The Russia Hoax Unravels…Again

Once again yesterday and this morning, Russia and its supposed meddling in American politics was in the news. And it’s frankly quite difficult to keep up with the latest permutations in this rank amateurish attempt to breathe more life into what is palpably an immense and fraudulent effort to advance a particular template while deceiving (as strenuously as possible) the American public.  What I wrote first back on February 14 in MY CORNER, then picked up by on February 17, and finally updated and rewritten as something new, now appearing on The Unz Review (February 22), can’t do justice to this latest Deep State maneuver.

Back on Friday, February 21 we were told in solemn “I-told-you-so” tones by CNN and The New York Times—those paragons of journalistic malfeasance—that “the intelligence community believes Russia is already taking steps to interfere in the 2020 election with the goal of helping President Donald Trump win, three sources familiar with the matter tell CNN.”  The Times’ headline—in bold letters—said it all: “Lawmakers Are Warned That Russia Is Meddling to Re-elect Trump.”  With the usual kind of insufferable assurance—based on nothing but the desire to “get” Donald Trump—CNN with unconcealed glee declared:

Last week’s briefing [before Adam Schiff’s committee], led by election security official Shelby Pierson and first reported by The New York Times, addressed the overall picture of Russia’s efforts, including hacking, weaponizing social media and attacks on election infrastructure, one of the sources said. The briefers said Russia does favor Trump, but that helping Trump wasn’t the only thing they were trying to do as it was also designed to raise questions about the integrity of the elections process, the source added. War with Russia?: From... Cohen, Stephen F. Best Price: $8.99 Buy New $8.50 (as of 02:15 UTC - Details)

CNN’s story surfaced on Friday, February 21…Ah! but wait, just two days later, February 23, there appeared an “update.” And, well, you see CNN’s new headline alludes to what happened:  “US intelligence briefer appears to have overstated assessment of 2020 Russian interference.” CNN goes on:

…Shelby Pierson, told lawmakers on the House Intelligence Committee that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election with the goal of helping President Donald Trump get reelected. The US intelligence community has assessed that Russia is interfering in the 2020 election and has separately assessed that Russia views Trump as a leader they can work with. But the US does not have evidence that Russia’s interference this cycle is aimed at reelecting Trump, the officials said. [Italics mine]

Overstated!?  What about using the correct word: lying?

Not only that but the same Deep State spooks who have foisted off this Russia Hoax, ideologically-tendentious mythology also have briefed Bernie Sanders “about Russian efforts to help his presidential campaign, intensifying concerns about the Kremlin’s role in the US presidential race.”

It remains unclear how Russia is attempting to help Sanders, according to The Washington Post, which first reported the effort. The revelation comes a day after it was reported that the US intelligence community believes Moscow is taking steps to help President Donald Trump win and at a time when Sanders is emerging as the Democratic front-runner.

This was too good to pass up for spokesmen of the “conservative movement inc.” and the neoconservative shills on Fox and on radio. Former Governor John Sununu, former Chief of Staff for President George W. Bush—demonstrating the fact that God did in fact create some humans without brains at all—lept into the fetid defecation Monday morning (February 24) with both feet: of course, he opined, the Russkies would assist Sanders since Sanders is a socialist, having spent his honeymoon in the old Soviet Union, and those evil men (e.g., Vladimir Putin) in the Kremlin certainly would support a like-minded type!  And Rush Limbaugh, despite his at times past decent analysis of the attempts to unseat the president, in the noon hour led off with the same talking point: “It is,” he said, “logical for the Russians to be supporting Sanders.”

Such comments betray an utter incomprehension of the history and politics of post-Communist Russia since the fall of the Soviets in August 1991.  Indeed, comments like these must be called out for what they are: at best representative of a woeful ignorance, a crass stupidity, or at worst, indicative of a mind filled with ideological dross and perverted by globalist Neocon talking points, but without the gloss of the more gussied-up scribbles of Max Boot or John Bolton (who at least make a pretense at sounding intelligent when they spew forth this narrative).

To quote the late Peter O’Toole in one of my favorite films, “Dean Spanley” (2008): “Poppycock!” This narrative is balderdash that does nothing but attempt to enforce a badly hemorrhaging Neocon globalist policy plank that has been badly listing port-side since their debacle back in the Iraq incursion. It totally ignores the significant studies by Professor Allen Lynch (University of Virginia) in his Vladimir Putin & Russian Statecraft, Paul Robinson (University of Ottawa) in Russian Conservatism, Stephen Cohen (Princeton University) in several books and numerous articles on the topic, John Garrard (University of Arizona) in Russian Orthodoxy Resurgent: Faith and Power in the New Russia, and others who write sensibly and with some knowledge of the recent history of post-Communist Russia.

I pass on my latest piece published by The Unz Review…but with a plea: Will someone in proper authority please fire that obvious Deep Stater Shelby Pierson?

Reprinted with the author’s permission.

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