What is in dispute here is not the potential lethality of this particular virus, but the ongoing COVID-19 agitprop campaign by the media, their Democrat allies, and clearly left-leaning elements of the globalist medical establishment.
As I write this piece, I have just been informed by my sister that my 96-year-old father, Joseph, who has been locked into a veteran’s nursing facility since March 12 because the Wuhan virus is present, now has fever of more than 102°. While his COVID-19 test results will not be available for days, as a precaution he will be taken by ambulance to the local hospital where we hope he will receive the drug hydroxychloroquine—the same drug the evil, lying media have been on a “jihad” to discredit, as Attorney General Barr put it, merely because President Trump endorsed it. My father has an iron constitution, so we are hoping and praying that if he has the Wuhan virus he will overcome it, as did this 103-year-old woman in Italy.
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While my father may soon be benefitting from its use, moronic Democrat governors, cheered on by the same lying, evil media, have prohibited pharmacies and private doctors from dispensing hydroxychloroquine. The media have assisted these fools with the cover story that there is only a “partial ban” by Democrat governors because, to quote the Michigan directive, the aim is to prevent “a shortage for patients with lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, or other ailments for which chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are proven treatments…” Yes, we can be sure that Governor Gretchen Witless Whitmer of Michigan is deeply concerned that lupus and arthritis sufferers and those with “other ailments” have an ample supply of the drug as opposed to COVID-19 patients whose lives it might save. It couldn’t possibly be the case that under no circumstances can she allow Trump to be proven right or the “pandemic” to be diminished by a simple and effective treatment.
I am again asking that Remnant readers pray for my father (our venerable “Patriarch”, as we like to call him) and for all the vulnerable elderly in his facility, which suffered a similar crisis during a two-month onslaught of the flu earlier this year.
The Wuhan Virus in Perspective
In this piece, I continue the Remnant’s series on the Coronavirus Panic of 2020, writing from the perspective of someone who has an immediate relative in danger from the Wuhan virus. I will present further evidence of the exploitation of this virus for demagogic manipulation of the American people to serve political ends that become more obvious with each passing day. In short, “Coronagate.”
But first, for any reader who may be new to this series, a brief reprise of a saner perspective on the Wuhan virus. As we have seen, the daily briefings on the “global pandemic” have degenerated into a series of episodes resembling a kind of daytime soap opera: “As the Virus Turns.” In the midst of this endless farce, we need to situate this particular virus in the context of our lived experience with viruses.
That the Wuhan virus, like influenza, can kill is obvious. My own father, having been confined to a veritable incubator of the virus, is at risk of death. If you are very elderly like my father, or a younger person with a compromised immune system, any form of community-acquired pneumonia (i.e., pneumonia acquired outside of a hospital) can be fatal, whether cause of the pneumonia is bacterial or viral. The Wuhan virus kills the way other viruses kill: by descending into the lungs and causing pneumonia, often in combination with bacteria that invade inflamed lung tissue, leading to respiratory failure and death in the susceptible.
The mantra that “COVID19 is not the flu,” which is part of the panic narrative over this particular virus, means nothing. Conversely, the flu is not COIVD-19. So what? The Wuhan virus is a novel coronavirus that can kill certain people, just like previously established viruses. Likewise, H1N1 was a novel flu virus that first appeared in 2009 as “the swine flu” but has since become part of the seasonal viral burden and is now designated Influenza A. Indeed, even the World Health Organization (WHO), the leading fear-monger in this case, observes of the “swine flu” that “Influenza A (H1N1) is similar to seasonal influenza but has been characterized by higher activity during the northern summer season, higher fatality rates among healthy young adults and higher incidence of viral pneumonia.”
There is no hard evidence, only breathless media hysteria, that the Wuhan virus is any more of a threat to public health than Influenza A, which infected tens of millions of Americans and killed 18,000 in the season of its first appearance, 2009-10, with most of the victims being younger than 65. The Wuhan virus, along with H1N1 or Influenza A, has joined the large family of influenza and influenza-like illnesses (ILIs), as the epidemiologists call them, all of them more or less potentially fatal for certain people.
What is in dispute here, and rightly comes in for mockery, is not the potential lethality of this particular virus, but the ongoing COVID-19 agitprop campaign by the media, their Democrat allies, and clearly left-leaning elements of the globalist medical establishment—above all WHO, funded by the Gates Foundation, and the Gates Foundation-funded Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME). This agitprop aims to frighten the masses into believing that the Wuhan virus is a uniquely genocidal plague capable of killing millions of people in this country alone unless we “mitigate the pandemic” by observing “social distancing.”
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