Up until recently, the unprecedented events of 2020 have conjured up visions of George Orwell’s 1984. As the madness spreads, with no responsible leadership in sight, I am reminded more of a Lord of the Flies scenario.
Protesters- almost certainly organized and funded by someone or something nefarious- have taken over six blocks in Seattle, Washington. There was no opposition to them doing so. In fact, police there quickly abandoned their precinct. Could anyone imagine this happening even a decade ago?
A Black “warlord,” dubbing himself as “Raz,” arrived instantly on the scene, as if transported there by Hollywood central casting. They first named their new “Republic” CHAZ, or Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, but are now calling themselves CHOP, for Capitol Hill Occupied Protest. The “racist” White establishment is as respectfully recognizing this as they did years ago, when absurd Black celebrities started sporting childish nicknames like Snoop Dog, ‘Lil Romeo, Ice-T, etc.
Lord of the Flies Best Price: $0.25 Buy New $5.30 (as of 09:56 UTC - Details) Seattle Fire Chief Harold Scoggins exemplified what I call the Stupid White Response to this armed takeover, by stating, “We’re trying to work through different plans. There have been incidents inside the area, and we’ve been in communication with the teams and working at handoff points and, so that’s been our plan up to this point. But what we know is that’s a limited plan.” This is the kind of leadership America has suffered under for far too long. And now it’s showing.
While we still see scattered incidents of police officers acting irresponsibly and abusing their authority in their customary manner, as a whole our police forces have figuratively (and sometimes literally) taken a knee for the protesters. They might as well be waving white flags of surrender. They haven’t even attempted to stop most of the looting, burning of buildings, and destruction of property. In one case, police officers washed the feet of some black clergymen.
We are witnessing a monumental breakdown of all authority. Those tasked with keeping “order,” by whatever definition, and who are paid by taxpayers to do so, are failing miserably at their jobs. Well, failure isn’t really even the right word- refusal to even try to restore “order” is probably a better way to put it. Mayors are in lockstep solidarity with the protesters. So are many police chiefs. The few arrests that have been made have been quickly dismissed, and those detained released.
The most astounding part of this burgeoning dystopia/Idiocracy is the near unanimous uniformity of opinion, on the part of politicians, business leaders, and the state-controlled media. They all support the protesters, who are seemingly marching against them– you know, the “racist” establishment. All those “racist” run corporations have issued statement after statement, expressing their support for the protests. And they’ve fired many hapless Whites who even mildly dissented. Crimes and Cover-ups i... Best Price: $17.17 Buy New $17.19 (as of 06:20 UTC - Details)
MTV fired a “teen mom” for some past “racist” tweets, despite the fact she was dating a multi-racial man at the time. A nurse was fired for referring to looters as “thugs” on Facebook. Grant Napea, who served as the announcer for the NBA’s Sacramento Kings for 32 years, was fired for saying “All Lives Matter.” Social Justice Warriors have informed us, over and over again, that saying all lives matter is “racist.” A Black character on The Walking Dead was fond of saying, “all life if precious.” I think that’s the same thing. I imagine he’s “racist” now, too.
A teacher at a Catholic high school was terminated for criticizing Black Lives Matter. That is expressly forbidden now, in this “racist” land ruled by “White Supremacy.” A southern Baptist woman was fired for making a video countering left-wing extremists from a Biblical perspective. The father of a two year old battling cancer was fired by his presumably “racist” employer for posting a video critical of those burning buildings.
Gone with the Wind is gone from HBO, thanks to it being labeled “racist.” An objectionable episode of the classic British comedy Fawlty Towers has been banned as well. Virtually any piece of literature with the world’s most forbidden word in it- all of them great works like Huckleberry Finn, whose authors were clearly opposing, and not supporting racism, are being banned as well. And now, a veteran editor at the Los Angeles Times has declared that the word looting itself is “racist.”
The world’s allegedly wealthiest man in the world, Amazon/Washington Post honcho Jeff Bezos, recently funneled $10 million into Black Lives Matter and similar groups. If the richest White guy in the world isn’t a “White Supremacist,” who is? Kind of a strange thing for a “racist” to do, isn’t it- contribute to Black Lives Matter?
