“The more power a government has the more it can act arbitrarily according to the whims and desires of the elite, and the more it will make war on others and murder its foreign and domestic subjects. The more constrained the power of governments, the more power is diffused, checked, and balanced, the less it will aggress on others and commit democide.”
~ Rudolph Rummel–“Death by Government”. Book by Rudolph Rummel, pp. 1-2, 1994.
Democide is a concept proposed by Rudolph Rummel since at least 1994 to describe “the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their ‘authoritative’ capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command.” What better term could describe what is going on today? Governments and those controlling the political process thrive and exist only by seeking power and control. In doing so, the sacrifice of the people is a natural consequence of all government action. Today, a completely fraudulent and purposely manufactured ‘virus pandemic’ is being used as the tool to accomplish those state goals of power and control, and be damned the people in the process.
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The hundreds of millions of citizens murdered by their own governments in the twentieth century alone, stands in stark contrast to the much lesser number of deaths due to inhuman government wars during that same period. This fact alone should serve as absolute confirmation of the heinous nature of the ruling class and all governing systems. It has been pounded into the heads of Americans through indoctrination techniques that this country is different, and that others committed all the past genocide while this country was noble and exempt from those monstrous and murderous policies. Nothing could be further from the truth, and if any accept what is obviously planned for our future, it would be impossible not to see the imminent carnage against Americans coming at the hands of their own government.
Already in just the past ten months, additional deaths due to despair caused by the state in the form of lockdowns, job loss, immune system destruction, and suicide are evident, and this is nothing less than first-degree murder by a different name. As I have noted on many occasions, everything done by government is preplanned and by design. Nothing happens by chance, is accidental, or natural, as all is known in advance. The state’s controllers fully understand the weakness of its citizens, as this governing and ‘education’ system has been used for many decades to train this population to become good and useful citizens of the state, instead of thinking and acting individuals. We now live in a collective society of passive fools, all due to the success of government brainwashing and propaganda policies. Without a reversal of this plotted societal breakdown, we face terrible times indeed.
The straw that will break the camel’s back so to speak, will be the coming deadly vaccines. This nation has been put through hell this past year due to a fraud, and each and every state mandate has led to the next, each in its own way more deadly in scope if only due to this compounding of state terror. It all began with a fear campaign, but eventually most all chose to voluntarily comply with draconian measures due to peer pressure and false threats. This indicates extreme weakness of the population at large, but the combination of propaganda, scare tactics, stress, and acquiescence to orders has led to the likely assurance of a very dangerous future.
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The very adverse effects of these oppressive government directives that have befallen this population greatly compound the toxic nature of this vaccination process, a process that has already begun. This was the intended outcome sought by the state. Months of lockdowns, quarantine, job loss, extreme stress, isolation, and mask wearing were all part of the plot to harm the immune systems and psyche of Americans. These ordered actions undermined the people’s natural ability to overcome health adversity, and therefore left them vulnerable to any outside invasions due to mass injection of poisons. The vaccines that are being made available will contain several viruses, deadly toxic adjuvants including mercury and aluminum, RNA and possible DNA changing additives, tracking and tracing elements, biosensor technology, nanoparticle introduction, and could even cause sterility. This is a travesty, and certainly will appease those that are intent on advancing eugenics-based procedures.
It is my opinion that the first round of vaccines will not be quite as deadly and life changing as those to follow. This stands to reason due to the fact that normal government power and control measures are usually implemented incrementally so as to gain what appears to be voluntary acceptance. The initial plot called for everyone to be vaccinated once so that a ‘return to normal’ could happen, but there was never any legitimacy to either of those false claims. Now, it is being posited by the evil ruling class that a second or third injection will be necessary, the second only a few weeks after the first. In addition, this invasive policy will also be said due to claimed future mutations, to be necessary every few months or years forever. If one considers the inherent control desires of all governing bodies, then it should be completely evident that the vaccination policies coming into view today are of extreme importance to those wishing to gain total control of the American people.
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This strategy has all the makings of a slow and very targeted death plot. It will not only lead to a death of freedom, but will serve to cause a slow death of much of the population. According to the National Academy of Sciences, (NAS) the order of progression for this poisonous vaccine is completely ominous. First in line will be all the so-called high-risk workers beginning with health workers and first responders, and people of all ages that are weak and sick and have comorbid and underlying health conditions. This will include all the elderly; especially all those in nursing homes and that live in highly congested and overcrowded conditions, and all extremely unhealthy individuals. The next in line will be teachers, all with comorbidities that are moderate, the homeless, the mentally imbalanced, the disabled, prisoners, and all children. This has all the aspects of a eugenicist’s dream list. This is a way of using mass vaccination as democide.
The vaccine scheduling will certainly cause many more deaths that can be attributed to the fake virus called Covid-19, so this vaccine strategy will serve a dual purpose. It will be used to eliminate the state’s list of undesirables and ‘unwanted,’ and in the process, the vaccine murders committed by the state will be used to continue to increase the false pandemic fear in order to advance the abhorrent agendas of the claimed ‘elite’ class and their willing accomplices in government.
Every coming edict and every vaccine will in essence cause a reign of death and destruction at the hands of those that you have voluntarily allowed to rule over you. Only by removing your consent to rule can this horror be ended.
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