“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country”. ~ Edward Bernays, Propaganda (1928), p. 10
All of a sudden, and out of the blue, the “truth-telling” Washington Post informed us that Afghanistan was a failure. They claimed that they were able to gain this valuable and previously unknown information by gaining access to “secret documents,” that were actually not secrets or documents at all, but so-called hidden interviews with those who were actually responsible for prosecuting this heinous war against an innocent people. As stated by the Post “We’re basically fighting the wrong way,” and “This was an original way to tell the story of all the failures in Afghanistan.” Propaganda at this level deserves respect for its blatant and open dishonesty, because the pathetic American populace, including many of those in the alternative press and many of those falsely claiming to be champions of liberty, will easily swallow these outright lies.
In the quote above by Edward Bernays, the “conscious and intelligent manipulation” of the masses is somewhat misleading in that the manipulation may be intelligent, but only because the collective masses are consumed by blind ignorance. This manipulation was certainly a conscious effort to fool the public, but it was an easy task to accomplish due to the fact that individual intellectual thought has disappeared from view. This phenomenon was planned all along, and the dumbing down of the general population, a grand coup of control, has been easily accomplished by the powerful among us.
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The Post titled their so-called report the Afghanistan Papers, harkening back to the Pentagon Papers of the Vietnam era. This was meant to give credibility where none was due, but that was apparently enough to get the job done, as the masses acting as the fodder of kings immediately accepted this obvious deception. Afghanistan was never a failure; it was a resounding success for the ruling elite puppet masters, their pawns in government, and the entirety of the military industrial complex. The war against Afghanistan and the Middle East was planned far in advance of the staged events of September 11, 2001. A war was certainly desired, but times had changed, and some of the people were tiring of war. What was needed was a solidifying event, one that would corral the emotions of the masses so they would once again accept carnage for false safety, but this time it was to be forever. A simple war was not enough, so a never-ending war was sought, and the era of the bogus war on terror was conceived. Afghanistan was only the beginning.
What the Post story has attempted to accomplish, and apparently achieved, is to bring some sort of mental closure to a situation that was always meant to be the linchpin in a much more aggressive universal war that could lead to a one-world dominate economic system. While the CIA probably did not actually write this Post article, it certainly planted the information, and put all the pieces together in order to set the narrative going forward. The Post it seems just did the job it was tasked to do by publishing this story in order to place just enough blame on the system at large so that the rest of society would feel better, and then go right back to sleep.
Afghanistan has always been a vitally important piece of the geo-political puzzle being constructed by the U.S., its allies, and those few calling the shots in this dangerous game of building a new world governing system. Afghanistan was no accident; it had absolutely nothing to do with any terror threat, and was always desired as the beginning of a continuous war on mankind. The Post article is playing on the gullibility of the common people, but has in turn captured even those who are or claim to be defenders of the public. The minor fake criticism of this war is meant to control the conversation, it is not meant to expose any truth.
There is no mention of war crimes, no mention of the senseless murder of hundreds of thousands, and nothing said of the millions of innocent lives destroyed by this purposeful slaughter for the sake of power and control. The Post article leaves the official narrative in tact, which is nothing other than scandalous lies and deceit. Nothing reported was unknown, and nothing reported was eye opening. It was simply told in order to continue to advance an agenda of hate filled rhetoric and false apology so as to calm any tide of dissent. No secrets were revealed, but the idea that that they were was embedded in the weak minds of the common mob. This is the oldest trick in the book of propaganda, and the lazy out there that claim to be anti-government and anti-war can now sleep soundly after this carefully constructed and absurd drivel has become mainstream.
The stage is now set for a major continuation of this war on humanity. Iran will be the next and most important victim in this game of death and empire. It has already begun, but this time the consequences could be far more dangerous, and fatal for the future of freedom.
My position is to believe nothing and question everything. It is the only way to achieve sanity, to find the truth, and to see the evil that exists in this world. That evil is far more prevalent than can be readily imagined, and only truth can expose the risks we face. Beware of false flags. Beware of state and media lies. Beware of false prophets wearing the robes of kings, and beware of those that continue to paint a picture of terror in order to advance more war. We are in a time of great danger, and that danger is already upon us today.
“It happened that a fire broke out backstage in a theater. The clown came out to inform the public. They thought it was a jest and applauded. He repeated his warning. They shouted even louder. So I think the world will come to an end amid the general applause from all the wits who believe that it is a joke.”
~ Søren Kierkegaard