Printed Kicks Trump 20... Buy New $18.99 (as of 05:20 UTC - Details) Several universities have instituted new grading policies, which force teachers to grade Blacks on a much more lenient scale, and to exempt them from the final exams all other students have to take. One very liberal UCLA professor naturally objected to this, and was threatened and then suspended. This amounts to academic Affirmation Action on steroids, but I don’t suspect you’ll hear much criticism about it, from the powerful teachers’ unions, or any of our public officials.
The “conservatives” have been predictably and conspicuously silent here. Breitbart laughably blamed the death of George Floyd not on the monstrous actions of a psychopath who should never have been a cop, but on police officers still having a viable union, giving them the right to collectively bargain. Mitt Romney marched proudly alongside the protesters. Undefinable terms like “White Supremacy” and “White Privilege” are accepted by conservatives as well. They are considered as proven and undeniable by anyone with a public voice, despite all evidence to the contrary.
Tucker Carlson stands alone in the mainstream media, and has in fact seemed to become more hard-core in his commentary recently. For his troubles, Carlson’s show has lost several advertisers, all of them companies run by extremely wealthy Whites. In other words, those with both “privilege” and an entitled sense of “supremacy.” So why would these “racists” want to disassociate themselves from the only strong voice condemning Black Lives Matter and Antifa? Why do they keep, instead, issuing public statements that proclaim “We stand with the Black community?”
Drew Brees, one of the greatest quarterbacks in NFL history, tweeted out some naive patriotic comments recently, citing his grandfathers fighting in WWII, and how he didn’t like to see the flag disrespected. He was met with a litany of hate, including from his wildly overrated possession receiver Michael Thomas, whose success is due solely to his “racist” quarterback peppering him with countless targets every game. Thomas responded in gloriously ungrammatical ignorance, but that seemed to escape those who “lol” at such gaffes, and no one questioned how an alleged student at Ohio State could possess the writing skills of your average third grader.
Brees caved in instantly to the pressure, and has issued so many apologies I’ve lost track of them. This is what Whites have done for many years now; apologize for any “insensitive” remarks. But only if they are made about Black people. And that is the crux of the problem here; these public acts of contrition never work. In most cases, the hapless “racist” is still fired. They are still considered “racist.” So why do they continue to apologize for expressing their constitutional right to free speech? 2020 1 oz Gold America... Check Amazon for Pricing.
That was one of Donald Trump’s most appealing qualities; he appeared to be the first high-profile White in a very long time, who didn’t automatically back down and apologize. He remains combative, primarily from his headquarters on Twitter, but as usual does nothing substantial in terms of actions. Scour all of Trump’s endless tweets. You won’t find a single mention of Black Lives Matter or its acronym BLM. Trump never even refers to “Whites.” And yet, he has been branded as the foremost “racist” in the world. He did rescue a Black rapper in Sweden, however, and used to talk continuously about the alleged record low African-American unemployment rate. And this supremely flawed man remains virtually our last hope.
Statues of Confederates, Christopher Columbus, and now Founding Fathers like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, have been torn down. Without any police attempting to stop it. And now, Mahatma Gandhi, a Brown man who fought British (White) colonial rule, and who inspired Martin Luther King’s own civil disobedience protests during the Civil Rights movement, has been declared “racist” and there are calls to tear down his statues, too.
I am a classical liberal, a populist, and a civil libertarian. In other words, I am unwelcome on today’s Left. I stand with JFK, who said, “race has no place in American life or law.” Martin Luther King, who like JFK was killed by forces within his own government, had a dream that his children would grow up to be judged “not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Many comments by the father of the Civil Rights movement would be considered “racist” by today’s standards. Like Gandhi, perhaps King was a secret “White supremacist.”
And so we stand, divided and rudderless. A country that was already largely Third World before all this started. No effective leadership, but citizens scurrying around in fear with their ridiculous masks on. Obeying tyrants that have retreated into the shadows. Ready to welcome Orwellian “contact tracers” with open arms. Solemnly chastising those who want to end the senseless, draconian shutdown of society.
There is still no end game in sight to all this. And no easy solutions. We are defenseless, with no public officials, corporate leaders, or “journalists” on the side of reason and common sense.
Reprinted with the author’s permission.