Last week, we reviewed the evidence of “innocence” of the “Central Park 5” presented in the court of Hollywood. This week, we’ll review the evidence of their guilt — presented in courts of law and ruled on by actual judges and juries.
The five accused rapists — Kevin Richardson, Antron McCray, Raymond Santana, Yusef Salaam and Kharey Wise — were duly convicted of the 1989 Central Park rape, as well as other assaults in the park that night; “exonerated” 13 years later; and, more than a decade after that, paid $40 million by the city of New York to “settle” a malicious prosecution case within months of Bill de Blasio becoming mayor, despite city lawyers’ confidence that they would win at trial.
To his credit, Mayor Michael Bloomberg refused to give the “exonerated” convicts a dime.
Today, they are civil rights heroes to Hollywood airheads and others completely unfamiliar with the facts of the case.
Here is just some of the evidence against them.
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Santana was one of the first boys picked up in the park the night of the attacks, April 19, 1989. While being driven to the precinct house, he blurted out: “I had nothing to do with the rape. All I did was feel the woman’s tits.”
At this point, the jogger hadn’t been found. The police knew nothing about any rape.
Richardson rode to the precinct with another boy, who announced to the police that he knew who did “the murder,” naming Antron McCray.
Richardson concurred, saying, “Yeah. That’s who did it.”
Again, the police didn’t know about the jogger yet. (It’s not surprising that the boys thought she was dead: Her doctors didn’t expect her to live through the night.)
Over the next few days, five teenaged boys gave detailed confessions about the attack on the woman, as well as the other attacks. All five made their confessions in the presence of their parents or guardians.
It is absolute madness to imagine that officers did anything to coerce these confessions. When the boys confessed, no one — not them, not the prosecutors, not the police interviewing them — had any idea whether the jogger would emerge from her coma, remembering everything. (Mercifully, she remembered nothing.)
Why on earth would cops bully five random teenagers into false confessions, knowing that the victim might wake up at any moment and announce, My boyfriend did it! That would be rather awkward for any cop who’d gotten someone else to confess.