It’s not 1959. It’s not 1979. It’s not 2019.
Your every action matters in a way that it couldn’t have during any of those times — whether you were a pauper or a billionaire, a parent at home or a celebrity on the red carpet — now, your individual actions mean so much more than they did then.
We are in that kind of moment. Some call them “fourth turnings” after the work on generational theory by William Strauss and Neil Howe. A fourth turning is when crisis brings about rebirth. It’s even more significant than that though. A new epoch is being brought into existence and an epic battle is being waged. Whether you like it or not, whether you recognize it or not, you are involved.
The results portend to be more impactful that the Revolutionary War, more impactful than the French Revolution, more impactful that the War Between the States, the Great War, World War Two, the Cold War or any other great shift in culture, for the possibilities are far more total than what humanity has ever known. An Awakening may be ahead, alternately the Dark Ages may be ahead.
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Once tiny events now shed momentous light, carry tremendous weight, and can ripple out in ways unimaginable.
It’s not 1959. It’s not 1979. It’s not 2019. We are in the days after the Ides of March 2020. Today, February 12, 2021, is the 333rd day of the “3-week lockdown,” the 333rd day since the decades long war against you, your individuality, and your humanity was openly declared.
A Public Conversation On The Non-Existent Scientific Support For Medical Mandates In Response To Covid-19
Wednesday, February 10, 2021, I watched Oregon-based naturopath, Dr. Henele Ealy discuss PCR testing, Covid numbers, and corona vaccines with Dr. Dean Sidelinger, the Oregon State Health Officer and State Epidemiologist. To his credit, through the use of reason and evidence, Ealy has been part of efforts to use legislative bodies to open counties in Oregon.
Over the course of the hour, Ealy asked a dozen or more insightful questions that pointed to the weak foundation of the governmental response to Covid that brought about the corona communism under which we live and continue to live. Sidelinger spoke at considerable length in response to each question, yet curiously did not answer a single one. One would be remiss to imagine this seasoned public health professional did not realize what he was doing.
Really, Ealy didn’t even scratch the surface of the nonsense of a mask mandate or a lockdown or the fact that SARS-COV-2 has yet to be isolated or that decades of half-hearted safety testing around vaccines have been thrown out the window and people are being treated exactly like the lab ferrets of decades past were treated: a low value life to experiment on. Lab ferrets cost the vaccine manufacturers more. With no liability and a blank check from government, your life really is worth less than a lab ferret to them and a healthy bonus will come their way if they can keep that in mind.
Whether Ealy realizes such things is irrelevant, he is keeping mum and working the system, just as Sidelinger is reading from his script and working the same system.
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Had Yamhill County Commissioner Mary Starrett not spoken up around 55 minutes into this 60-minute “conversation,” Sidelinger would have run down the clock reciting the same litany of official professions that every living adult on this planet with a screen knows by heart as “the science” behind the increasingly extreme and constantly shifting measures taken that have ushered in this system of corona communism.
The Oregon public health professional is paid to read a script. It may be a piece of paper in front of him, like an actor with cue cards, or something memorized. It is a script nonetheless.
The Coronavirus May Not Be Novel, But Their Behavior Certainly Is
It is not just this one Oregon public health professional. Virtually every voice in the public health field, in politics, in corporate America, in academia, in medicine, in Hollywood, in the media, and in the Church is reading a script.
It has never been like this in the United States.
Europe has finally arrived in the United States.
The stultifying dogma of so much of acceptable European thought has finally caught up with the New World.
The signs of that are mere symptoms. It long preceded European style bureaucracy and is institutionalized in European style bureaucracy, but it is not the fault of European style bureaucracy. The bureaucracy is but a symptom and a tool, a tool that can be used for good or ill.
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Everyone with power is reading from a script. Those who don’t read from a script are being dismissed as having votes not worthy of counting (as can be seen in the sham November 3, 2020 election) supporting candidates that they aren’t permitted to support (it isn’t Trump being impeached, it’s you, you have to open your eyes if you think otherwise), political decisions they aren’t allowed to make (pay your taxes, enlist your kids, and shut up you serf, because Liz Cheney is the future whether you like it or not) investments they aren’t allowed to make (if you pay Wall Street to invest for you, that’s okay, if you act unpredictably en masse on Wall Street Bets that’s not okay: the establishment outcry over Wall Street Bets and the many extensive wars against cryptocurrency show that), and most poignantly in this moment — say the F-Word, and you’ll be deplatformed.
