Around 150 vaccines are being developed for the alleged* rona virus, but the ones that deserve the most attention are the ones winning contracts and/or being trialled already, because their success is almost guaranteed. Some people want them, some never think about it, and others worry they could be coerced or physically forced to get them. The thing is, everyone should have access to information so they can make informed choices about what is right.
Two of these ronavax are vaguely similar to the kind of vaccines that have been licensed in the past. One is made by Sanofi/GSK – selected for Operation Warp Speed in the U.S., this vaccine contains proteins that are made in a bioreactor, using genetically engineered baculoviruses and insect cells. This is a method of protein engineering. Novavax, also funded by the US government uses a similar technique, but packages the proteins in nanoparticles. The idea behind these vax is the same as ‘normal’ vaccines, because the proteins are designed to look like the ones the rona is said to make (usually referred to as the spike or ‘S’ protein) so that your body reacts to them as if they were ‘the real thing’.
All the others are genetic vaccines, or ‘genvax’. They are very experimental, because they gain access to your cells and get you to be the bioreactor and make the proteins yourself. Anglatech Fly Fishing ... Buy New $59.95 (as of 05:56 UTC - Details)
This is done by smuggling genetic instructions into your cells, using one of three methods:
- Adenoviruses which have been genetically modified to contain or ‘express’ the gene of interest (used by AstraZeneca and J&J/Janssen)
- Lipid nanoparticles with mRNA (used by Pfizer/BioNTech, Curevac, and Moderna)
- DNA plasmids (used by INOVIO, a company worth noting because of its novel techniques, strategic partnerships and product pipeline)
They are all ‘delivery vehicles’ or ‘vectors’ – a way to get the DNA/mRNA into your cells.
They are all methods used in gene therapy. If the ronavax are licensed, not only could gene therapy become very big business, but restrictions on genetic patents could be loosened. Most current gene therapy products are for very specific conditions, e.g. LUXTURNA which uses the RPE65 gene for patients with an inherited retinal disease. However, because genvax use the same techniques, getting the ronavax to market could begin a new era of busy production lines in bio-factories, meaning they could also churn out some of the other ‘therapeutics’ that have been planned. Fishing Ruler | Long S... Buy New $21.95 (as of 05:56 UTC - Details)
DNA and mRNA are said to be ‘the software of life’ and the possibilities are endless. So, perhaps, are the dangers. Because, whilst the platform or vector remain the same, the software doesn’t. For each new application, or disease, a new genetic code is designed on computers. Then, the new code is added to the chosen vector, whether it’s synthetic adenoviruses, bacterial plasmids, or nanoparticles. And each new code is a new risk. So, perhaps, is combining the codes – having more than one genetic vaccine, or drug, could create unforeseen effects.
Some of these platforms have patents which describe the use of XNA (xeno nucleic acids), as well as the lab-made DNA/mRNA – and all sorts of other things you might not realise!
Since they are all genetic vaccines, let’s call them ‘genvax’. They are very hard to understand when nobody has explained anything, but this series of articles will give information on some of the basics so you can wrap your head around it all!
[*The rona virus can only be ‘alleged’ because no causal link between what the rona tests are detecting, and any illness deemed to be ‘covid’, has been established. All we have to go on is ‘the news’, anecdotal reports, guesses, and a genetic sequence of ‘the rona’ provided by Zhang and Holmesby January 10th, 2020, and the abomination of ‘involving covid’ in the statistics. Be sure, at least, to check the mortality figures provided by your government and compare them to previous years! Most of the people who died in the beginning were already ill and old, and the lockdown meant their level of care was substantially reduced.] The Orvis Fly-Fishing ... Best Price: $19.24 Buy New $14.65 (as of 05:56 UTC - Details)
The top seven ronavax, in terms of contracts awarded, are described below. Bear in mind that all of these vaccines:
- Are genetically modified or engineered (and some of them also contain genetic instructions for the body).
- Have been in development for a range of diseases for over 30 years.
- Received funding and support from the big boys.
- Can be tested and produced at enormous scale, according to the companies that make them (although hardly anyone is trained to do this because it’s never been done before).
- Have NEVER been licensed.
Only a handful of DNA vaccines have ever been licensed but they are all for veterinary use (e.g. for pigs and chickens).
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