Is Infectious Disease Just a Shell Game?

A Corona Cold Virus May Not Be The Cause Of COVID-19

How does modern medicine get away with saying there is a novel newly-mutated coronavirus (cold virus) that is deadly and spreading round the world for which we have no immunity towards and then say that the flu vanished at the same time?  Is COVID-19 really just the flu?

It is now revealed that the flu has almost vanished (98% decline) in this COVID-19 year of pandemic.  And not just here in the U.S.  According to a report in the DAILY MAIL, there were just 12 cases of the flu in Chile between April and October (7,000 cases of the flu were reported in the prior year).  In South Africa flu cases literally vanished.

A virologist says there is no mistaking a flu virus for a cold virus.  Under a microscope “a fragment of genetic material from a coronavirus looks like spaghetti, while flu genetic material looks like 8 pieces of penne pasta.”  So, there is no confusion in the laboratory.  Only outside the laboratory. The Complete Anti-Infl... Cook, Lulu Best Price: $8.15 Buy New $9.59 (as of 04:07 UTC - Details)

Cases of lung cancer also declined by 75%.  Or was lung cancer just coded as COVID-19?

While there are still public information campaigns that urge the public to get a flu shot in this year of COVID-19, they are disingenuous.  The flu has vanished!  Apparently the common cold (of which coronaviruses are one type of cold virus) resulted in the disappearance of the flu.

Which came first: the cold or the flu?

As shown in a study at Yale among 13,000 cases admitted to the hospital with respiratory distress, no one ever had a cold and the flu at the same time.

Immunologists claim there is “interference between colds (rhinoviruses) and Influenza A.  Well, kinda.  The first infection activates the immune system and certainly wards off any other viral infection.

The example of pro-biotics and pre-biotics

This is demonstrated with probiotics (Acidophilus/Bifidus), sold in health shops.  Recognize, the human digestive tract comprises ~70% of the human immune system.

According to a report issued by the International Scientific Association for Probiotics & Prebiotics, pro-biotics like acidophilus don’t replicate and colonize (remain) like grass seed to make more friendly bacteria.  Pro-biotics are non-pathogenic bacteria that transiently activate an immune response.  However, probiotics only modestly reduce risk for colds and the flu. Probiotics slightly reduce incidence and severity of colds.

Whereas pre-biotics like the red wine molecule resveratrol, which encourage growth of healthy bacteria in the digestive tract, also inhibit the replication of viruses.  Resveratrol and quercetin, two molecules found in grapes and in greater concentration in wine, strongly inhibit growth of A & B viruses at the lowest tested concentration (of course, that is not an excuse to over-imbibe).

As an aside, while there are better ways of dealing with the mental stress posed by the spread of a potentially lethal mutated strain of coronavirus than drinking alcohol, consumption which is at an all-time high, wine appears to be the preferential beverage of choice during the COVID-19 lockdown pandemic. The ”I Love My I... Flaherty, Maryea Best Price: $5.99 Buy New $11.59 (as of 08:16 UTC - Details)

A statistical trick

Getting back to the vanishing flu act, actually there is a statistical trick going on.  In some prior years, there were so few deaths caused by the flu (only 257 flu deaths in the U.S. in 2001 says the American Lung Association (44,970 said the CDC) and just 727 flu deaths in 2002 said the American Lung Association (18,945 said the CDC).  I’m illogically comparing cases with deaths, but you get the idea.  Just which walnut shell is the real flu bug hiding under?

The “vanishing act” by the flu was caused by false numbers used for comparison.  In this shell game, there never were any flu cases, or only a few laboratory-confirmed flu cases.

The disappearance of seasonal flu cases and deaths, as confirmed by a Centers For Disease Control report (also see chart at bottom) is largely a statistical phenomenon.

Not explained by lockdown or face masks

Ah, critics say, the flu vanished because of social distancing and face masks.  Really, can these practices distinguish the flu from COVID-19?  Social distancing, use of face masks and population lockdown could not have been responsible for this decline as they are not flu-specific measures (COVID-19 virus cases rose during same time period) and only delay, not prevent, infectious disease.

Eventually you get COVID-19 no matter how you hide from it.  Dr. Johan Giesecke says: “Everyone will be exposed to COVID-19 will become infected, but we do not see it because it almost always spread from younger people with no or weak symptoms to other people who will have mild symptoms.”