As in: The 2020 election was a FRAUD. Biden is not the legitimate president. He is a FRAUD. Harris is not legitimate. She is a FRAUD. And who knows how much other FRAUD there is.
Is truth not treason in the empire of lies? Could the very hesitancy around the word FRAUD indicate that it’s all really just a big FRAUD, the entire narrative fed to us?
What’s certain is that Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi alike, Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey alike, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates all agree: you’re not allowed to ask that question.
Yes. You’re not allowed to ask any questions about FRAUD.
The Opposition Offers Proof Of Election FRAUD
Peter Navarro shows the November 3, 2020 rendition of that FRAUD in clear detail in the following three documents: “The Immaculate Deception: Six Key Dimensions of Election Irregularities”, “The Art Of The Steal”, “Yes, President Trump Won: The Case, Evidence, & Statistical Receipts”.
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The Establishment Agrees There Was FRAUD And Proudly Illustrates A Massive, Previously Unknown Conspiracy
In response to Navarro and others claiming that a conspiracy to steal the 2020 election took place, Molly Ball of Time magazine , shockingly, in the days before the second Trump impeachment trial began in the Senate, dedicated 6,500 words in the February 15, 2021 edition of Time to effectively saying “Yeah we stole the election, and here’s exactly how we did it, and I will publicly state this, because not a single one of you has the guts to do anything about it.”
In hubris, Ball revealed so much more about a conspiracy than anyone could ever imagine and that no one was saying publicly. Reading the piece illustrates that it wasn’t aimed at Navarro and the acolytes of his work as much as it was aimed at every single person who believes any official narrative.
Molly Ball is not stupid. The most powerful establishment players are not stupid. You are being taunted. And if you don’t respond, it all becomes normalized, solidified, and institutionalized. They are pretty sure they know exactly how you will react.
We Live In A Special Time
We live in a special time.
Never has the United States looked like this.
It didn’t happen during the Revolutionary War, during the War Between The States, during World War I, World War II, or 9/11. It’s never been like this. There’s never been this level of totality.
In a time when ultimate and total compliance is demanded, a script reader can just as effectively be replaced by a computer. He paves that path in his life.
A person who acts unpredictably cannot be. And that is one of your superpowers in a time like this, dear friend.
It’s your superpower, until the window of opportunity closes. And the more disobedient and unpredictably you behave, the harder it is for them to close that window of opportunity. Not only that, the more disobedient and unpredictably you behave, the harder it is for the narrative to hold. It really is a superpower.
Explode the “why” and you explode the “will.” Explode the narrative and you win. The war is for your mind, not for land or for a munitions depot. Explode the narrative and you win!
Dr. Sidelinger, the script reader, dehumanizes himself. The leftist NPC, repeating talking points, dehumanizes himself.
Great swaths of writers would like to deny you that agency, both today and in decades past, to have you believe modernity inevitably dehumanizes man. Modernity does not dehumanize us. We, by our actions, choose to dehumanize ourselves individually.
The NPC Meme
Memetics is the study of the spread of ideas, especially viral ideas. A meme is an idea, especially an idea with the potential to go viral. It is not just an eye-catching photo on the internet with pithy captioning. It is an idea. To understand this is to have an advantage in this era of information warfare. That advantage — especially in the subsegment called “the meme wars,” contained within the greater war for your mind — does not belong to the left.
It is said on the interwebs “The left can’t meme.” It’s true — especially, if one defines memes as poignant examples of internet art and propaganda with viral potential. Internet art and propaganda from the left falls flat.
The statement “The left can’t meme,” read more literally, though, is the equivalent of saying “The left can’t think.” Enter the NPC meme. Art imitates reality.
Wikipedia claims the NPC meme, the viral idea that leftists have come to behave increasingly like script readers, increasingly like a computer controlled, preprogrammed, predictable “Non-Player Character” in video games started on 4chan with a post entitled “Are You An NPC?” that appeared around Independence Day 2016.
“If you get in a discussion with them it’s always the same buzzwords and hackneyed arguments. They’re the kind of people who make a show of discomfort when you break the status quo like by breaking the normie barrier to invoke a real discussion. it’s like in a video game when you accidentally talk to somebody twice and they give you the exact lines word for word once more.”
