Whenever I write anything negative about the Republicans, I invariably get bombarded with e-mails asking me why I never write something critical of the Democrats.
Well, first of all, I do write things critical of Democrats. Last month I wrote an article critical of Democrats titled “Drugs, Dogs, and Democrats.” And just this month, in an article about how bad the Republicans are, I stated why it is that Democrats are worse than horrible.
Secondly, because the Democratic Party is pure evil, and proudly so, we never have to worry about Democrats using libertarian rhetoric to deceive the electorate. Republicans, on the other hand, often recite the conservative mantra of limited government, the Constitution, federalism, individual freedom, private property, fiscal conservatism, traditional values, free enterprise, and a strong national defense even though they only selectively believe in these things. This is why it is the Republicans that I focus on.
But enough about Republicans. The Free Society Best Price: $13.55 Buy New $17.54 (as of 04:55 UTC - Details)
I have never in my life heard Democrats talk about the Constitution as much as they have during the impeachment hearings. Almost every Democrat that I heard talked about the need for them to vote to impeach President Trump because of the oath they took to support and defend the Constitution.
Members of Congress swear to uphold the Constitution. Article VI, clause 3, of the Constitution requires that senators and representatives “be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution.” U.S. law requires that members of Congress be sworn in before they can take their seats. The language of the congressional oath has changed (it is set by statute) several times since it was first administered in 1789. It now reads:
I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
In the Democratic party platform, adopted at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in 2016—which Democrats say is the “most progressive platform” in their party’s history—Democrats don’t have much to say about the Constitution:
While freedom of expression is a fundamental constitutional principle, we must condemn hate speech (p. 16).
We will finally enshrine the rights of women in the Constitution by passing the Equal Rights Amendment (p. 17)
The Democratic Party will fulfill, honor, and strengthen to the highest extent possible the United States’ fundamental trust responsibility, grounded in the Constitution, treaties, and case law to American Indian and Alaska Native tribes. (p. 19).
The people of Puerto Rico should determine their ultimate political status from permanent options that do not conflict with the Constitution, laws, and policies of the United States. (p. 21).
Democrats support a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court’s decisions in Citizens United and Buckley v. Valeo. (p. 23).
We will appoint judges who defend the constitutional principles of liberty and equality for all, and will protect a woman’s right to safe and legal abortion (p. 23).
[We] believe the Constitution protects not only the powerful, but also the disadvantaged and powerless. (p. 23).
Nevertheless, if Democrats want to invoke the Constitution to impeach President Trump, then I have some questions for them.
Does supporting and defending Social Security support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending Medicare support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending Medicaid support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending foreign aid support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending WIC support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending food stamps support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending Section 8 housing vouchers support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending TANF support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending refundable tax credits support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending AMTRAK support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending federal grants to Planned Parenthood support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending the NEA support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending the NEH support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending the war on drugs support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending Pell Grants support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending federal background checks for gun purchases support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending a government space program support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending anti-discrimination laws support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending grants for scientific and medical research support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending the federal prohibition on organ sales support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending subsidizing farmers and agriculture support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending a federal minimum wage support and defend the Constitution? Gun Control and the Se... Buy New $5.95 (as of 11:36 UTC - Details)
Does supporting and defending laws against prostitution support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending laws against gambling support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending the National School Lunch Program support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending government unemployment benefits support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending the Patriot Act support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending government student loans support and defend the Constitution?
Does supporting and defending the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission support and defend the Constitution?
Since it is obvious from reading the Constitution that it doesn’t authorize the federal government to have any of these things, it is even more obvious that the Democrats don’t care a whit about the Constitution except when invoking it serves some political purpose. But in this respect they are just like the Republicans, who support and defend every one of these unconstitutional things I have listed while invoking the Constitution when it serves some political purpose.