A reader writes:
Allan’s statement concerning the Kentucky soccer coach, as below, is a blatant lie and discredits his existence in your publications, IMHO….
Lew, Allan’s published statement (below) is ridiculous and a blatant lie!…
“But because of his courage, he is also the father of the only soccer player in the county who plays without a mask.”
I’ve never seen, or heard, on any kids playing soccer with masks on??? He discredits himself and your website with this kind of writing, IMHO!
-An Auburn Observer
Dear Auburn Observer,
Mr. Rockwell has forwarded a note to me that you have not seen any kids playing soccer in masks.
I would like to thank you for this note. I have repeatedly told people that my favorite place to write is LewRockwell.com because the readership is diligent about fact checking.
Too Many Student Athletes Are Forced To Be Masked: Zero Is The Proper Number
School-by-school, there has been a debate over the past year on when student athletes should be masked. A quick internet search produced this video of a Kentucky coach speaking to masked players who had just left the field. Or in this image you’ll see a girls soccer player focussed on the ball with a masked face. Or there is the example of this masked Massachusetts team.
The topic of masked student athletes has been an issue across the country: Kentucky, Massachusetts, Arizona, New Jersey, Colorado, and California alike. Rural and urban. Blue areas and red areas both.
The debate should not be school-by-school. Health decisions are to be made individual-by-individual and decided upon by an individual, not by plebiscite.
I Will Not Live In Denial Of The Evil In Our Midst –Will You?
When a father from a well-established soccer family wrote me repeatedly over these past months with his trials and tribulations, I took this matter to heart.
Denial is something the advocates of liberty do not need at this point in history. The horror stories of tyranny we have heard are accurate and only the tip of the iceberg.
The Kentucky soccer father I cited in the original piece has had a difficult year attempting to protect his daughter from the mask mandates. His is not an isolated story.
Don’t for a second think I feel bad for this man though. Comfort is not promised to the righteous. Ease is not promised. A light burden is not promised. If you want to do righteous work, you are sometimes going to have to put your back into it. What I feel bad about is that every decent parent and every decent non-parent alike is not standing by such a person and emulating his example.
I’m blessed to be able to report that so many parents are realizing that simply by standing up and giving the slightest resistance, they are having tremendous success. They are identifying their boundaries, communicating their boundaries, and identifying their boundaries. Done clearly, this process works wonders.
Clarity Goes A Long Way
It’s as simple as being clear: “My daughter will not be putting a mask on for any reason.” That’s pretty clear.
Simply being clear with another person and never wearing a mask again is a lot easier than you may think. It’s hardly a project that anyone needs to literally or metaphorically put their back into.
My retelling of his story, this Kentucky hero, is not a blatant lie. It is the painful truth. Unfortunately, there are children right now running around playing sports with masks on. I suppose the number is in the millions each day. Many parents obediently subject their children to this harmful behavior, that has no provable positive effect and many provable negative effects. The story of this Kentucky hero is a story I have heard over and over again.
I Hear Face Mask Horror Stories Like These Daily & I Hear Many Stories Of Victory
I hear these horror stories daily. Literally daily. Over and over. I wish it were a lie. Even better if it were a blatant lie. I wish all the one-size-fits-all mandates that “brave” and “free” Americans are accepting with the shrug of a their shoulders were not the reality of life.
Shortly after I read your note saying that masked student athletes are a blatant lie, a situation I would far prefer to reality, another reader of these pages sent me a text message on my cell phone at 12:59 p.m., Friday, April 16, 2021:
“I am having an email exchange with my daughter’s AYSO soccer coach, who is a typical mask wearing coward, and he is telling us that masks may be required on the field during the match (not just when players are sitting on sidelines or halftime). First game is tomorrow. I sent him long message why it’s very unsafe, unnecessary and insane to play sports with a mask covering….”
The rest of the message I will omit.
I spent more than an hour Friday, helping him to navigate this topic.
If you want an address, I can provide you with the address on a given Saturday in which all but one girl will be wearing a mask on the soccer field. Based on what I know of this father, there is no chance his daughter will walk onto the field in a mask.