— Anonymously Posted
“Are you an NPC?”
4chan (July 7, 2016)
Art imitates reality. 2016 reminded us that politics too is downstream of culture. It isn’t isolated to the left. The troubling and accurate observation that the left can’t think has had powerful and reverberating consequences on culture when the lever of such total political and technological power was cobbled together into an alliance in 2019, 2020, and 2021, partly described by Ball, and put in the hands of a group of people, across society, across the political spectrum, who were and are unthinkingly reading a script.
Who Writes These Scripts?
Who writes these scripts? Anyone may try to point a finger at someone else, but in reality there is no single person to point a finger at.
The scripts are written by committees, and because so many people recognize not the validity of the individual, the action of the committee is seen as authoritative and legitimate. They are often written by one committee, passed to another for editing, and to a third, forth, and fifth for risk analysis, shuffling back and forth between them.
Who wrote that script? A committee. Who sat on the committee? It doesn’t matter. They won’t individually take responsibility for their role. They don’t perceive you as an individual and may not even see themselves as individuals. They will point fingers defensively and ad infinitum like the fearful voles that they are.
Henele Ealy and many other heroes of 2020 are playing that game against the NPC, banging his head against the head of the NPC, knowing that eventually the NPC will lose. We will owe him a debt of gratitude for his success.
Thank you Henele Ealy, because of men like him, who will play that contorted game, and adeptly challenge the NPCs in positions of power, America’s 3,000+ counties are reopening one at a time. Help heroes like Ealy as much as it serves your interest, and emulate any methods of such heroes that prove effective.
And Play A Different Game, A Far More Natural One
I beg of you, dear reader, to make sure you do something else as well, not just in official forums, but everywhere in life and every chance you get.
Do everything you want and none of what you don’t want.
Do it regardless of consequence.
Dogfights everywhere. Everywhere in your life. They will die the death of a thousand cuts. You will bolster your courage and secure freedom in your own life. The truth is, if you can say “No!” to the face mask, you can say “No!” to the vaccine, and you can say “No!” to much worse. If they can get you to say “yes” to the face mask, the field of public health knows it can get you to say “yes” to much more.
Live life on your terms. Don’t let them set the rules. Don’t let them dictate the game. Play your game, the game they can’t defend against. Blow up the narrative and you win.
And it all begins with your lack of compliance, however that may look in your life.
Public Health Is The Establishment’s Revolutionary Vanguard Because It Is Fundamentally A Study Of Mind Control & Compliance
Public health calls their study of your compliance “public health motivation theory.” This is a study of how public health officials claiming to be operating in your interest convince you to comply with their interest no matter how harmful it is for you.
The entire unethical field is built upon the rationale that the ends justify the means. Don’t let them lie to you about their existence being about anyone’s health. Health is a matter of the individual. If you can’t recognize individuals as sovereign and existing in their own right, the fundamental unit of society, then you have no ability to perceive health.
Their only health concern is the “health” of the collectivist regime they seek to install, the utilitarian “ethics” they seek to replace barbarous morality with. How frightening this might all be if their foolproof plan were in fact foolproof.
A Problem With The Plan
The NPC has a weakness. The script reader has a weakness.
The behavioral psychologist designing manipulative human resources programs meant to beguile and confuse, that expert has a weakness.
The Ivy League, CIA alumnus, artificial intelligence technocrat claiming possession of your future, he too has a weakness.
The Nobel Prize winning biometric passport program committee futurist, excited to be able to create the algorithm to dictate your every behavior from cradle to grave has a weakness.
The Rhodes Scholar who designs propaganda campaigns disseminated through Hollywood, disseminated through video games, and disseminated through social media designed to drive a wedge into your family — the last remaining institution — even he has such a mighty weakness.
What They Need
They need predictable patterns for their models to make any sense, for their learning to be of any value.
And you can explode it all, because at the heart of the concept of everything they do is a deeply impoverished philosophy: That individuals do not exist, and that they can model you as a group member, a group member with inputs and outputs as predictable as an automated teller machine, with inputs and outputs as predictable as a gumball machine, with inputs and outputs as predictable as an air conditioner.
Does that sound like any human you know? Predictable inputs and outputs? Not if they embrace their humanity it doesn’t.
And that is precisely what I ask of you: To embrace your humanity.
