The Democrats' Personalities Were Exposed in Nevada, and it Wasn't Pretty

Wednesday night’s Democrat debate in Nevada allowed for a sharp focus on the candidates’ personalities.  It wasn’t pretty.  They were the six unappealing dwarfs — Supercilious, Shrill, Angry, Confused, Smug…and that unpleasant nameless something that is Klobuchar.

This was Elizabeth Warren’s debate, for she aggressively dominated the available airtime.  As the debate progressed, the other candidates fell silent when she spoke out of instinctive deference.  With her hoarse voice and scolding manner, she was every mean old lady that children learn to fear.

Given that Bloomberg was the biggest threat to the “old-timers,” Warren stood out for landing the sharpest blows against him.  The debate had barely started when she said one candidate is a “billionaire who calls women fat broads and horse-faced lesbians and, no, I’m not talking about Donald Trump, I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg.” Against the Left: A Ro... Rockwell Jr, Llewellyn H Best Price: $4.00 Buy New $8.00 (as of 08:57 UTC - Details)

Warren also got her claws in when Bloomberg was asked about allegations that he had mistreated women in his workplace.  He tried to sidestep the question by saying he had hired a lot of women over the years and given them good jobs.  Warren checked him, saying, “I hope you’ve heard what his defense was.  ‘I’ve been nice to some women.'”  Bloomberg’s response was the dreaded eye roll.

Additionally, Warren harshly interrogated Bloomberg about the unknown number of nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) into which he’s entered with women who complained about him.  There was an instant pile-on, with Bloomberg ineffectually saying the women wanted these agreements and that he was standing by them.  The phrase “deer in the headlights” seems apt.

Bloomberg was generally out of his league in the jostle and thrust of a debate.  He’s used to the boardroom, a place in which everyone falls silent when he speaks.  He came across as condescending and disconnected, although he showed a modicum of common sense and hit hard on the fact that he was the only person there with managerial experience.

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