“In reading The History of Nations, we find that, like individuals, they have their whims and their peculiarities, their seasons of excitement and recklessness, when they care not what they do. We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one object and go mad in its pursuit; that millions of people become simultaneously impressed with one delusion, and run after it, till their attention is caught by some new folly more captivating than the first.” ― Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
Once again, our country and most of the people, have fixed upon the delusion of dying from a non-lethal flu, while simultaneously allowing their liberties and freedoms to be crushed by totalitarian politicians, conspiring with Big Pharma, Big Media and billionaire oligarchs. Time for another story of the covidiocy engulfing our nation of obedient sheep as we enter year two of this descent into madness. I’ve previously documented the pathetic mentally deficient state of the ignorant fearful masses on trips to Cape May Lighthouse State Park and Valley Forge National Park. The sad part is the picture below isn’t actually a joke. We’ve all seen freaks like this driving with a mask and/or face shield alone in their car. These people are mentally unstable and shouldn’t be allowed in public.
It had been a year and half since we had seen our oldest son. We last saw him and his wife in Loveland, Colorado in September 2019 at their wedding. He was supposed to fly home a few times, but the scamdemic and job issues interfered with those plans. My wife saw ridiculously low airfares on Southwest and booked a four day trip for last weekend. So, my wife and two other sons embarked on our first flight during this ridiculous exercise in fear over an extremely non-lethal flu.
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I have rarely worn a mask in the last year and never for more than 30 minutes. The only way we were getting to Denver was by wearing a freaking mask for about six hours straight. So I bit the bullet and put my Covid-1984 mask on at the airport and didn’t remove it until we arrived at the rental car place in Denver. The flight was uneventful, but wearing a mask that long must be unhealthy.
Remember the days when you’d get a full-fledged heated meal on a three and a half hour flight? Now you get a glass of ice water and a minuscule packet of pretzels. Not even a damn soda. As we were boarding the stewardess looked at my mask and asked what it meant. I said it was referring to Orwell’s 1984 and she said Oh. I don’t think she understood the point. Later on the trip a guy took a picture of the mask while we were on the train shuttle between gates. He was probably sending it to someone with the comment that he was with one of those “conspiracy nuts”.
After getting our rental SUV, we zipped up to Loveland in about an hour and met my son for lunch in downtown Loveland. This was our first experience with the restaurant scene in Colorado. We had to wait 20 minutes for a table at 11:45 am. If everyone is frightened of this “disease”, why are they packing restaurants. But at least we kept each other safe by wearing masks as we walked to the table and then immediately take them off. The idiocy of this rule is epic. Later that night we tried three different casual dining places and were told a 45 minute wait at each. This told me that people must no longer be afraid. I was actually happy to see this. At least we had time to watch a nice sunset in the parking lot.
I wasn’t so happy later that night. We’ve stayed at the same hotel on our trips to Colorado. The rooms were clean and the breakfast buffet in the morning was excellent. Using Covid as an excuse, no more breakfast buffet. They put out paper bags and you can grab a frozen Jimmy Dean sausage, egg and cheese croissant and a yogurt. They used to have coffee available 24 hours per day. Now they have it from 6:30 am to 9:30 am. After a long day of travel, we went to bed before 10:00.
Then the fun began. At 11:00 pm it sounded like a van load of illegal immigrants had invaded our hallway. There was screaming, yelling and banging on doors. They sounded drunk. It died down for awhile and we got back to sleep. Round two started at 1:00 am with more screaming and banging on doors. Round three commenced at 3:00 am. These lowlifes are simply rude hispanic trash. If this is the diversity Biden and his handlers are promoting, our future sure is bleak. These people will never assimilate and live according to our social norms.
The next day we followed my son to Lory State Park, west of Fort Collins, and near the Horsetooth Reservoir. As with most drives in this part of the country it is scenic. Even though it was 65 degrees, the reservoir was still frozen. I guess the -20 degree temperatures a few weeks ago had frozen all bodies of water solid.
Many of the trails were closed but we were able to find a few that were passable. The first one we tried got dicier as we wound our way up the narrow path. Eventually it turned to all ice, so we reversed course.
When we moved to the next trail, we came across this warning. I already know what I’d do if I met a mountain lion – I’d probably crap my pants. These aren’t the kind of posters you see in my suburban enclave. The biggest danger is crossing paths with a skunk.
My wife was just happy to have all her boys together again. After a wasted year of government mandated bullshit, it was just great to have us all reunited again. It’s lucky she picked last weekend, because they are having two feet of snow today and tomorrow. That wouldn’t have been fun.
I also think it’s time to squelch the rumor that I forced Dani to crop this picture so my pandemic belly would not be visible. I’m a dude. I couldn’t possibly be that vain. It’s also only a rumor that I’ve gone on a diet as soon as we got home. I guess those fried chicken sandwiches (with bacon) and double cheeseburgers (with bacon) weren’t all that healthy. Who knew?
After a good night sleep, with no Mexicans roaming the hallways, we decided to drive up to Estes Park, a quaint little town nestled on the edge of Rocky Mountain National Park. It is about 30 miles from Loveland on Route 34. The 45 minute drive winds upward through canyons, mountains, and a river that runs through it along the entire route. We saw dozens of fly fisherman trying to land some rainbow trout along the recently thawed river.
The closer you get to Estes Park, the more spectacular the views. The majestic Rocky Mountains rise above the horizon and you swear you can hear John Denver crooning in the distance.
This is the view as you come into the town of Estes Park. There aren’t many more beautiful views anywhere in America. But, these distant views are much more inspiring than what we witnessed in the town.
