has seen two brave young women come forward in the past week, Ivory Hecker from Houston’s FoxNews affiliate station and April Moss from Detroit’s CBS affiliate, who have since been terminated because they stood for truth and freedom.
Over the past year and half of corporate COVID mask mandates and a borderline forced vaccination policy, meteorologist and fill-in host, April Moss also witnessed many instances of completely unethical non-journalism and brazen propaganda at her TV station, such as when ViacomCBS corporate headquarters, had their brands, MTV and Comedy Central Brasil join with Facebook and Instagram to strong-arm the Brazilian population into getting vaccinated with their #NãoVacila (“Don’t Hesitate”) program.
“This issue is not just about me. I’m watching our whole nation suffer, because they’re put underneath these policies that are enacted by corporations and this is a human rights issue and every American and every person on Earth has the right to breathe fresh air…
“The people are recognizing that elected officials are not making decisions in the peoples’ best interest and as a journalist, I feel responsible…to bring these questions to light.”
She continues, “No longer is true journalism being executed anymore. I feel like it is one of the biggest crimes in history, right now. Because, if we are shaping the American public’s mind, then we need to be seeking truth and every single journalist who goes to school for journalism, the number one thing is integrity, honesty, seeking truth. We are supposed to be the people that bring light to corruption and subjects…
“I feel like I’m watching my country disintegrate and if I don’t get up and do something when I’m able to, I just don’t know that I could live with myself.”
Reprinted with the author’s permission.