Since the Mueller report was dropped, President Trump has made it clear “It was a complete and total exoneration.” In response, the Dirty Dems and their media morons say Trump is lying, because the same report also stated that “While this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime (collusion), it also does not exonerate him.”
Sticking in the words “it also does not exonerate him” was a nice little cheap shot on Mueller’s part, but, in reality, it was meaningless. Trump doesn’t need Mueller, or anyone else, to exonerate him of obstruction. All that matters is that Mueller made it clear he found no evidence of obstruction. Everything beyond that is just hollow chatter.
Thus, Trump is absolutely right when he says it was a complete and total exoneration. The fact that Mueller chose to add the words “it also does not exonerate him” is irrelevant. He might just as well have said he couldn’t exonerate Trump of bank robbery. Or rape. Or drug-dealing.
It’s not Trump’s obligation to prove he didn’t commit a crime for which he has not been charged. Nor is it yours or mine. We’re all innocent until proven guilty — at least until the Radical Left succeeds in changing that law as well.
Bottom line: The fact that Mueller did not find any evidence to support obstruction is, of and by itself, an exoneration. To everyone but Nebbish Nadler, Shifty Schiff, and the rest of the tearful tinhorns in the Democratic Party, that is.
A Heads-Up to Fox News
The powers that be at Fox News just can’t seem to relax and enjoy their lofty position at the top of the cable-news food chain. It was bad enough when they signed yukky Marie Barf and comatose Jessica Tarlov, followed by the contract extension of uber-lib anchor Shepard Smith. Donna Brazile, however, was an outright slap in the face to loyal Fox viewers.
Add in Judge Jeanine’s suspension as a result of her violation of Fox’s No-Muslim Criticism Rule and the naming of anti-MAGA champ Paul Ryan to the board of its new parent company, Fox Corp., and it’s starting to look like a death wish.
When Fox started out in 1996, I assumed that “fair and balanced” meant it was going to broadcast the news from a conservative perspective as a balance to the mainstream media’s hard-left disinformation programming. Now, however, it’s become obvious that the top brass at Fox want balance right inside their own walls.
For my part, I don’t want fair and balanced from Fox. I can get all the “balance” I want by turning on CNN or MSNBC. Which I never do, because I know they’re just PR machines for the Dirty Dems. All I want from Fox is fair — not balanced — and fair is getting the news from a constitutional, libertarian/conservative viewpoint.
Heads-up to Fox: I have it on good authority that in 2025, a very popular, well-connected billionaire will be looking for a new gig. He not only has his own seed money, he also has the connections to raise untold billions of dollars on Wall Street and start a true conservative news channel to compete with Fox.
And by the way, Rupert, if you anger him by continually appeasing the Radical Left, he might just become your worst nightmare and steal a majority of your audience right out from under you. Oh, and two other things: He likes to punish his enemies and he never gets tired of winning.
Reprinted with permission from