But humanity may not be succumbing to the flu or a coronavirus.  As explained in a prior report, we are ill and dying from a weakened immune system brought on by a decline in sunshine vitamin D in winter months when humans bundle-up and don’t expose their skin to the sun’s vitamin D-producing UV rays.  Though this is not the only nutrient deficiency that is triggering lung disease in the current pandemic, as readers will learn later in this report. The LDN Book: How a Li... Linda Elsegood Best Price: $10.85 Buy New $14.99 (as of 05:30 UTC - Details)

Seasonality of coronavirus infections go unexplained

The CDC offers no explanation for the seasonality of the flu and cold epidemics.  The viruses were always there.  The vitamin D comes and goes as the Earth’s axis shifts away from the sun during winter months in the northern hemisphere.  The coronavirus season is November thru April.

Humanity has been brain-washed into thinking it has a “vaccine deficiency,” not a vitamin deficiency.

Or is COVID-19 actually TB?

For reasons not explained by the Centers for Disease Control, COVID-19 coronavirus cases are concentrated in northern States (lack of vitamin D in northern climates?) and in California, Texas, Florida and New York City, where there are high rates of another lung infection, tuberculosis.

COVID-19 is seasonal and so is tuberculosis.  Both diseases exhibit similar symptoms.  Both TB and COVID-19 are treated with the same medications (azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine).  Risk of COVID-19 is reduced by vaccination with the TB vaccine.  And there is financial incentive for hospitals to re-classify TB cases as COVID-19.

Are TB cases simply being re-coded for insurance billing purposes to COVID-19 which is reimbursed at a higher rate?  When TB data from 2020 is tabulated and reported next year, and if it is found there is a drastic decline in TB cases, that would be evidence TB cases may have been re-classified as COVID-19.  Let’s not forget that the Spanish Flu of 1918 was later found be TB, not caused by a virus.

The decline in flu cases may also be due to human populations utilizing natural remedies (vitamins C, D, trace minerals zinc).

So precisely, what is causing COVID-19?

The Beautiful Cure: Th... Davis, Daniel M. Best Price: $8.51 Buy New $10.02 (as of 03:22 UTC - Details) COVID-19 produces similar symptoms to the flu and TB, but there is some unique symptomology and pathology: loss of smell (anosmia), highly prevalent in COVID-19 cases, but not so much in other lung pathologies; silent symptoms, but ending up with scarred lungs (fibrosis); blood clotting issues; skin lesions (rash, hives, chicken-pox-like aberrations; prolonged fatigue (low thyroid); delirium (mental confusion); low oxygen levels in blood, poor circulation (“COVID toes”), low testosterone.

All of these disease symptoms are related to a shortage of the trace mineral zinc

Zinc shortage and COVID19

This author presented a report showing virtually all of the symptoms of COVID-19 are the same produced by zinc deficiency.

Loss of appetite with accompanying weight loss is commonly reported among COVID-19 patients (zinc is often the first remedy used to treat anorexia).  Even delirium, reported among COVID-19 sufferers, can become evident when zinc levels are low.  Ditto for the occurrence of poor blood circulation (“COVID toes”), skin problems, nausea, hair loss.

Reading all this, many chose unwittingly overdose on zinc, which causes some of the same symptomology.  So, follow dosing suggestions.

Zinc dosing

There is a balance between zinc and copper.  Dr. Ananda Prasad, reigning authority on zinc nutrition, says humans can take up to 40 milligrams of supplemental zinc without inducing a copper shortage.  I suggest 30 mg zinc from supplements for adults given that the diet provides ~10 mg/day.

Why COVID-19 strikes the elderly; zinc again

A possible reason why COVID-19 strikes older adults is that zinc is poorly absorbed by senior adults, namely because zinc is required for the production of hydrochloric acid, which is needed to absorb most water-soluble lettered B-C vitamins.  Vitamin B6 aids the absorption and utilization of zinc.

Once absorbed into the bloodstream zinc is bound to a protein (metallothionein) that renders it temporarily unavailable.  The co-supplementation with selenium releases zinc from metallothionein.

The absent coronavirus: exosomes

What could possibly cause a massive zinc shortage that is presumed to be caused by a specious virus?  I say specious because there are critics who convincingly and graphically demonstrate that COVID-19 is really a tiny vesicle called an exosome that transports the cell signals viruses send to surrounding cells.  The confusion between viruses and exosomes is not new. It arose as early as 2003 in the medical literatureExosomes are at the very least facilitate the transport of viral proteins throughout the body.

Why does this COVID-19 coronavirus induce a zinc deficiency unlike any other virus? 

Maybe because it isn’t a virus.

