The Insolent American Population Has Become a Pathetic Mass of Irrelevancy, and Ripe for Takeover

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world
 if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years.
 But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a
 world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite
 and world bankers is surely preferable to the national
 auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

~ David Rockefeller– “The Powers That Be: America’s Dirtiest Secrets”/Book by William Caniano, 2007.

The Powers That Be: Am... Caniano, W.J. Best Price: $30.21 (as of 09:12 UTC - Details) The fact that self-proclaimed intellectual elites believe they are above all others, and are the only sovereigns, is tantamount to a belief that they are exalted overlords without check by the people. What has happened in the past few months has been staggering, and has exposed agendas not thought about by most of the people in this country in the past. The state has always been tyrannical, as that is the nature of government, but the escalation of fascist totalitarianism recently has surpassed all imagination. What this means is that the elite rulers and their political comrades have decided to make this the end game instead of relying on the long-term incremental devastation of individual liberty that they have practiced for decades.

Apparently, this all-in approach is being advanced now due to a belief that the masses in this country are ripe for takeover, and will not resist in any legitimate manner necessary to stop the onslaught of agendas meant to achieve a new world order; one that requires control of all people and systems. In addition, the monetary system is on the verge of collapse, as massive printing and debt have reached unsustainable levels, leaving the ruling elites in a temporary position of necessity to accelerate the takeover of society. The huge wealth transfers of late have been successful, so in order to gain total dominance, the monetary system must be restructured in their favor in order to allow central control over all financial transactions. This new system will be a digital structure on a global scale. While this current push is extensive and very inclusive, many aspects of individual control measures will continue to be implemented over time. Some measures are still too radical to advance in the open, but as more government authoritative supervision becomes evident over individuals, more drastic changes that allow direct control will be forthcoming.

The Propaganda Project Williams, Phil M. Best Price: $12.19 Buy New $14.24 (as of 11:50 UTC - Details) The medical system monopoly will play a major role in this takeover of humanity, and if even more draconian measures than have happened so far this year are allowed to continue, population-wide changes in the human genetic makeup will be attempted through medical mandates. This will help the controlling powers to gain more command of what will be considered the lower classes; meaning all but the top tier of elites and their pawns in government. What I am speaking about here is future “vaccination” (injection) procedures that can alter human DNA structure. There are also very advanced technologies that will allow for any number of injections of tracking software, mind control, nanoparticle hydro gels, and smart nanoparticle injections that can be controlled remotely for alterations and time-controlled release of invasive biotechnological agents and updates.

This is no longer science fiction, and is the most dangerous part of the agenda being sought by the controlling elites. It is not only being considered but also purposely planned. Most have never looked into this type of eerie and invasive technology, but it does exist, and is being plotted for the future. The medical system in this country has become almost entirely an allopathic system based on treatment instead of prevention, and steeped in pharmaceutical prescription drug delivery instead of non-invasive homeopathic medical techniques. The idea of drugs, toxic vaccines, and surgery have been made normal nationwide, and most all are accustomed to this type of system, so it is no stretch to imagine a mass acceptance by the bulk of the population of drugs and injection of chemicals and technological agents as a way to survive and stay safe. It is accepted after all as the easy way out, and that is the natural course that people in this country seek.

Propaganda Edward Bernays Best Price: $6.42 Buy New $9.66 (as of 07:40 UTC - Details) Consider that the ruling element of society in order to achieve total control over the physical and psychological makeup of the human species, desires to literally computerize the biological working mechanisms of mankind. Do not dismiss this out of hand, or consider it some sort of “conspiracy theory,” as the implementation of this type of technology is not only in the works, but is extremely advanced at this stage. If billions of people accept the new untested vaccinations coming due to the illegitimate coronavirus “pandemic,” then this process will have already begun in earnest.

Considering the general population, this type of scenario is unfathomable for most, and from a common intellectual point of view borders on the impossible. This thinking is a mistake in judgment. The American herd has been programmed to believe over generations that they are in control, and that the ruling class is there to represent and protect them, but that is a lie. The future has already arrived considering the intent of those seeking total control. Nothing is off the table at this time, and all current systems are under threat.

The new system will be one of credit, where all current monetary procedures will no longer exist, and any new system will be based on management and control through computerized digital methods. Biometric identification and continuous data collection from all will be evident, even more so than today, especially once implanted chips or monitoring devices become universal. Property claims on humans may not be active today, but will be very soon given the technological advances in the works, including new digital money systems, tracking and tracing apps, and any forced medical applications that are administered with DNA altering technology.

Crystallizing Public O... Bernays, Edward Best Price: $9.20 Buy New $11.97 (as of 04:13 UTC - Details) The monopolization of all real food is in the works as well, and the false “pandemic” has caused many farmers to go under, harming food stocks, and causing destruction of crops and the killing of livestock. This has led to food shortages nationwide that is leading to a forced demand for GMO food production, food production that is chemically based and poisonous. Again, this purposeful destruction of agriculture will lead to dependence on corporate food supplies that can be used as another method to control all of us.

The asinine, non-productive, and violent destruction of people and property that is going on every day in this country through rioting and looting, is not revolution, it is criminal insanity stoked by the very entities responsible for all the destruction since February of this year. This planned chaos that is being perpetrated by these non-thinking and brainless individuals is only feeding the fire of tyranny, and helping to solidify the new order sought by the controllers at the top. Little that happens is organic, as everything that has happened so far has led to the advancement of the final agendas necessary to achieve total control.

What is coming will be the end of freedom and the enslavement of all but the few. The billionaires are running the world now, and at this point, there is little chance of them being stopped unless a mass awakening takes place. Some think that 5% or 10% of the population rebelling against the state is necessary for this to be stopped, but are there 15 million to 30 million Americans willing to risk all to regain freedom? If not, our future is doomed. This will not end of its own accord, it will not blow over, nothing will return to normal without legitimate revolt, as the destruction of life as any have ever known it is upon us.

Sources: Here, here, here, and here.

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