“Economic globalization creates wealth, but only for the elite who benefit from the surge of consolidations, mergers, global scale technology, and financial activity.”
Anita Roddick (2001). “Take It Personally: How to Make Conscious Choices to Change the World”, Harper Thorsons
The most dynamic aspect of the economic paradigm of the United States over the past century has been the mass transfer of wealth to the few, and the new ruling society created due to this shift. It was not pure capitalism that caused this phenomenon; it was the lack of real capitalism and free markets, which could be characterized as a fascist, protectionist oligarchy created by blending the banking, corporate, and political classes on one side, and the rest of society on the other. This tremendous transfer of wealth brought with it excessive corruption and tyranny, and allowed for chaos due to the new and more pronounced class distinctions.
Current unemployment according to John Williams at Shadowstats is 30%, and this equates to well over 40 million people, and I believe it is actually much higher. There are approximately 158 million in the American workforce, so with nearly a third of the population now out of work, the future implications are deadly. The ruler’s plan for this fall and winter is to vastly increase the fear and panic by claiming a huge second wave of this ‘virus,’ and this will be easily accomplished due to the fact that the entire population of this country has been weakened dramatically due to isolation, job loss, quarantine, mask wearing, and continued stress. Immune systems in this country are shot, and this flu season will be used to advance the propaganda that is already at ludicrous levels. When that happens, more isolation, enforceable mandates, lockdown, increased business closures, and more will cause increased additional harm; more than has occurred to date. The split in society will continue to widen, and the civil unrest will worsen throughout the fall and winter. Take It Personally: Ho... Best Price: $1.98 Buy New $9.63 (as of 03:09 UTC - Details)
The near elimination of the middle class caused by this government response policy, brings with it a society much easier to control from the top. That was the main objective all along, as separating society into two classes, one wealthy and one not, a power shift of epoch proportion was the result. Considering the state response to this purposely created coronavirus pandemic, it seems the desire was to finish off small and medium businesses, create mass unemployment, push large numbers of working people into poverty, so as to not only break the spirit of the American populace, but to create a new society of dependency. This of course is meant to clear a path to total population control.
For the ruling class to be able to advance such a grand scheme of wealth transfers and power, destruction of the current system is necessary. It cannot seem obvious to the masses, or at least it has to be made to seem much more complicated than it really is, and that is exactly what happened. The tactics used by the central banks and their corporate and government accomplices, were meant to gain great wealth while eliminating any economic freedom for most of the people. This was done by destroying free markets, killing any incentive to save, vastly increasing the money supply in favor of the wealthy, and creating a debt based economy that would eventually drain the middle class of its provisions for the future. By lowering interest rates to zero, printing unheard of amounts of money out of thin air, and justifying these policies by claiming to ‘stimulate’ the economy, the herd continued to applaud the efforts of their future slave masters. The stock market was used as the only economic indicator, and of course that market has proven to be nothing more than a counterfeit and deceptive manipulation. Body and Soul: Profits... Best Price: $7.73 Buy New $41.99 (as of 03:09 UTC - Details)
Today, this country and most others are effectively bankrupt, and that was the plan all along. Debt levels are beyond the imagination of all except a few that understand the scope of this treacherous plot. Real money is almost non-existent, as the fiat monetary order has consumed the entirety of the banking system worldwide. This has laid the groundwork for the deliberate demolition of the world economy in favor of a technocratic and digital age of personal and monetary control. Hence, the coronavirus fraud, and its ability to act as cover for those responsible for the bankrupting of society. All this economic carnage will be blamed on a fake virus, and at this point, the people have no idea what really happened. The ruling banksters, their corporate comrades, and the puppet politicians have caused this coming economic collapse, but they will never be blamed. The rest of us will soon see the results of this masterful plot, but by then it will be too late to resurrect what has been lost.
One might say that this explanation is far-fetched or something out of science fiction, but is it really that difficult to comprehend? There is always a method to state madness, and it is normally sinister in nature. The economic condition of the United States, as well as most of the rest of the world, is not now based on growth and progress due to an entrepreneurial spirit, free markets, and monetary stability, but is based on debt and consumption. This change did not occur naturally, but was designed, initiated, and implemented over time in order to change the core of society so as to create a new economic system. Gods of Money: Wall St... Best Price: $8.98 Buy New $29.95 (as of 03:42 UTC - Details)
By the end of this next planned phase of the ‘virus’ scare, a global reset of the world economy will be ready to launch. This reset will be mammoth in scope, as everything we have known will be restructured. Economies worldwide will fail due to the destruction of businesses and money. This was going to happen regardless of this pandemic, but the pandemic will be used as the excuse to go forward. This will not just be an economic reset however, it will be much more broad in reach than that, and will affect every aspect of life. The monetary system will be restructured, and a fully monitored digital system will emerge. Those out of work in the final stage will most likely stay out of work, pushing the dependency state to new levels sought by the ruling class. Population control measures will steadily increase, and forced RNA vaccination will be used to alter the DNA structure of humans. Controlling the population will be a key component of the plan, including population size, birth rates, movement, and personal contact among individuals. The elimination of normal human interaction is sought, and this is only the beginning.
As conditioning of the herd reaches new levels, and more voluntarily choose to go along, the ‘new normal’ will continue to change to suit the new narrative. If enough do not comply with this reset, if too many are resistant, there is always a possibility of a real bio-weapon release in order to bring about the final wave of fear in order to finish the reset agenda. The ultimate goal is total control, and every tool in the box of the tyrants will be used to gain that control. Restraint by the ruling class will be non-existent, as this staged reset is now going forward at a very accelerated pace.
For this to be successful, the reengineering of humanity is necessary, and that can never be allowed to happen, for if it does, it means the end of the human spirit.
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