Contrary to popular belief, Rojava is not a state for the Kurdish people, but a French fantasy of the interwar period. The aim was to create a rump state with Kurds equivalent to Greater Israel, which was being considered with Jews. This colonial objective was reactivated by Presidents Sarkozy, Hollande and Macron including the ethnic cleansing of the region intended to host it.
The Kurdish people have never had a dream of unification, with the exception of the project of the Prince of Rewanduz. In the 19th century, it was inspired by the German conception of the Nation and therefore intended to unify the language as a priority. Even today, there are still several languages, leading to a very pronounced separation between the Kurmanjis, Sorani, Zazakis, and Gurani clans.
According to documents hitherto untapped and about which the Lebanese intellectual Hassan Hamadé is currently writing an astounding book, the President of the French Council of Ministers, Léon Blum, negotiated in 1936 with the head of the Jewish Agency, Chaim Wiezmann, and the British, the creation of a Great State of Israel from Palestine to the Euphrates, thus including Lebanon and Syria until then under French mandate. This project failed due to the furious opposition of the French High Commissioner to the Levant, Count Damien de Martel. France – and probably the United Kingdom – were considering at the time the creation of a Kurdish state in Syria east of the Euphrates.
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The Kurdish question became a priority again with President François Mitterrand. In the middle of the Cold War, his wife, Danielle, became the “mother of the Kurds[of the Barzani clan]”. On 14 and 15 October 1989, it organized a symposium in Paris: “The Kurds: cultural identity, respect for human rights”. It played a role in the false attribution of the death of the Kurds in the village of Halabja during the Iraq-Iran war to the cruelty of President Saddam Hussein, while US Army reports attest that, on the contrary, the wind displaced Iranian gases during a terrible battle [1]. In 1992, she participated in the creation of a Kurdish puppet government in the Anglo-Saxon-occupied Iraqi area.
During Nicolas Sarkozy’s presidency in 2011, Alain Juppé concluded a secret protocol with Turkey for the creation of a pseudo-Kurdistan. Syria did not respond. Then, on October 31, 2014, President François Hollande officially received Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan at the Elysée Palace with the unofficial co-president of the YPG, Salih Muslim, to finalize the dismemberment of Syria. The Kurdish fighters stopped recognizing themselves as Syrians and began their struggle for their own country. Syria immediately stopped paying their salaries.
However, a few months later, President Barack Obama called France to order. It was not up to Paris to negotiate a pseudo-Kurdistan based on its old colonial dreams, but only up to the Pentagon, according to the Rumsfeld/Cebrowski ethnic plan. François Hollande withdrew and received a pro-US Kurdish delegation of female fighters from Ain al-Arab (“Kobané” in German and not in Kurdish). Turkey refused to submit to Washington. This was the beginning of a long divergence between the members of the Atlantic Alliance. Considering that the French reversal violated the agreement of October 31, 2014, the Turkish secret services organised with Daesh the attacks of November 13, 2015 against France and March 22, 2016 against Belgium, which had just aligned itself with Washington [2]. President Erdoğan unequivocally announced the attacks against Belgium and his press claimed them. Finally, Salih Muslim organized the compulsory conscription of young Kurds and built his dictatorship, while Ankara issued an arrest warrant against him.
In October 2015, the Pentagon created the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a unit of Turkish and Syrian Kurdish mercenaries, including some Arabs and Christians, in order to carry out ethnic cleansing without having to take public responsibility for it. The SDF expelled Arab and Assyrian Christian families. Fighters from Iraq and Turkey settled in their homes and took possession of their lands. The Syrian Catholic Archbishop of Hassaké-Nisibi, Bishop Jacques Behnan Hindo, attested several times that Kurdish leaders alluded in his presence to a plan to expel Christians from “Rojava”. French special forces witnessed this crime against humanity without flinching. On March 17, 2016, the autonomy of “Rojava” (pseudo-Kurdistan in Syria) was declared [3]. Fearing the junction between the Turkish PKK and the Iraqi Barzani clan would pave the way for the creation of a Greater Kurdistan, the Iraqi government sent weapons to the PKK in order to overthrow the Barzanis. This was followed by a series of murders of Kurdish leaders by opposing clans.
