Is The USPS Creating A National Biometric Criminal Background Check Program?

Are Americans ready for a national United States Postal Service (USPS) biometric criminal background check program?

What initially started out as an employee criminal background screener program has morphed into a biometric criminal background check program for the public.

In 2019, the USPS innocuously began installing fingerprint scanners in post offices so they could scan potential employees. The USPS used fingerprint scanners and the National Agency Check with Inquiries (NACI) to conduct in-depth background checks.

NACI investigations are conducted for all newly hired employees as part of the post-hiring process. Based on the NACI results, the Postal Service makes a final suitability determination and the employee is either retained or separated. During the hiring process, controls are implemented to help ensure that appropriate due diligence (reviews, approval certifications, justifications, etc.) is applied.

But an article from the Federal News Network dated October, 2020 revealed all that was about to change. Our Biometric Future: ... Gates, Kelly Best Price: $2.97 Buy New $20.74 (as of 10:51 UTC - Details)

The Postal Service is working with the FBI to provide fingerprinting services at more than 100 post offices across the country. Before this partnership, the FBI had up to a 14-week turnaround time to process fingerprints for its Identity History Summary Check. But local post offices have processed these fingerprints in less than a day. People go through the fingerprinting program if they apply for a visa, adopt a child, or apply for jobs working with children. USPS officials said the agency is also looking to expand its fingerprint services to other federal agencies.

According to the feds, the USPS has been providing “Identity History Summary Checks” for the public using their fingerprints in 100 post offices.

A hundred post offices offering biometric background checks to the public is nothing to be concerned about, right?

Fast-forward four months, and the 100 post offices conducting biometric background checks on Americans has changed dramatically.

According to a January, 2021 Federal News Network article the USPS biometric criminal background checks of the public has expanded 3900 percent or 4,000 post offices!

The Postal Service is planning to expand its fingerprinting services to 4,000 facilities before the end of 2021 — a 40-fold increase from current levels – in an effort to make the most of its vast network of post offices across the country.

PR Newswire news release revealed that the USPS and facial recognition company IDEMIA are working together to conduct biometric criminal background checks on people nationwide.

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