The Greatest Hacker
The greatest “hackers” of our era, the ones who will be able to so mightily fell vast silicon-lined and pantsuit-occupied empires of hubris may be the ones who don’t know a thing about programming, who don’t know a thing about peer reviewed managerial best practices, who don’t know a thing about data-driven preference steering and push-polling, who don’t know a thing about pre-emptive behaviorial psychology, who don’t know a thing about public health motivational theory, but who instead know themselves and know how to be human.
YES, the greatest “hackers” of our era are those who know themselves and know how to be human.
I’m talking to you — the one who got out of school as quickly as he could and never looked back, who lived life differently, who both failed mightily and succeeded mightily.
You know what it feels like to have grit in your teeth because you’ve fallen on your face, and you know just as well what it’s like to hold your chest high like a champion.
My friend, all the things “they” have always told you were your greatness weaknesses, are the things that are, in fact, your strengths, strengths lesser men do not have. Can it be any surprise that lesser men worked so hard to convince you that your strengths should be a source of shame?
Use your strengths, your unpredictabilities, your humanness, and you win every war, every time.
Disobedience everywhere.
Dogfights everywhere.
Let them never have a moment of rest. Let them never sleep the sleep of he who has obedient slaves in his home, but disobedient free men who abhor the tyrant. Let him never sleep easy at night. Let the tyrant never be able to call this land his.
Do I want immorality or unethical behavior? No. That should go without saying.
But that does not mean obedience to illegitimate authority.
Illegitimate Authority Devises Illegitimate Uses For The Law
The Law in many ages has been used as a tool to enforce immorality. Astute European thinkers have known this intimately and for ages. In our age, the Law has come into its own in the United States as a tool of total control heretofore unknown, a potential for control grown exponentially when melded with the technocratic class.
The brave new world is here if we let it be.
Your compliance is all that is needed.
There are no collective decisions. There are no collective impacts. There are no collective outcomes. You are an individual.
If you believe otherwise, go read someone else. I have nothing to offer you. Go suck your thumb on the lap of Karl Marx and in the comfort of the NPC army.
If you recognize that you are an individual, then you recognize that little done to you matters. It is how you interpret it, how you respond, how you act that gives life meaning and structure and purpose. You have agency in your own life, and all action happens at the individual level.
It’s not about anyone else. It’s about you. It’s about your individual action.
On your own, you put an end to the brave new world in your life by simply disobeying.
Want Tyranny? Be Obedient.
Want Freedom? Be Disobedient.
Everything comes down to your ability to disobey.
So much comes down to you being able to surround yourself with others who do the same.
If you can do these two things, freedom wins. It wins in your own life and wins in the world as you know it around you.
If you cannot, you lose.
The face mask is more than a face mask.
It doesn’t work to prevent the spread of a respiratory virus. We know that. They know that.
What is the face mask then?
It is a tool of compliance.
A wedge of obedience.
A lever of imposition.
A ratchet of incrementalism.
It’s that door-to-door salesman Fauci’s foot-in-the-door technique.
Close that door shut and lock it tight.
Open up the other door to your free spirit. Obedience to illegitimate authority will not bring you salvation or joy.
It won’t bring you blessing or prosperity.
It won’t bring you certainty or good conscience.
It won’t bring you legitimacy.
It won’t bring you a happy, healthy home or a lineage that lasts for ever.
Obedience to illegitimate authority leads to more tyranny.
Obedience to “them” leads to more tyranny.
Obey even once more and may you forever have the gift of a vivid memory, to remind you that when your friends, your family, everything and everyone you cherished most needed you, you did not answer the call.
Yes, like so many others decisions made by committee, you can point the finger and say you were “just following orders.”
If anyone ever holds you to it and asks what happened “back then,” you can use the Nuremberg defense of the NPC, of the committee member, of the script reader “I was just following orders.” But you and I, we both know better.
Following orders is exactly the problem.
Disobey dammit.
Disobey or see your children turned into slaves.
That is the choice of this moment
If you don’t know how to stop wearing the face mask, read Allan Stevo’s best selling “Face Masks in One Lesson,” read his writing , signup at his website for pointers, and email him directly at the email address below. It all comes down to committing to disobey illegitimate authority and doing what you know to be right in every situation. It is for you, dear Warrior that he writes these pieces. Join him in holding the line.