At the end of 2016, the partial withdrawal of the Russian army followed by the liberation of Aleppo by the Syrian Arab Army marked the definitive turnaround of the war. They coincided, in January, 2017, with the arrival in the White House of President Donald Trump, whose election platform included the end of the Rumsfeld/Cebrowski strategy, the end of massive support for jihadists and the withdrawal of NATO and US troops from Syria. France facilitated the departure in Rojava of young anarchist fighters persuaded to defend the Kurdish cause while they were fighting for the Atlantic Alliance [4]. Returned to France, they would prove to be as uncontrollable as the young French jihadists. Thus, according to DGSI (Internal Intelligence), it was one of these fighters who would attempt to shoot down a gendarmerie helicopter during the evacuation of Notre-Dame-des-Landes airport [5].
In June of 2017, President Trump authorized a joint operation by the Syrian Arab Army (commanded by President Bashar al-Assad) and the SDF (i.e. pro-US Kurdish mercenaries) to free Raqqa, the capital of Daesh [6]. The war is over, but neither France nor Germany understands it that way.
Gradually, the United States lost control of the YPG and lost interest in it. The terrorist organization then became a French plaything, just as the Muslim Brotherhood is a British puppet.
- This map was published by Anadolu Agency in January 2019. It shows 9 French military bases, 8 of which were deployed by President Emmanuel Macron.
Turkey then published through its official agency, Anadolu Agency, the map of the French military bases in Rojava, the number of which had been extended to nine under Emmanuel Macron’s presidency. Until then, we only knew the one of the Lafarge group’s cement plant. Ankara wished to point out that, contrary to its official statements and unlike the United States, France remained in favour of the partition of Syria.
We can also reveal that, asked by the Syrian intelligence services to recover its jihadists taken prisoner, France refused to repatriate them for trial. She asked that they be handed over to the Kurdish forces who would take care of them.
In February 2018, the Russian Federation’s Ambassador to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia, revealed that Syrian Kurds had just pardoned 120 Daesh leaders and had incorporated them into the YPG.
As early as September 2018, President Trump was preparing to withdraw US troops from all of Syria [7]. The abandonment of “Rojava” was conditional upon the cutting of the Iranian road that could cross this territory to reach Lebanon. This would be committed to by President Erdoğan in August. The GIs then oversaw the destruction of the Kurds’ defensive works. An agreement was validated on September 16 by Russia, Turkey and Iran. Therefore, the end of this pseudo-Kurdistan is imminent. Understanding absolutely nothing that is going on, France is shocked when Turkish troops brutally invade this pseudo-autonomous state from which the illegally occupying population flees.
Guest of the French TV news2, on September 10, the Minister of Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves le Drian, tries to reassure the French people about the consequences of this fiasco. He assures that France is in control of the situation: jihadists detained in Rojava will not be released, whereas there are no longer any institutions on the ground, but tried in this territory. He goes on to say that president Erdoğan is threatening France in a vacuum. Finally, he refused to answer a question about the mission of the French army on the spot, in the midst of a debacle.
If we ignore the fate of the jihadists who are prisoners as well as that of the civilian populations who stole this land, we have no news of the fate of the soldiers at the nine French military bases. They are caught in the crossfire, between the Turkish army that President Holland betrayed and the Kurds that President Macron abandoned and who once again pledged allegiance to the Syrian Arab Republic.
[1] “A War Crime Or an Act of War ?”, Stephen C. Pelletiere, The New York Times, January 31, 2003.
[2] Selon les experts anti-terroristes, ces attentats n’ont pas été effectués en recourant à un mode opératoire comparable à celui utilisé lors des autres attentats revendiqués par Daesh, mais portent la trace d’une organisation militaire minutieuse, d’un acte de guerre perpétré par un État. “The motive for the attacks in Paris and Brussels”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 28 March 2016.
[3] « Déclaration du Rojava pour une Syrie fédérale », Réseau Voltaire, 17 mars 2016.
[4] “NATO’s Anarchist Brigades”, by Thierry Meyssan, Translation Pete Kimberley, Voltaire Network, 12 September 2017.
[5] « Ces revenants du Rojava qui inquiètent les services de renseignement », Matthieu Suc et Jacques Massey, Médiapart, 2 septembre 2019.
[6] “Secret Russian-Kurdish-Syrian military cooperation is happening in Syria’s eastern desert”, Robert Fisk, The Independent, July 24, 2017.
[7] “Trump eyeing Arab ‘boots on the ground’ to counter Iran in Syria”, Travis J. Tritten, Washington Examiner, September 29, 2018.