“If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience.” [George Bernard Shaw]
Current events were unexpected. But they show precisely how incapable man is of learning from history. With modern technology we have the greatest access ever to the facts and lessons of history. Yet in 2020 we are headed down what has become a well-trod path to perdition.
Today we are witnessing the wanton destruction of our civilization, our humanity, and the takeover by power hungry despots. We have seen this movie before.
211 AD: In ancient Rome the memory of the emperor Geta was dropped down whatever they had for a memory hole by first murdering him then obliterating his image in an act of damnatio memoriae.
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1789: The French Revolution saw the tearing down of religious icons and the pillaging of Notre Dame.
2001: In Afghanistan the Taliban destroyed Buddhist temples.
2020: In their irrational rage and ignorance Black Lives Matter and their ilk are tearing down statues of men who fought to end slavery. Chicago threatens to bulldoze churches because the state does not want competition from God.
Have we learned anything from history? It doesn’t look like it.
Here’s a hypothetical encyclopedia entry:
“In March 2020 the corona virus struck the U.S.
Over the next six months, following the directives of still concealed deep state operatives, many governors and mayors shut down the American economy. The U.S. experienced the most rapid and radical social transformation in its history. Money, markets, and private property were disrupted. Schools, hospitals, shops, offices, and churches were closed. Nothing was published unless the social media, in collusion with the mainstream media, allowed it; no one could travel without permission; and everyone was ordered to wear a mask. The poorest people, mostly felons, drug addicts and illegal aliens were favored at everyone else’s expense. A handful of party leaders controlled everything in the country, but they remained hiding behind their security fences and armed guards and explained few of their decisions. Instead, they urged everyone to “flatten the curve”. “Shelter in place”. “Be afraid”. In November 2020 Donald Trump lost his bid for reelection in retribution for the deliberately trashed economy. Soon after a new constitution had renamed the country “Black MotherLand” and replaced the Star-Spangled Banner with the Black National Anthem. An addle-brained Joe Biden became Commander in Chief, and more than a year passed before observers were able to identify the Clintons as the power behind the president.
But that hypothetical is not so hypothetical after all. It’s just history repeating itself. Mark Twain supposedly said history does not repeat itself but it does rhyme. If that’s true then today’s rhyme is certainly not suitable for the nursery.
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Here’s an actual entry from Britannica.com.
“In April 1975 the Lon Nol government collapsed. …
“Over the next six months, following the directives of a still-concealed Communist Party of Kampuchea, Cambodia experienced the most rapid and radical social transformation in its history. Money, markets, and private property were abolished. Schools, hospitals, shops, offices, and monasteries were closed. Nothing was published; no one could travel without permission; and everyone was ordered to wear peasant work clothes. As in Mao Zedong’s China, the poorest peasants were favored at everyone else’s expense. A handful of party leaders controlled everything in the country, but they remained in hiding and explained few of their decisions. Instead, they urged everyone to “build and defend” the country. In April 1976 Sihanouk resigned as head of state, soon after a new constitution had renamed the country Democratic Kampuchea. A soft-spoken and unknown figure named Pol Pot became prime minister, and more than a year passed before observers outside the country were able to identify him as Saloth Sar.”
What we are seeing today is but a variation on a theme: Communist usurpation and the erasing of history. We are being told we all must make sacrifices for the common good. As usual those demanding the sacrifices are exempt.
After taking over in Cambodia the Khmer Rouge proceeded to starve and slaughter millions.
And so it begins here.
People with covid 19 are forced into nursing homes resulting in the unnecessary deaths of thousands of elderly. Patients put on ventilators hastening their demise. Businesses are destroyed. We are told to comply with harmful edicts or we will not work. If we don’t work we wont eat. What work will we do? Whatever we are allowed to do.
There are estimates of up to 150,000 “deaths of despair” caused by forced unemployment. People with cancer and heart disease are not being treated resulting in more untimely deaths. Food shortages are becoming apparent due to breaks in the food supply chain. Seasonal workers that are vital to the food supply are prevented from moving around further impacting production.
Government is being urged to “do something”. So it does. It demands masks, distancing, DNA vaccinations, tracking. In effect it is saying, “You must not look human. You must not act human. You must not be human. And we know where you are”. Of course the government solutions cause more problems. Which results in more calls for government action. Could there be a plan here?
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This time it began with a virus out of China (they tell us). A virus whose trajectory appeared to be similar to that of any virus. At first the “experts” told us that it was going to be like the flu. No special precautions required. Just the usual “stay home if you are sick”, “wash your hands”, “cover your mouth when you cough”.
Then the lies and distortions began. Faulty models from a fellow named Ferguson with a track record of failed predictions estimated there would be 2.2 million deaths in the U.S.
New lies were built on old lies. Any shred of good news was suppressed or used as an excuse for more dire predictions.
This was followed by the opportunists. They pounced on the economy like hyenas on a stray calf.
They are exploiters. Like OSHA’s Marthe Kent. Marthe once said, (para 13),
“I like having a very direct and very powerful impact on worker safety and health. If you put out a reg, it matters. I think that’s really where the thrill comes from. And it is a thrill; it’s a high… I love it; I absolutely love it. I was born to regulate. I don’t know why, but that’s very true. So as long asI’m regulating, I’m happy.”
The Marthes of the world, ensconced in their state houses, county seats and city councils, saw their chance for happiness. They ignored the constitutions and laws they swore to uphold and proceeded to take over the lives of their subjects.
Where will it end?
That depends on which version of this movie you are watching. None of them have a happy ending. You cannot escape by leaving the theater. You are an actor in the movie.
The good news is that the mayhem is self-limiting. Socialism is not possible without capitalism first creating, then sustaining, the wealth that the collectivists are out to seize. Without the host the parasites cannot survive. These parasites are not far sighted enough to realize what will happen after they have killed their host.
The bad news is…we are the host. And so far, with too few exceptions, we have been a gracious host.
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The time for graciousness is over. The people we invited into our homes to help run things have proven to be not only incompetent but positively destructive. They are stealing the silver, defacing the decorations and defecating in the driveway.
Now that the Janus-faced politicians have shown us their true visage you would think the sheeple would come to their senses. This November they have a chance to show that they have. They can throw the tyrants out and keep the few honorable leaders that exist. But will they?
If not our goose is cooked. The only hope is that a new life will someday emerge, phoenix-like, from the remnant.
The U.S. economy has been a goose laying golden eggs for hundreds of years. Now it appears to be slowly turning on a spit. What kind of sauce would you like on yours?
It may be your last meal as a free human being.