Among all the panic and misinformation being spewed by politicians at all levels and the complicit mainstream media, what is going on under the radar that will greatly harm Americans much more than this virus ever could? First, all the legislation, executive orders, and mass control measures happening now will never go away, and will cause undue tragedy for years to come. Secondly, the biggest wealth transfer in history is going on right before our eyes, and of course is mostly ignored due to this government manufactured false pandemic. The economic fallout that has already caused mass devastation will only worsen the longer these quarantine measures are in place, and will cause havoc for an unknown amount of time.
Surveillance of the entire population will continue, and in fact expand. As more restrictive measures are forthcoming from the state governors whose egos are now consumed by the massive power gained by simply claiming emergency status, more compliance will be demanded. Partial or full martial law and medical martial law continues to be implemented, and the very adverse consequences of such actions will cause extreme stress, depression, dire financial harm, psychological trauma, additional sickness and death, and most likely an increase in suicide that has never before been seen. None of these factors have been addressed by those responsible for all these totalitarian measures. This reminds me of the statement by Madeline Albright concerning the 500,000 deaths of little children under the age of 5 in Iraq, when she said in front of the entire world that their deaths were worth it. When this minor virus that has been completely blown out of proportion is over, will the political response be that all the “collateral” damage and death due to the shutdown of the entire country was worth it; this after many more deaths occurred due to government forced mandates and economic destruction than any virus could ever have caused?
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Besides the psychological and physical carnage that will soon be evident due to government’s totalitarian response to this so-called pandemic, the ruling elite have now learned just how easy it has been to capture and control the entire population, with most of that compliance being voluntary due to fear and unquestioned acceptance of mandated orders. Now that the general public has been completely locked down due to a virus, and with ease, all future control will be ever easier to achieve just by claiming and declaring any emergency. Society has become so pathetic that they knowingly and willingly give up any individual liberty in favor of group protection, and when all are told not to band together, they do not understand that this “social distancing” from everyone is simply a state ploy to stop dissent, and has nothing to do with fighting any virus. A few have little power against an oppressive government, so as long as people can be separated, then resistance to tyranny is virtually impossible to obtain.
In addition to all the intentional and non-intentional consequences that are sure to rock the very foundation of this country due to the tyrannical measures that have been put into place, there is another criminal aspect to this planned event that is of great importance. That has to do with this horrendous bailout plan that is purposely misrepresented as an economic package to help the average American. Nothing could be further from the truth. This multi-trillion dollar bailout is not meant to help the common citizen, but is being used to transfer massive wealth from the lower and middle classes to those that already control most of assets in this country. Wall Street, the banking magnates, and the large corporate giants will be the ones benefitting from this massive money transfer, and politicians will benefit as well. They will continue to stay in power due to their redistribution of wealth to all those that contribute to their campaigns.
The Federal Reserve and the Treasury now have been given an unlimited ability to print fake money out of thin air. A trillion dollars a day is being used to buy stocks, and to run the market up and down daily. With this amount of money flowing, trading profits in this high volatility are extreme, and this fraud also serves to falsely hold up a market that should be failing. This gives the appearance of some sort of stability where none exists. It also enriches those who are every day cheating American investors, which includes all those with retirement plans, by manipulating the market in their favor.
The most wealthy and powerful will get most all this bailout money, and due to this transfer, they will be able to consolidate even more wealth. To put this into perspective, consider that the top 1% that is talked about so much will after this massive transfer accumulate double the wealth. What that means in laymen’s terms, is that the top 1% could become the top 1/2 of 1%. In other words, all the wealth in America will become even more concentrated, and that means the power is more concentrated as well. This should not be acceptable.
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From the results of this package alone, the bulk of all ownership of assets will be so concentrated as to be held by only a few. Ten trillion dollars will be pumped into the economy with most all of it going to the super wealthy. All the money going to big business and banks will be at the expense of the taxpayer. This will be in multiple forms, but since a good part of this bailout money will go directly into the economy, price inflation will be certain, and at a very high level. This will be happening at a time of mass unemployment, at a time when most savings will be depleted, and at a time when the strain of just getting by will be extremely difficult. This will serve to compound all the common problems of ordinary citizens, and will cause continued economic turmoil on top of the already destroyed economy. This could lead to riots and chaos, and allow for even more totalitarian control over society.
If there is no real resistance to this bailout abomination and political takeover of society, the U.S. could in the future look more like a third world country than the America of the past. At this stage, it is difficult for me to imagine anything good happening anytime soon. That is hard to swallow, but considering the ignorance, complacency, and dependency of this country’s people on government, how is one to be optimistic?
The other side of this coin is what is going on globally. The entire world seems to be acting in concert, which for me is almost impossible to imagine. That leads me to believe that this is even bigger than it seems. But just yesterday, the evil Gordon Brown, former prime minister of the UK, called for the creation of a “temporary” form of global government to tackle the coronavirus problem. Is there a larger agenda at work here? Are the big players in this world considering global governance, and are fear and panic being used to accomplish this effort?
We live in very dangerous times. This is not a drill, except in the minds of those wanting to control all. For the rest of us, this is a very serious reality, and to expect the political class to fix the economy after purposely destroying it is not only shortsighted, but also idiotic. We are at the precipice of a total global economic collapse, and that could lead to a fully controlled governing system that would depend on a continued and sustaining “lockdown” similar to what we have this moment. Is that our future?
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