Straight From the Horse’s Mouth: The Vaccines Are Ineffective

“Pfizer CEO says third Covid vaccine dose likely needed within 12 months,” reads a recent CNBC headline. “Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said people will ‘likely’ need a third dose of a Covid-19 vaccine within 12 months of getting fully vaccinated,” we are told.

“Moderna hopes to have Covid booster shot for its vaccine ready by the fall, CEO says,” announces another CNBC report. “Moderna hopes to have a Covid booster shot available for Americans by the fall, according to CEO Stephane Bancel,” the article reassures concerned readers.

The hidden lead in these reports is that one of history’s greatest frauds is being perpetrated right before our eyes. This should be obvious to anyone capable of making a logical deduction.

The inescapable implication of these reports is that the vaccines being currently administered will not give you sufficient protection against Covid-19 going forward. In other words, these injections are ineffective.

If these vaccines were effective, the CEOs of these companies would not speak about the necessity of receiving another shot in a few months’ time.

Let us spell it out again: come this fall, the vaccine that you have taken or are about to take will not protect you from Covid.

Why, then, are governments still going ahead with these massive vaccination programs that inject ineffective pharmaceuticals into the arms of millions every day?

For not only are these hastily cooked up concoctions ineffective, they are outright dangerous. Thousands of people have been needlessly killed by them and hundreds of thousands have suffered serious injuries.

“10,000+ deaths after COVID shots reported by U.S., European agencies,” we read in a report that compiled data collected by various government bodies. “More than 7,000 deaths have occurred in Europe, and more than 200,000 injuries worldwide have been reported,” we learn.

The question is this: why are these vaccination programs – which are causing widespread death and injury – and which are ineffective vis-à-vis their stated purpose, i.e., protecting against Covid, allowed to continue?

This is nothing less than a crime against humanity, which is being carried out by pharma companies and their enablers in government and the scientific community with the help of the media shills.

Real scientists have always known that due to the mutating nature of the virus, it will not be possible to come up with an effective vaccine against Covid-19. This, however, did not stop pharma executives and their scientific sidekicks from cooking up ineffective and dangerous concoctions and then injecting them into the bodies of hundreds of millions of human beings.

Why would they do this? Because of money, of course. The value of Moderna’s CEO shares, for example, has now shot up to about five billion dollars. Not a bad payoff for other peoples’ pain.

Tellingly, the CEO, Stephane Bancel, has refused to reveal his own vaccination status.

But the fraud runs even deeper. Not only will the presently offered vaccines be ineffective against variants that will emerge in the fall, but they are already ineffective against some of the variants in circulation right now.

Just consider this headline from CNBC: “Covid variant from South Africa was able to ‘break through’ Pfizer vaccine in Israeli study.” The piece’s opening sentence informs us that “[t]he coronavirus variant first discovered in South Africa is able to evade some of the protection of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.” This should make everyone pause, since the South African variant is a widespread mutation that has been detected in dozens of countries around the world and has already become the dominant strain in some of them.

In fact, it now appears that the very vaccines that were supposed to protect you from Covid may make you more vulnerable to it. This is from another study conducted in Israel, one of the world’s most vaccinated nations:

“Israeli researchers found people who received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine were eight times more likely to be infected with the South African variant, and people who received one dose of the vaccine were more likely to get the UK variant.”

It is time to rise up against this gargantuan healthcare fraud and hold the perpetrators and their accomplices responsible.