Rumblings from inside the establishment indicate we may be ready for a gradual reopening of the economy, and our society. This reopening, from what we already have learned, promises to be every bit as tyrannical and unnecessary as the shut down was.
Kansas City is the first, but certainly not the last, city to mandate that businesses will be compelled to refuse entry to customers who don’t have their “contact information.” This is no mere “show me your papers” kind of tyranny. It is a brand new concept, with Deep State Hall of Famer Bill Clinton as its spokesperson.
Clinton and other odious swamp creatures want to establish a “contact tracer” corps, to track and isolate those who have tested positive for this dubious virus strain, as well as those who’ve come in contact with them. One company is even devising a wristband that will turn a different color when you come close to someone who has allegedly tested positive for the alleged virus. Now that seems compatible with a free society, doesn’t it? Even Orwell’s imagination had its limits.
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Several states have already come up with a predictably authoritarian (and unconstitutional) series of checklists and protocols for businesses to meet, before they can be reopened. As always, our illustrious leaders will trumpet their concern for our “safety” as the rationale behind the draconian rules. As Dr. Anthony Fauci, the primary mad scientist in this Pavlovian laboratory, has stated- we may never be able to go back to shaking hands. It’s just too risky. And will undoubtedly impact people of color disproportionately. Don’t you care about the children?
We have overwhelming evidence now that this entire thing is a plandemic, the greatest psyop of all time. On top of the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control, and Dr. Birx of the White House, all freely acknowledging they are padding the numbers to get them as high as possible, we have a group of Pennsylvania coroners taking 200 deaths off of the COVID total, because the victims died from other causes.
We also know that hospitals are being paid $13,000 for every new COVID patient. And $39,000 if they put them on a ventilator. This seems like an even more irrational allocation of taxpayer funds than usual. But then, our farmers are also throwing away food and slaughtering animals, supposedly because of all the closed restaurants. And yet grocery stores still have shortages of these same foods. It doesn’t seem like it would take a team of rocket scientists to figure out a way to get all that food to those who need it.
Throwing away food while people starve is nothing new for our government. In a 1935 speech for his “Share our Wealth” movement, the great Huey Long declared, “Hogs and cattle were burned by the millions. The same was done to wheat and corn, and farmers were paid starvation money not to raise and not to plant…God forgive those rulers who burned hogs, threw milk in the river, and plowed under cotton while little children cried for meat and milk and something to put on their naked backs!” Nothing has changed, now that we’re in Great Depression 2.0.
There have been inferences that once America finally reopens, everyone will be required to wear a mask. Keep in mind, none of the absurd rules we’re all following can be legally enforced. They aren’t laws. No legislative body proposed them, or passed them. And yet, police are arresting a mother in Utah who was caught in a public park, allowing her children to play there. A father was arrested for throwing a ball with his daughter in another park.
“Social distancing” is a concept, dreamed up by the same devious minds that created political correctness, another concept that directly violates the Bill of Rights. And yet our out of control police forces, whom some optimistic souls theorized would be on “our” side in the event of a crisis like this, have demonstrated they will not stop the thuggery and harassment for one second. They are the enforcers of this tyranny, and they seem just as gleeful giving tickets to those attending church services in their automobiles, as they have been for years, terrorizing baffled motorists.
Let us examine a few excerpts from our brilliant Declaration of Independence, which has been a subversive document to the elite for a very long time. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…”
Now, unfortunately, Abraham Lincoln and the then already too powerful federal government destroyed the concept of the consent of the governed forever in this country, during the War Between the States. This was one of the guiding principles of our Revolution. And our own government shattered it in 1865. The southern states were indeed trying to “institute new government” of their own. But Lincoln and his Radical Republican cohorts wouldn’t allow it.
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The past is prologue, as Shakespeare wrote. While Americans today seem compliant to authority beyond all reason, as long ago as the Civil War, northerners were willing to sacrifice their youngsters in order to quell the “rebellion” that certainly should have reminded them of the colonists’ revolt less than 100 years earlier. Once we permitted an imperial president like Lincoln to circumvent the Constitution, and wield powers never intended for any one man, the nation the Founding Fathers established was lost forever.
We didn’t arrive at this point overnight. Locking the country down, quarantining healthy people, requiring masks, and enforcing “social distancing” seems to have only happened in a few weeks time. But the table was set for this tyranny over the decades. The acceptance of the putrid Uncle Sam figure, and letting him “Want You!” to fight in foreign wars, false flag after false flag, often using the exact same kind of emotional propaganda, planting victory gardens, buying bonds, returning 96% or so of our horrific “representatives” to Congress every election- the list is endless.
Thomas Jefferson’s “long train of abuses” seem benign in the extreme compared to the corruption and high crimes the American people have tolerated for more than 150 years. From “Remember the Maine” in 1898, to the 9/11 fairy tale that ushered in the Patriot Act and shredded our remaining civil liberties, the majority of Americans are like a collective battered wife. The sheeple seem to think that the authorities care about them, and have only the best of intentions, despite all evidence to the contrary.
They are even referring now to the “post virus world.” Undoubtedly, we will have to “sacrifice,” as we’re always asked to do, and give up even more of our dwindling freedom. We don’t want the virus to win, do we? The new “new normal” will be even less to the liking of those of us who can see the emperor is wearing no clothes.
Reprinted with the author’s permission.