Which version will the history books say of our current times?
A. Mutated coronavirus that no one on the planet had immunity towards suddenly erupted on an unprepared world; or
B. The coronavirus epidemic was pre-planned as cover for an imminent worldwide financial collapse.
While a few investigators and online commentators claim the US economy may crash and all wealth may be vanquished and destroyed by a prolonged coronavirus lockdown and quarantine, few Americans catch on that the current COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic and quarantine is a cover for an already collapsed economy with the viral epidemic serving as fearful distraction as a sudden and unprecedented economic collapse unfolds.
A report at MSN.com says: “If the virus hadn’t caused the crash, something else would have.”
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A central bank spokesperson says: “This is a planned, organized partial shutdown of the U.S. economy in the second quarter. The overall goal is to keep everyone, households and businesses, whole… It is a huge shock and we are trying to cope with it and keep it under control.”
The FED spokesperson said he “expects an unprecedented 50% plunge in gross domestic product.” That would be -50% of $21.427 trillion GDP or a real GDP of $10.713 trillion. It becomes apparent the real GDP that has been kept hidden by the federal government.
Economist John Williams (ShadowStats.com) has revealed for the past 64 quarters or 16 years the US GDP has been in negative growth. Translation: the standard of living in the US is ready to decline by 50% as its citizens learn the country has reached the limit of its ability to live off our future income (credit). Living on credit cards has been fun, but that era is over.
As evidence, around 52% of Americans report they have reached their credit card limit.
ShadowStats.com describes it this way:
“Financial-system insolvency laid bare by the pandemic.”
John Williams goes on to say:
The unfolding crisis has its roots in recent decades, now laid open by the Pandemic Crisis, which has stripped away the veneer from an the effectively bankrupt U.S. Government and Federal Reserve, with the U.S. dollar no longer backed by Gold, but rather by Global Confidence in U.S. Economy (now in a tumble), U.S. Fiscal Stability (at extreme levels of unstable deterioration), and by the soundness of the U.S. banking-system owned U.S. Central Bank (Federal Reserve), which just has opted to provide effectively unlimited cash/liquidity to the system.
The economic collapse largely is due to the artificial constrictions imposed on economic activity by the government’s response to the Pandemic. The system cannot recover/restore normal human and business transactions.
There can be no real recovery until people can resume their regular life styles. (ShadowStats.com Special Commentary Issue #1429 & 1430)
What kind of world will we return to when the lockdown and quarantine is over?
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A report at GreenMedInfo says there are two plans that outline requirements to end the lockdown. One is to mandate all citizens be vaccinated. The other is to track the movement of people by their cell phone location. These are politicians, not health authorities, making these suggestions.
The world we return to after this lockdown may detestable and abhorrent:
- The Centers for Disease Control has taken over America, tapping into cell phones to track movements of citizens and is holding the President of the United States accountable for any deaths arising from early withdrawal of the lockdown and quarantine.
- High-tech helmets could be worn by law enforcement or even newly-created health enforcement officers, helmets that detect a temperature rise (fever) in unsuspecting individuals, like those already in operation in China. There is even technology that can identify people via face recognition who are wearing masks.
- Philanthropist/vaccine advocate Bill Gates talks about digital certificates (tattoos, like what were placed on holocaust inmates in German concentration camps?), what he says in his own words: “Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.” “Comrade, your digital certificate please!”
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