“Suckers think that you cure greed with money, addiction with substances, expert problems with experts, banking with bankers, economics with economists, and debt crises with debt spending” ― Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms
“Globalization has created this interlocking fragility. At no time in the history of the universe has the cancellation of a Christmas order in New York meant layoffs in China.” – Nassim Nicholas Taleb
As we continue our national lockdown suicide cult to hell, I find myself getting angrier and angrier at the pathetic leadership displayed by politicians, government bureaucrats, so called medical “experts”, and intellectual yet idiot academics displaying their ignorance of facts, reality, history, and humanity. My nature is to be skeptical of everything I read or am told.
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I most certainly disregard everything communicated to me by politicians, world leaders, central bankers, corporate CEOs, CNBC talking heads, the mainstream corporate fake news media, and lately – self-proclaimed medical experts who have distinguished themselves by not seeing the danger coming, downplaying the danger, not being prepared for the danger, incompetently handling the danger and righteously proclaiming the nation had to be brought to a full stop because their terribly flawed models said so.
That leaves very few people to trust. I’m not a financial expert. I’m not a political expert. I’m not a religious expert. I’m not a medical expert. But I do know how to think critically and question the basis of every narrative being spun in the world today. I do trust the intentions and intelligence of a number of clear eyed truthful writers, thinkers, investors, commentators and bloggers that include: Nassim Taleb, Ron Paul, Kyle Bass, Chris Martenson, John Hussman, Jim Kunstler, John Mauldin, Jim Grant, Tucker Carlson, Dave Collum, Mike Kreiger, Lew Rockwell, Glenn Greenwald, Harald Malmgren, along with dozens of other thoughtful honest thinkers.
This is where it gets challenging. Chris Martenson and John Hussman both warned about the seriousness of this coronavirus before anyone began to take it seriously, in early February, when virtually no one was paying attention. They have supported the measures taken by the government to stop the spread of the virus, while many others have condemned the dictatorial implementation of this national lockdown.
I do not understand the either/or nature of the debate. The coronavirus (aka China flu) is a nasty, highly contagious virus that has impacted the entire world. The Chinese covered up the nature and extent of the virus, resulting in a worldwide pandemic. Despite allocating billions to the CDC over the decades, they proved to be incompetent, unprepared and to make up for their disastrous failures they terrified the nation into a complete national shutdown with their apocalyptic death models, which are proving to have overestimated deaths by a factor of 500%.
To make matters worse they blatantly lied to the American people that wearing face masks would not protect them in any way. That lie has resulted in thousands of additional deaths, but we still tout the advice of these proven liars. Media mouthpieces for the Party use NYC and Northern NJ as their illustration of what is happening everywhere, when that is a complete lie.
These two areas have 46% of the confirmed cases and more than half the deaths, but make up only 9% of the nation’s population. That means in the other 48 states less than 0.1% of their population has a confirmed case. And for that our so-called leaders shut down the country and purposely manufactured a 2nd Great Depression.
The scare tactic death total was 2.2 million if we did nothing. In their own “expert” narrative, if we followed all social distancing protocols perfectly, the death toll would be 110,000 to 220,000. The country hasn’t followed the protocols perfectly and now their worthless models are saying 60,000 deaths – soon to be downgraded to 50,000. These are death figures on par with deaths from the annual flu.
In addition, it seems the number of deaths attributed to flu and pneumonia have been far lower than previous years, since the onset of the Chinese coronavirus. Considering instructions from the CDC to use coronavirus as the cause of death no matter what pre-condition or other disease the person had, it is highly likely the number of deaths attributed to coronavirus are being overstated on purpose, to support the narrative of leaders who overreacted and destroyed our economy.
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At first, I didn’t think this virus was being used as a cover for a larger hidden crisis, but after observing the disgracefully grotesque actions taken by despotic politicians and gutless puppet central bankers, I’m convinced this manufactured crisis is being used by the corporate fascists to cover up their financial fraud, destroy small businesses, further enslave the plebs in debt, institute martial control, institute digital currency, while electronically tracking our every movement. And the worst part is the majority have gone along with every government mandate like docile sheep being led to slaughter.