The True Inheritance You Leave Your Child
What a blessing a father like that is in a child’s life. So few are like that. A daughter of a father like that will have a head start over nearly any peer, a head start that no amount of treasure left as inheritance can match. There are haves and have nots in this world. The greatest haves of the next generation will come from those children whose parents were not cowardly after the Ides of March 2020, but who were diligent about their values, rather than flexible or apathetic.
Not everyone gets to be born into a family like that. Those who do will have an advantage that money simply can’t buy.
I write pieces like this partly because I want to thank those parents. They are truly treasures in the lives of their children.
The People Who Really Matter In This Battle — The Courageous & Righteous — The Rest Are Distractions
I want to encourage parents like them. The world is full of discouragement for loving parents. Not here. Not me. I want parents to prosper. I want their homes to prosper. I want their families to prosper. I want to be among men who will protect their home at all cost, will protect the space around them at all cost, who will walk through the world as men of values, unbreakable values, not as flexible, compliant men of preference. I want to walk among fellow lions.
I want to be surrounded by men like that, so surrounded by them that there is hardly even room for anyone but men like that around me, with my life saturated by fellow men of courage.
The Faucis, Gateses, Cuomos, Newsoms, and Schwabs want parents like that to think differently, to be worn down. To be demoralized.
That won’t happen. Those weaselly folks won’t win. They won’t beat the powerful and righteous men and women who enter my orbit. Such power exists among those who I have been lucky enough to come across this past year. You may have come across similar people, one of the true blessings of the past year, a reordering of society.
I have even more good news. You may not see it yet. I see it clearly. What I see is that those parents are winning. Though righteous and bold parents of courage may tire under the burden at times, they are winning in so many ways and in ways even at times so unpredictable.
Every Regime Falls Unexpectedly
Every regime falls unexpectedly. This is a story repeated throughout history. The stories of the communist regimes that fell in 1989 are full of such anecdotes. On a Thursday, everything is normal. That Friday that regime is gone. Or in another country, on a Monday, the most repressive policy was in place, business as usual. On a Tuesday, the whole thing had just collapsed. You only need to turn on the television to hear how desperate and out of touch with reality the present regime is. I don’t know if they last 4 days, 4 years, or 40 years, but I know that the regime is feeling more out of control than they have ever been.
The Institutions That Have Prospered Have Done So Through Bravery, Not Cowardice
We have the brave to thank for that. We have the courageous. In every institution that is the case, even in the most cowardly institution of the past year — the church. The church had to do nothing more than keep its doors open and keep having Sunday services as it’s been doing for the past two thousand years. Even in that cowardly demographic, we have the small numbers in the church who have lived lives of faith and not fear through 2020 and 2021 as true disciples practicing what they preach. The brave babe made such a difference. Those congregations that have stayed open have prospered.
And in the institution of family, we have parents who have relied on the same truths they knew five years ago. A media narrative doesn’t change the truth. The cowardly deserve so little attention. The brave deserve our full attention, our praise, and our emulation, not our denial of the important battle they wage on the behalf of their family, their crew, their community, but also, whether they realize it or not, a battle they wage on the behalf of all humanity.
The brave have gotten us through this tough time and the brave will secure us victory. Anyone on the sidelines, anyone who puts on a mask accomplishes the very opposite.
Be Decisive & Help Others Carry The Burden, So That We Can Win This Victory Swiftly & Bravely
Dear reader, every reader — choose a side please. Be clear about it. There is no middle ground on these one-size-fits-all mandates. There is no room for your apathy. If you do not say no to the masks and say no to the masks 100% of the time, you support and normalize the most sick and evil behavior.
Sir, I want to thank you for your note, and for your support of my writing: both by reading me and by seeking to keep me honest through diligent feedback.
Sadly, this very afternoon, many youth in the United States are playing sports fully masked. Regardless of your personal experience, that is the truth of the matter. The children who your eyes have fallen upon are blessed to not have to submit to this same horror, but in many places it is the norm for children to be masked, to live in fear, and to soon be senselessly injected unless we act to prevent this awful trend.