The most obvious nemesis of zinc is arsenic.

Arsenic has been found to decrease blood serum zinc levels (-64%) and intestinal selenium levels (-30%).

Arsenic is in the food chain, from contaminated water wells to arsenic-rich foods.  Arsenic poisoning produces many of the same symptoms to zinc deficiency and COVID-19Exposure to arsenic or zinc deficiency are considered clinically synonymous.  A marginal shortage of dietary zinc can sensitize the microbiome (gut bacteria) to arsenic exposure.

It cannot be overlooked that arsenic was widely used as an insecticide in the early 1900s around the time of the Spanish flu.  While low-dose intake levels of arsenic are tolerated by public health agencies, it has been found that arsenic in doses of 10 to 100 parts per billion (10-100 micrograms) compromise the innate immune response in lungs of laboratory mice.

Organically-bound arsenic is not near as toxic as inorganically bound arsenic, such as in drinking water.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) limits the maximum level of arsenic allowed in US drinking water to 10 micrograms per liter (μg/L), or 10 parts per billion (ppb).

Fish, shellfish, meat, poultry and cereals can be dietary sources of arsenic.  In seafood arsenic is presented mainly in its less toxic organically-bound form.

Arsenic is reported to be in relatively high levels in rice.  That is because of the mineral-binding (chelating) molecule in rice bran called IP6 (inositol hexaphosphate, AKA phytic acid, or phytate).  Arsenic is bound so tightly to this rice bran molecule that it poses little or no health risk, IP6 being nature’s mineral chelator (key-lay-tor).  Some looney health nuts want to actually soak rice to remove the IP6.  IP6 makes arsenic organically-bound, rendering it harmless.

Arsenic exposure is associated with exacerbation of flu infectionsResearchers believe arsenic leads to susceptibility to influenza A (H1N1).

Arsenic can also inactivate selenium-dependent enzymesSelenium is important in the detoxification of arsenic.

Accumulated risk

Arsenic is stored in hair, nails, skin, bone and teeth.  Daily intake of arsenic may be within toxic consumption guidelines but it may be accumulated arsenic that eventually poses problems.

Skin lesions caused by arsenic arise ~10 years after chronic exposure.

Environmental arsenic

Arsenic is widely used in the weed killer glyphosate.  Glyphosate is reported to contain 600-1200 parts per billion arsenic compared to 0.17 parts per billion is reported to cause chronic poisoning.  Arsenic is believed to be inert in this weed killer so it is not listed on product labels.

Even with the use of glyphosate with its hidden arsenic, this weed killer wasn’t as strong a source of this toxic mineral in the food chain until farmers began flooding crops with arsenic-laden glyphosate to prime their harvest.

Moms Across America president Zen Hunnicutt informs that 1.4 billion pounds of glyphosate are sprayed on our food.  They do not wash off.  And believe it or not, arsenic-laden glyphosate is even found in vaccines.

Return to TB

Let’s return for a moment to tuberculosis, a prevalent infectious lung disease said to be caused by a mycobacterium.  Mortality from TB is increased by exposure to arsenic.  Blood serum levels of zinc and selenium are lower in patients with TB.  That was reported as early as 1924.  Historically mega-dose arsenic was actually used to treat TB.  But it is now reported that inorganic (unbound) arsenic in drinking water increases the risk for active (not dormant) cases of TB.

In regard to the trace mineral selenium mention above, selenium-deficient mice develop more harmful lung inflammation after being infected with flu viruses (vaccination).  Nerve paralyzing enteroviruses (gut viruses) are more prevalent when there is selenium deficiency.

Gastric symptoms: is COVID-19 an enterovirus?

It is not uncommon for COVID-19 patients to complain of gastric symptoms.  An arsenic-induced zinc deficiency can induce gastric side effects.

There is question how COVID-19 is spread.  The Centers for Disease Control has caused confusion over this, saying it can be transmitted from hand to mouth, then later only by aerosol transmission from infected lung to uninfected lung.  Maybe neither.

Please read my 2013 report about viruses and arsenic and you might begin to believe COVID-19 is an enterovirus not a cold virus.

Enteroviruses enter the body through the gastrointestinal tract and thrive thereEnteroviruses can cause infectious disease symptoms similar to the common cold.  In some cases enteroviruses induce serious breathing problems.


Arsenic and zinc’s fingerprints are all over COVID-19, one as an initiator, the other a remedy.  By implication, one of these two minerals is THE cause of COVID-19 infection, and the other its antidote.

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