America is devolving into a totalitarian state before our very eyes and we obeyingly confine ourselves in our homes watching Netflix, heeding the “expert” dictums of Fauci and Birx as gospel, and waiting for $1,200 to be electronically inserted into our empty bank accounts, as our recompense for losing our jobs and going further into debt to Wall Street banks. As Huxley pointed out almost ninety years ago, we were on a path towards an efficient totalitarian state, and we’ve finally arrived. Are you loving your servitude?
“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.” – Aldous Huxley – Brave New World
Whether this virus spread due to bat soup, a military bio-lab in Wuhan, or as a plot by the Deep State, the end result is the same. The financial system was choking on debt from September onward, with the Federal Reserve lackeys desperately resuscitating repos nightly, and frantically undoing the extremely modest tightening they had done in the prior year. The critical thinking financial minds knew something was seriously wrong under the hood of this aging jalopy.
The monetary heroin provided by the feeble minded IYI Powell and his deceitful cronies like Kashkari, was a green light for the Wall Street cabal to buy stocks hand over fist, driving prices and valuations to all-time highs in mid-February. But those in the know bailed out of the markets as the dullards were lured in at the top once again. The ruling class needed a convenient excuse for the inevitable crash and subsequent bailout they would engineer for themselves. Ron Paul, as usual, sees it clearly.
“Even the bad guys are admitting it, and that is they made these dire predictions so that they could go ahead and destroy peoples’ civil liberties and spend a lot of money and make up an excuse on why the stock market actually went down — all kinds of things by having this coronavirus event blown way out of proportion.” – Ron Paul
I really don’t care how this Chinese virus was released into the world, but I do care about how it has been exploited by authoritarians to gain more control and power over our economy, our pathetic excuse for a free market financial system, surveillance technology, and our daily lives. This is the worst time in history for libertarian minded Austrian economic theory believers, as government is violently repressing our liberties and freedoms, while unelected fascist bankers make a mockery of financial markets by bailing out and enriching their corporate benefactors.
I’ve been suspect of the one-party D.C. establishment since the pre-written, ironically named, Patriot Act was jammed down our throats a month after the 9/11 inducing War on Terror crisis was used to create a surveillance state rivalling Orwell’s worst nightmare. The Wall Street/Federal Reserve created 2008/2009 financial collapse crisis was manipulated by the oligarchs to extract trillions from the American public, while allowing themselves to rig the markets in their favor, and leaving future generations with hundreds of trillions in unpayable debt – ensuring their impoverishment and debt enslavement. The politicians and central bank academics know who butters their bread.
“In poor countries, officials receive explicit bribes; in D.C. they get the sophisticated, implicit, unspoken promise to work for large corporations” ― Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms
The infringements and outright destruction of our Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, along with our ability to earn a living, over the last month, is mind boggling to anyone with a functioning brain. Luckily for the Deep State overlords running this country, decades of public-school indoctrination and tens of thousands of hours of media propaganda drilled into their brains have left the vast majority of the nation dumbed down and infantilized. They need to be told how to think and what to do.
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Anyone paraded on the boob tube and proclaimed as an “expert” by the media talking heads is believed by the gullible masses. It doesn’t matter they have been proven incompetent and wrong in everything they have said and done. A crisis built upon fear of the unknown is perfectly suited for the corporate fascists to scare the sheep and herd them into pens, awaiting slaughter, with masks firmly in place.
Here’s what we know for a fact. Fauci and Birx have been government bureaucrats for decades. He has been in charge of preparing the country for infectious diseases since 1984. His organization was completely unprepared, with faulty tests and not taking the situation seriously in February. He lied about the benefits of masks, making him responsible for thousands of deaths. These two civil servants were nameless government bureaucrats two months ago and now they are medical expert superstars, even though their predictions have proven to be complete and utter bullshit.