There are many parents buckling right now under the burden of mandatory masking and those of us who put on a mask for even a moment add to their burden. We have the opportunity to help them with their burden. You and I standing up against the mask helps parents shoulder this burden. It is not just about that family or about kids. It is about much more.
The most evil people out there have caused the church to buckle under their burden. The church has been left in shambles in many places. It has some serious self-examination, cleansing, and rebuilding to go through. It is not just about church.
With the church in shambles, though masterfully being rebuilt by brave souls among us, and so many other institutions lost, the only remaining institution separating us from the oblivion on the other end of this slippery slope is now the family.
The most evil in our society know exactly the pressure they are putting on parents: Zoom classes, lockdowns, PCR tests, masks, injections, vaccine passports, and daily indoctrination.
When Vaccines Go Wrong, They Really Go Wrong
If they can get a parent to say yes to the mask, even if just once, they can get a parent to say yes to the vaccine. It only takes ten seconds of weakness for an experimental shot to be administered and it can cause a lifetime of consequence. I have a friend, a vaccine injured adult (not a blatant lie) who estimates she has spent $1.2 million out of pocket recovering from vaccine injury. “It can’t happen to me,” is what so many say to themselves until it does happen to them. That’s a story I’ve heard over and again from parents in denial and parents formerly in denial until that caught up with them.
If they can get a parent to say yes to a mask, they can get a parent to say yes to so much more evil.
When we put on a mask and normalize that behavior, we must recognize that we are adding societal pressure to that burden a parent must carry, caused by mandated masks for children and other one-size-fits-all medical approaches.
The Burden You Place Upon Others When You Don’t Carry Your Own
We, as individuals, cause a great burden upon others around us when we do not stand up for what is right.
And it’s not just about saying no to a mask every chance you can. It’s about saying no to everything that does not edify and to do it every chance you can. The mask is a gateway, the mask is training ground, and the mask is a symbol for so much more.
If society cannot support the raising of strong, independent, moral, and capable children, then society sabotages itself and calls into question why man even has reason to interact with society, at least if his highest aim, as is the aim for most righteous adults, is to create a home, build a family, and raise a child into adulthood. Hardly are there more important pursuits in life. All else is mere hedonism, argues one contemporary Greek philosopher.
Any pursuit that chips away at family or makes it harder for a parent to protect family brings us closer to the awful abyss where the Faucis of the world seek to lead us.
How many people are obediently following the Faucis, how many people who claim to stand for liberty are following the greatest enemies of liberty?
I do not expect liberals to recognize this. Nor do I expect sheeplike people to recognize this.
Masks Are Harmful To The Wearer & Should Be Societally Discouraged
The masks are not neutral for the wearer and effective at stopping the spread. The masks are harmful for the wearer. They are harmful for the wearer and ineffective at stopping the spread. The preposterous ten cent polypropylene mask from Wuhan province is harmful for the wearer and should not be mandated for any reason. Wearing face masks should not only not be not mandated, wearing face masks should be societally discouraged, because is so psychologically harmful to the wearer, so sociologically harmful to the wearer, and so biologically harmful to the wearer.
We must stop all mask mandates. No child should have to wear a mask on the field. No child should have to wear a mask off the field. No child should have to wear a mask ever and for any reason.
The parents who stand against the mask mandates are heroes. We need to be heroic as well. We must not wear masks.
Again, Sir, I want to thank you for your note. It means so much to me when readers write me with feedback. Based on my experience, I know that such feedback tends to come from a place of generosity. There is little reason to write such a note to someone you have no appreciation for. Such notes only come from people who feel invested in the topic.
I wish you my best.
Allan Stevo
P.S. If you do not know how to go unmasked today, read “Face Masks in One Lesson,” read my LewRockwell.com writing, and sign up for emails, videos, and classes on the topic at RealStevo.com. All you really need to do is to live life at a higher standard and to never agree to the senseless mask.