On NBC’s Meet the Press, Chuck Todd delivered an Academy Award winning performance for Best Actor as he grilled the perennially ineffective and overmatched Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana. “Are you at all concerned you are doing Russian intelligence work here?” asked Todd. If you didn’t know Todd otherwise, you would think he genuinely believed the inanity he was selling.
As has been the case from day one, the response from Republicans against the baseless, incessant accusations that they are stooges of the KGB has been pathetic. Just as bought by the Military Industrial Complex and the National Security State as any Democrat (if not more so), Republicans cannot afford to criticize these entities openly lest they lose their political office. The typical retort of Republicans against accusations of being useful idiots of the Kremlin is to point out the many instances in which Trump has been quite hard on Russia. It is true that Trump has been much more aggressive against Russia than Obama and even George W. Bush. Bush refused to intervene on behalf of Georgia (a country most Americans don’t even know is a country), and Obama rightfully resisted intense bi-partisan pressure to arm the Ukraine with weapons.
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The defense of Trump’s aggressive policies against Moscow misses the point – which is that facts are irrelevant. Mainstream media knows very well it is they who are pushing “disinformation” on the American people. Chuck Todd and company are not “crazy,” they’re just doing their jobs. Mainstream media has been pushing this disinformation in the service of the National Security State and particularly the king of them all, Langley for years. Via Operation Mockingbird, Langley sought to essentially take control of the media and control the flow of information Americans receive. Though it is unclear exactly how many journalists Langley compromised, the pile of lies incessantly pushed by these supposed journalists tells us many have been. As the brilliant Caitlin Johnstone as noted, narrative control is essential to the media and the State. Langley recognized this years ago. The narrative that alternative media outlets and brave politicians like Tulsi Gabbard are using Kremlin talking points without even knowing it serves as an important purpose for the National Security State’s shills in the mainstream media. It enables them to throw around this accusation to anyone who disagrees with the National Security State and its hegemonic goals. Further, you can’t invent evidence of Russia against every ordinary Americans. But you sure can call what just happens to be the increasingly rare breed of critical thinkers possessing some knowledge of history “useful idiots.”
It actually is true that there is an active disinformation campaign against the American people. But that campaign is not coming from Moscow, it is coming from Langley. A history lesson is in order. Since its evolution from the OSS, the CIA has been overthrowing countless governments for corporations and imperial hegemony. Bolivia is just the latest example in a long line. Furthermore, Langley experimented (re – tortured) countless American and Canadian citizens via MK Ultra (lawsuits against Ottawa by many Canadian victims and their families are pending to this day). They operated black sites in numerous countries to torture “suspects” without any due process. They have been and continue to utilize mass surveillance on American citizens. These are not conspiracy theories. This information is readily available to anyone who has access to Google. But most Americans couldn’t even point to Russia on a world map, let alone the countries torn to shreds by Langley in the Middle East and Latin America. You expect them to know anything about, say, the Church Commission? Not a chance. Not as long as mainstream media holds the megaphone.
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No entity with the CIA’s extreme history of violence, espionage, torture, assassination and covert operations should possibly be allowed to continue to operate in good faith. But again, facts don’t matter. When the Clinton campaign dug up audio of Bernie Sanders heroically calling for the abolishment of the CIA in the early 70s, Langley’s shills in the media pounced on Bernie, and he quickly backtracked. Langley’s wretched history didn’t matter. To rub salt in the wound, Clinton’s campaign laughably claimed that the Cold War would not have ended without the CIA. This is patently false as anyone with even a modicum of history knowledge understands. Langley did everything they could to undermine JFK’s attempts to reach peace with Moscow. They additionally tried and failed to overthrow Castro in Cuba countless times. JFK was vehemently opposed to what he termed “Pax Americana” and believed that mankind could put an end to war. JFK further committed the mortal sin of wanting to get along with the Soviet Union.
This battle to reclaim our government and make it by and for the people cannot be won while the National Security State remains intact. In order to defeat it, some serious intestinal fortitude will be needed. It won’t be easy to take on Langley – just ask Chuck Schumer about that. It will be brutal. But history is on our side, not on Langley’s side. The United States will never cease its imperial ways nor its overthrowing of sovereign governments while the stench that emanates from Langley is allowed to continue unchallenged. It is long overdue to undo the horrific mistake Truman made in 1947, and abolish the CIA once and for all.