In my mind I always thought Colorado was populated by lovers of the outdoors, who hunted, skied, and generally had a frontier mindset. And maybe that was so at one time. But not anymore. At least not in Estes Park. There is one main corridor that only extends for several blocks. It’s mostly restaurants, bars, ice cream shops, and tourist traps selling souvenirs and tee shirts. There was one shop that drew our attention – the Elkins Whiskey store. We decided to buy my oldest son a bottle as a gift for entertaining us for a few days. Then my other two sons decided they’d like a bottle. So three bottles it was.
A few bad experiences with whiskey during my lifetime (involving blackouts and projectile vomit) have made me a non-whiskey drinker, but I guess young people haven’t learned my lessons yet. It did make me reminisce back to the days when buying them Hot Wheels cars and baseball cards made them happy. Those days are a distant fading memory. I guess that’s life.
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We never wear masks when walking outside. It was sixty degrees and sunny. Only a covidiot would be frightened of fresh air and sunshine. It was terribly disconcerting and sad to see 90% of the people walking around Estes Park fully masked. It’s inexplicable to me that all these people are so fearful and/or so subservient to governmental authority. They don’t have to wear masks while walking outdoors, but they choose to.
I guess this is a credit to the government/media propaganda machine that has created this hysteria of irrational fear. Edward Bernays’ decomposed carcass must be so proud. There certainly was no frontier spirit or critical thinking among the populace of Estes Park. Cowardice, obedience, and unquestioning belief in governmental authority rules our world today. After a couple New Belgium beers and another unhealthy sandwich on an outdoor patio of a local eatery, we headed back to Loveland.
On Monday we killed time, stopped at my sons condo to say goodbye, and headed off to the airport for what we hoped would be an uneventful flight home. It was not to be. Everything went smoothly as far as check-in and boarding the plane. I planned on working on an article while in-flight so I asked Dani if I could have the inside window seat. Best move I ever made. Except that there wasn’t enough room for me to open the laptop. I was left to reading Heinlein’s Stranger in a Strange Land.
Dani, on the other hand, sitting in the middle seat, was left with the unknown of who might plop down beside her. She hit the jackpot. An old dude who had the gift of gab. Within ten minutes he had told her his life story and showed her about five hundred pictures on his phone. You know the type. Sitting next to an extrovert who must talk is my worst nightmare. She tried to draw me into his vortex, but I just pretended to read, while snickering to myself under my mask. I don’t think I’ll ever get the window seat ever again.
But this was just the under-card to the main event which was about to be unleashed with the fury of a BLM riot. All of a sudden, ten rows ahead, a ghetto trash Laquisha began shrieking at the top of her lungs about the white guy next to her kicking her bag. It was as if he had murdered her baby daddy. Within seconds, the entire plane knew that it was a $3,000 carry bag that had been rudely and purposely kicked by the evil white dude. I’m guessing the bag cost less than $100.
She continued to shriek and wail for at least ten minutes. All the stewardesses and stewards tried to calm her down, but she began accusing them of treating her with disrespect. If I had been close enough to record it, it would be the viral video of the week on the internet. She was low class and thought using her black privilege to make a scene would get the guy kicked off the flight and/or get her bumped up to a front of the plane seat. Security eventually arrived and began assessing the situation as she continued to loudly make whatever point she was trying to make. It looked like she had won when the guy was escorted off the flight.
Then the tide turned. The security lady began interviewing the shrew and those around her. After getting the picture, she told the lady to get up and depart the flight. She gathered up a shitload of bags and other crap. The guy probably couldn’t avoid kicking some of her stuff. To our delight, the white dude was then brought back onto the flight and took his seat again. The stewardess eventually took the microphone and without fanfare apologized and said she hoped the rest of the flight might be less eventful.
The plane exploded in applause, except for the three black people in the seats directly in front of me. Who knows what happened to Ms. ghetto trash, but I wouldn’t be surprised if she used the race card to get a free ticket. All I know is we were delayed 45 minutes and I ended up going to bed at 12:30 rather than 11:45. This is why I hate to travel and mingle with the ignorant masses. The covidiocy runs deep and makes many sheep actually think they are being patriots by masking and obeying. It gives their pathetic lives meaning to have a cause, no matter how ridiculous and at odds with the founding principles of this country.
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We’ve endured a year of this tyrannical bullshit jammed down our throats by corrupt low IQ politicians, the corporate mass media propaganda machine, pretend medical experts like that troll Fauci and dangerous sociopath Gates, and fear mongering Karens across the land. And now Dementia Joe has been instructed by his handlers (Obama & Rice) that if we bow down and obey like good little servants we might be able to have three people over on the 4th of July for a hotdog and burger.
It’s past time to heed Charles Mackay’s advice and stop being cowards. Burn the damn masks. Become an enemy of the state and start disregarding their un-Constitutional mandates and regulations. Call out their lies. Make their lives miserable. Take back your country. They will not willingly restore your freedoms. They love this totalitarian control over your life. The time has come for real resistance.
“You have no enemies, you say? Alas, my friend, the boast is poor. He who has mingled in the fray of duty that the brave endure, must have made foes. If you have none, small is the work that you have done. You’ve hit no traitor on the hip. You’ve dashed no cup from perjured lip. You’ve never turned the wrong to right. You’ve been a coward in the fight.” ―
It may look bleak today, but every individual act of disobeying these psychopaths in suits might inspire another act of disobedience. And before long the tide will have turned and enough individuals will have come to their senses to reverse this descent into madness. Our choices are liberty or bowing down to Gates, Schwab and the rest of the Davos devils. It won’t be easy, but what other course do freedom loving citizens have? Buckle up. The fight has just begun.
“Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, one by one.”
― Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
Reprinted with the author’s permission.