The insurance mafia just conceded the obvious – that sssssaaaaaafety systems are dangerous – and then faulted people for disabling them.
A PSA created by the Liberty Mutual “family” – listen to it here – says that many drivers are “not embracing” technologies such as Lane Keep Assist, Automated Emergency Braking – and so on – “due to their distracting sounds and lights.”
Italics added.
We truly live beyond the looking glass.
In the same mouthful, the soy boy consiglierie of the “family” who did the voice-over for the PSA admits that it is “distracting” – and distractions are unsafe – but bemoans the fact that drivers are taking steps to turn off these distractions.
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But such cognitive disconnection is an inevitable consequence, I suppose, of the general enstupidation that has leached from the corner of the proverbial basement to flood the whole joint.
The mafia’s PSA begins with the usual eructation about “saving lives” but refrains from mentioning the lives taken – and threatened with taking. It is of a piece with the hosannahs offered up in praise of air bags – which sometimes take lives – but which we’re not permitted to avoid, even though it is our lives that are being toyed with.
But the ribeye steak that’s underneath all this fat is something the PSA mentions but probably shouldn’t have.
It is that one-third of millennials are “not embracing” – are disabling – the ssssssssaaaaaaaafety technologies being force-fed to them. This absolutely staggers the soy boy narrator; his psychic pain is almost louder than the inspidly strumming guitar in the background.
That guitar-strumming has become the backtrack of almost all PSAs and commercials; I supposed it is meant to trigger thoughts of happy sing-alongs.
But – as my friend Pat Buchanan once said – sursum corda. Literally, lift up your hearts. Raise your spirits. This is good news. It is news that runs counter to all odds and expectations. It is a thrown rod in the engine of the inevitable… or rather, what we have been gaslit and browbeaten to accept as inevitable.
But maybe not.
The generation reared to hate cars – or at least, to “embrace” ssssssssaaaaaaaafety culture is giving it the heave-ho.
The significance of this cannot be overstated.