1. Ensure that your basic preps and backup supplies are in order. This includes an adequate supply of food, water, and sanitation supplies. Two weeks is a bare minimum. Three months or more is better.
2. Take stock of your first aid kit and medical supplies including necessary prescription drugs. Medical supplies, remedies, and prescription drugs will likely be in short supply if there is civil unrest. For ideas, see the first aid section of this article.
3. Learn homesteading skills and self-sufficiency skills regardless of whether you are living in an apartment, condo, house, or rural homestead. Read 12 Ways to Homestead in Place for ideas.
4. Inventory the security features in your home to determine weaknesses that need to be strengthened. Read A Dozen Home Security and Crime Prevention Tips for the Prepper for tips.
5. Set up a personal self-defense system. If you own a firearm, apply for a concealed weapons permit, stock up on ammo, and practice shooting at the range. Invest in pepper sprays, bully clubs, slingshots, and other tools that will arm you against the bad guys.
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6. Form a community of like-minded people that will band together for protection and safety during times of chaos. This is going to be tough because trust will be an issue when your back is to the wall. A good book to read for ideas is actually a piece of fiction by James Wesley Rawles, Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse.
7. Stockpile cash in small bills. In a massive and chaotic riot situation, ATMs and banks are likely to be inaccessible, closed, or inoperable.
8. Accumulate goods for barter. When the shelves are empty or the stores are closed, you may need to call on others for the supplies you need but did not anticipate. Have something to barter. Spirits (including beer, wine, and good old Jack Daniels) are always good choices as are candles, batteries, food, sanitation supplies, and first aid items are good to have a hand for barter as are fresh eggs and homegrown garden vegetables. See 40 Items to Barter in a Post-Collapse World.
9. Don’t forget about children, the elderly, and pets. In a riot or lockdown, they may become fearful and panicked. Stowaway some amusements and comfort items for them as well.
10. Invest in a reference library of books, manuals, and survival guides. Don’t forget to include fiction as well as non-fiction plus reading materials suitable for a variety of different ages.
11. Acquire communication equipment so that you can keep in touch with family members and the outside world during times of civil disobedience. This may include an emergency radio, a shortwave scanner, a HAM radio or something else. Your gear will do you no good if you do not know how to use it. If it is too complicated, create a cheat sheet or find something simpler to use. Practice often!
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12. Develop a family emergency plan so that everyone knows what to do and where to meet in the event the worst happens. See Survival Basics: 10 Steps for Preparing a Family Emergency Plan.
13. Keep a level head and your mouth shut. If during times of unrest, you are pulled into a police net, the first thing you should do is call a lawyer. Be courteous and polite and do not resist. Law enforcement agencies will treat you much better if you don’t give them a hard time. It will not do you any good to resist but it could cause you a lot more trouble than you could imagine.
Print out the following and keep it in your wallet and in your car along with your registration:
1. First, ask to call your lawyer.
2. Be courteous; do not resist.
3. Do not consent to search or entry.
4. Do not talk about anything; do not admit OR DENY anything.
5. Ask if you are free to go. If you are, GO.
The ACLU also has a printable card you can download and keep with you: What To Do If You’re Stopped By Police. For more information, you can also download the booklet Your Rights When Encountering Law Enforcement.
14. Prep for pets
We love our dogs and cats and it is impossible to not consider them during civil unrest. Try to have a few months worth of dog or cat food put back. While it may seem expensive, dried dog food is available in 10 lb boxes that rehydrates to 40 lbs. It actually doesn’t cost as much to feed as a lot of dry foods and if you have a small or medium-sized dog you can stash a lot of food in a small space. If you stockpile dry dog food then you can put it in a barrel and seal it up with diatomaceous earth.
15. Learn some basic self-defense
There are countless videos, books, classes, etc that you can utilize. If you need to then grab a friend and practice some motions. A lot of local community centers and YMCAs have affordable self-defense classes that can help you learn and set aside the time to learn essentials. Even if you have been in a tussle or two, it never hurts to brush up and also improve your skillset. Remember that situational awareness is your first level of defense and will allow you to avoid a lot of situations that might lead to physical confrontation and harm.