Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Cold

Kind Hearts and Coronets, 1949: “Revenge is a dish which people of taste prefer to eat cold.”

The Godfather, 1969: Don Corleone nodded. “Revenge is a dish that tastes best when it is cold,” he said.

Star Trek II, The Wrath of Kahn, 1982: Kirk, old friend, do you know the Klingon proverb, “Revenge is a dish best served cold”?

–          (Source)

Then we have Sheldon, from The Big Bang Theory:

Sheldon Cooper: bortaS bIr jablu’DI’ reH QaQqu’ nay! HealthyLine Far Infrar... Check Amazon for Pricing.

Wil Wheaton: Did that guy just say “Revenge is a dish best served cold” in Klingon?

Stuart: I believe so.

Wil Wheaton: What is wrong with him?

Stuart: Everyone has a different theory.


Following are select executive orders signed by Biden in the first days of assuming office:

January 20, 2021: Biden Cancels Keystone XL, Halts Drilling in Arctic Refuge on Day One

January 20, 2021: Biden’s advisers have compiled a list of more than 100 rules and policies developed by the Trump administration that it sees as targets for review, CNN has learned. Each of the policies relate to environmental conservation and climate change and are linked to an executive order Biden intends to sign on public health and the environment.

January 20, 2021: Paris climate accord: Biden announces US will rejoin landmark agreement

January 27, 2021: Biden aims for comprehensive climate approach as he halts new oil and gas leases on federal land Homelike Moment Sherpa... Check Amazon for Pricing.

Just two weeks later:

February 10, 2021: Extreme cold straight from the Arctic to plunge south to Gulf of Mexico

February 14, 2021: Cold and snow grips much of U.S., from Seattle to Texas to Northeast

February 14, 2021: Frozen wind turbines hamper Texas power output, state’s electric grid operator says

February 15, 2021: Frozen wind turbines, soaring spot electricity prices: How the Artic freeze is roiling Texas’ energy market

February 15, 2021: Winter Weather, Record Cold Grips Much of Central-Southern US

February 16, 2021: Millions struggle without power as cold snap grips US

Where do we turn?

February 16, 2021: As nation freezes, fossil fuels are keeping the lights and heat on

HL HEALTHYLINE - Far I... Check Amazon for Pricing. Just to demonstrate that this stupidity knows no borders:

February 12, 2021: Berlin’s Electric Busses Fail to Run in the Cold

February 13, 2021: Germany Desperate For Coal Power, As Wind & Solar Power Fail


It seems Gaia, the goddess to whom the climatists offer worship, is not without a sense of humor.

Reprinted with permission from Bionic Mosquito.