Now they resort to rewriting history and taking credit for the far lower number of deaths than they declared a certainty two weeks ago. They are both liars and incompetent. In the real world, when we had jobs, they would be fired. But their fear mongering benefited the corporate fascists and banking cabal. They make a few hundred thousand dollars a year in their government jobs today. After this manufactured crisis ends, with the oligarchy richer and more powerful than ever, these tools will be richly rewarded with lucrative books deals, highly paid Board positions with drug companies, and paid $200,000 per speech, to executives of Wall Street banks. Ask Bernanke and Yellen about their lucrative lives after doing the bidding of the ruling elite.
“Bureaucracy is a construction by which a person is conveniently separated from the consequences of his or her actions.” ― Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life
“The simpler, the better. Complications lead to multiplicative chains of unanticipated effects.” ― Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder
The combination of bureaucrats, who suffer no consequences for being unprepared, slow to react, incompetent, and consistently wrong in predicting the future, with politicians and central bankers who overreact by throwing trillions of dollars into a bottomless pit of corruption, fraud and recklessness, has caused and will cause unintended consequences that will bring the entire edifice of embezzlement crashing down. Just as the 300-page Patriot Act was sitting in a drawer waiting for the right crisis to come along, the 800-page, again ironically named, $2.2 trillion CARES Act was already written by corporate lobbyists waiting for the next crisis.
It’s a potpourri of mega-corporation goodies and bailouts for terribly run companies who spent the last decade wasting trillions of dollars buying back their stock with cheap debt provided by the Fed. The crumbs for the little people and dying small businesses is being distributed in a sloth-like manner, while the corporate and banking pigs have been gorging themselves at the government/ Fed trough for a month.
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The $1,200 pittance per taxpayer and $600 unemployment supplement have yet to be disbursed, as 17 million Americans were thrown out of work by government mandate in the last three weeks. Small businesses have been taken out into a dirt field and shot in the back of the head by government bureaucrats. As usual, the SBA loan scheme has been a complete mess, with the Wall Street banks balking until they got a bigger slice of the pie and the government computer system crashing.
Filing for unemployment claims has been a torturous ordeal, as state computer systems are decades old and can’t handle the volume. But the little guy need not worry. They can keep running up their credit card balance, paying the 20% interest to JP Morgan, while Jamie Dimon and his fellow robber barons borrow at 0.25% from the Fed and sell their worthless junk bonds to Jerome and his minions for full value. It’s good to be kings of the world.
Charles Hugh Smith captures the essence of the greatest scam in the history of the world, as the Federal Reserve has gone all in, desperately attempting to delay the inevitable financial collapse of their debt ponzi scheme, so their Wall Street puppeteers can abscond with a few trillion more before pulling the plug:
“That the Fed’s pimping of asset bubbles and liquidity has created the greatest wealth inequality in a century is ignored by the self-serving, tone-deaf political/financial “leadership” because the wealth asymmetry has greatly enriched the “leaders,” their cronies and the army of technocrat flunkies who do all the real work to keep the rackets functioning. All this wealth wasn’t earned via the creation of value; it was skimmed / embezzled from the bottom 95% via high costs, junk fees, penalties, interest rates and taxes, all set by monopolies and cartels unburdened by competition, accountability or transparency.”
Anyone with a few brain cells can see the desperation of these acts, as these academics, who have never worked a day in the real world, only know how to do one thing – throw more debt at every bubble they created by throwing debt at the previous bubble they created.
The Federal Reserve has destroyed our financial markets, eliminated price discovery, rewarded the most reckless scumbags with bailouts, sold their black souls to propping up the stock market, crushed the savings of senior citizens, and have pushed income inequality to such extreme levels, they have ensured the hangry citizens of this country will eventually be coming for them with pitchforks and torches. Lampposts will be decorated with the carcasses of bankers once this financial scam implodes in a spectacular final liquidation.
In Part 2 of this article I will reflect on the absurdity of this national lockdown and ponder when this farce will end in a violent upheaval blowback in the faces of the globalists.
Reprinted with permission from The Burning Platform.