What do you call a system in which a person is forced to work for someone else without pay?
Each year adults all over the “developed” world spend the first half of the year working without pay, in a form of slavery creatively called the income tax.
It’s slavery.
Doesn’t matter what foolish name they give it.
Each year, tens of thousands of people around the globe learn who really owns their home when they neglect to pay taxes on it and are forced out.
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Property tax they call it. No matter whose name is on the deed, skip your property tax payments and be reminded that you’re just a tenant with no actual property rights.
It’s tenancy.
Doesn’t matter what foolish name they give it.
I make something. You like it. You offer to buy it from me. I say yes. We agree to a price, and you pull out the money. Some guy sticks his hand through the window and takes 13% of the money just as it’s passing between your hands and mine.
That’s stealing.
Doesn’t matter what foolish name they give it.
It doesn’t matter if it’s 1%, 13%, or 21%. It’s still stealing. There’s no nominal amount of stealing that’s appropriate. There’s no justifiable quantity. There’s no moral amount that can be stolen. It’s all bad.
I don’t care if the guy calls it sales tax, VAT, or protection money, the money is still stolen.
In Kozani, Greece on Thursday, July 16, 2020, a 45-year-old man walked into the government tax office on Aristotle Street with an ax and started swinging away at people working there.
The dramatic retelling of the story ends with the reporter saying “Authorities are still looking for any clear motives for the attack…”
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Clear motives to want to do harm to thieves?
Clear motives to want to do harm to thieves who not only enslave you, threaten your home and steal from you, but also now use their ill gotten gains to lock you into your home, pump the airwaves with fear, refuse to let you visit the sick, divide families, close playgrounds, close beaches, make beloved childhood activities illegal, foment societal division, put the elderly in group homes to die neglected and alone, close stadiums, bring the recovered alcoholic back to the bottle, cancel lifesaving surgeries for those on the brink of death, push the depressive over the edge, stop therapy for those with cancer creeping through their body, make life so unnecessarily challenging for the marginalized who were just starting to get things together, deny families a funeral, close down the churches, and destroy the economizing human cooperation that we call our civilization?
And then if you don’t go along with their destructionism they say you are so dishonorable that you hate people and are anti-science.
Clear motives for the attack? Is that really a serious question?
The Greek man with the ax might be more sane than anyone I know. He’s one in a billion. The real question isn’t “What’s wrong with him?” The real question is “What’s wrong with the rest of us?”