Clint Eastwood's Richard Jewell is a masterpiece

Richard Jewell, the film, is a perfect analogy for what the FBI and DOJ have done to President Trump, Michael Flynn, Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and the American people.

Clint Eastwood’s new film is the true story of how the FBI destroyed the lives of Richard Jewell and his mother after the 1996 bombing at Centennial Park in Atlanta during the summer Olympics.  Jewell was a security guard at the park who noticed an unattended backpack under a bench.  He alerted other police on the scene, who determined that it was indeed a bomb.  Jewell and the other police immediately began moving people away from the scene.  The bomb did explode; two people were killed and many were injured, but Jewell’s actions saved many lives.

For a few days, he was a hero, but then the FBI began to focus on Jewell as the perpetrator because he “fit the profile.”  He lived with his mother, wanted to be a policeman, and had lost several security jobs for various reasons, including once for impersonating a police officer.  That is all they had, all they needed — not a shred of real evidence beyond their conviction that he must be guilty because he fit the profile. Gift Card i... Buy New $50.00 (as of 01:10 UTC - Details)

And based on the FBI’s certainty that he was guilty and an inelegant leak to an Atlanta Journal-Constitution reporter, the media mob ran with the story in the cruelest of ways.  There is a scene in the film in which a room full of reporters at the AJC are laughing and applauding three days after the bombing because they were the paper to first print the news that the FBI was focusing on Jewell.  If this scene is an accurate representation, then journalists are even more cold-blooded than previously known.  It appears they can easily revel in a tragedy if they are first to report it.

It is a heart-wrenching film on every level.  It is also a perfect analogy for what our current federal law enforcement agencies have done to President Trump, Michael Flynn, Carter Page, George Papadopoulos, and numerous others if they were in any way useful for their desired ends.  The FBI agents in the film skirt the law over and over again in their zeal to indict Jewell.  They lie, trick, bug his home without a warrant, invade his apartment and nearly strip it bare.  They attempt to entrap him over and over again.

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