Fake News Strategy

Publish Fake News, Let Headlines Mislead, Then Later Retract The Story After Impact Has Been Made On The Minds Of Americans And Offer Apology For Mistake That Was Intentional

What we are learning about American news media is a brazen strategy to intentionally publish contrived reports, knowing readers eyes often don’t go beyond reading the headlines, then let these falsehoods mislead the public as readers and listeners make up their mind on the rights-and-wrongs of the issue at hand, then later retract the story as a back-page apology for a “mistake” that was actually intentional.

For example:

A headline today: “Rep. Devin Nunes met with fired Ukrainian prosecutor to try and get dirt on Joe Biden” (Daily Mail UK).  The source of this information is a Ukrainian named Lev Parnas, who is charged with campaign finance violations.  Rep. Devin Nunes is the minority leader in the House of Representatives.

Rep. Nunes responded by saying this false story had been shopped to five or more different news outlets.  He is reportedly suing The Daily Beat and CNN for initially publishing it. Against the Left: A Ro... Rockwell Jr, Llewellyn H Best Price: $4.01 Buy New $8.00 (as of 09:01 UTC - Details)

The DailyWire.com covers this story, about Rep. Nunes intending to take “swift legal action against CNN for demonstrably false story.”

We don’t know, at this time, whether Rep. Nunes is telling the truth.  Rep. Nunes refuses to answer questions from CNN reporters largely because of what DailyWire.com reveals, evidence that it has published headline political news stories are a simply “lies” that were later retracted or just left to mislead:

So, who is most likely telling the truth?

News that never sees the light of day

Project Veritas planted a mole inside Google and reports the following:

Undercover Project Veritas mole: “Google is a highly biased political machine.”  Google exec on hidden camera: “We are charged with preventing the next Trump situation.”  “We are training our 2016 algorithms.”

Project Veritas searched online for “Hillary Clinton’s emails” and found zero.  Nothing came up.  Yet, says the PV mole, “Google Trends reveals a bias that Hillary Clinton’s email represents a conspiracy against her.”

PV mole: “They are training the AI with social justice warriors so it will return restricted results.”  Anything that “reduces what they think is fair” will be eliminated from an online search.

Google targets right-wing commentators and decides they (Google) don’t want them to have wide appeal.  Google rules out conservatives like Dennis Prager.  “They are deleting conversations from the political narrative.”  Mole: “The public presumes Google is an objective source of information.”

A dark cloud is over the truth.  Intentional omission is another sin of the modern news press.