Media Matters’ mantra:
Democrat drones may break foreign bones, but conservative words forever hurt me.
Failed Clinton operative David Brock and his hate group Media Fecal Matters want Tucker Carlson fired because he’s the only cable news anchor against bombing foreigners. They recently put out a desperate hit piece on Carlson recycling decade plus-old clips of him on Florida shock jock Bubba the Love Sponge’s radio show. The clips contain a smattering of out-of-context satirical points and hot takes on culture topics—standard, vanilla comedy radio banter. However, no crude remark made by Carlson compares to the vulgar, relentless barbarity David Brock’s Media Matters has promoted in media for decades. While Carlson may have made flippant and poor taste comments, Media Matters wants a world where millions of people of color overseas have no news anchor on nightly news making the case against our interventions and sanctions of their homelands.
Media Matters and their army of email bots are flooding sponsors demanding they desist advertising on Carlson’s program to prove their virtue for the concern for underage sex abuse victims. This is preposterous. While Brock’s Media Matters was busy shilling positive media coverage of Obama’s illegal wars in Libya, Yemen, and Syria, Tucker Carlson was making a spirited defense against our meddling in these countries’ affairs. Unlike Media Matters, which remains curiously silent when Trump continues his opponents’ sanctions and regime change, Carlson continues to challenge him based on the same principles which led him to renounce his support of the Iraq War.
Ship of Fools: How a S... Check Amazon for Pricing. If more journalists had imitated Carlson’s anti-war message and rejected Media Matters’ war bigotry, millions of people of color in those countries could still be alive, healthy, and in their own intact homes. Now, Libya has gone from one of the most prosperous nations in North Africa to a fractious, terrorist-tortured wasteland. Clinton and Obama’s bidding on behalf of financially motivated war interests have left children homeless, vulnerable to rape, and even placed in human slavery.
Media Matters does not care about people of color—their relentless attacks against the lone anchor on cable news questioning our wars, regardless of which political party is in power, shows that for them, unnecessary violence and chaos against the vulnerable, particularly women and children, is passé. Their crony capitalist-enclosed bubble is so warped and demented, they actually think the American people share their moral priorities. They actually think anyone outside their dying DC dens of sociopaths cares more about what an anchor says on a shock jock show than whether an anchor tells the truth about war.
One of Media Matters’ heroes former Clinton Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, whom they have defended over the years, summarizes their callous bigotry towards human life, especially defenseless people of color overseas. When asked by CBS News whether President Clinton’s sanctions on Iraq for non-existent WMD’s was “worth” the deaths of over half a million children at the time, Albright did not hesitate. “The price is worth it,” she declared. Only racial supremacists like Media Matters could shill for such a flippant, cold dismissal of the value of human life.
Media Matters shilled for Hillary Clinton’s handling of the war in Libya too. While Carlson was warning about the dangers of elective regime change, Media Matters had no problem with Clinton laughing and joking, upon hearing of Gaddafi’s brutal rape and murder, “We came, we saw, he died!” Millions of Libyan children cries in the face of the resulting terrorism and slavery were silenced by partisan hacks like Media Matters. For them, human life is expendable, disposable, for the glory of political power.
Tucker Carlson, in contrast, continues to challenge the Trump administration’s actions in Syria and Yemen and elsewhere, bringing the perspectives of ancient minority communities there to the homes of millions of Americans.
If Media Matters and their censorship campaign against Carlson had its way, there would be no leading voices left in nightly TV news to question the constant drum beat for wars and starvation-causing sanctions in countries around the world. Think about that. In the fraudulent name of victims, Media Matters wants to silence millions of victims of perpetual war. Their idyll is a world where no media voices can question war, coups, and the morality of foreign sanctions. Their ideal media is one that blots out the faces of the human sacrifices of intervention from the American voters charged with deciding these policies.
Guilty as Sin: Uncover... Best Price: $1.84 Buy New $7.26 (as of 06:45 UTC - Details) Here at home, Media Matters’ leaders demonstrate little care for sexual assault against children and minorities when it benefits their political interests. David Brock excoriated Senator Bernie Sanders for daring to bring up Hillary Clinton’s “super predators” slur she used against African American youth to sell the public on her family-destroying, mass misery machine, the 1994 crime bill. Apparently, the leaders of Media Matters think it does not matter what racial slurs a presidential candidate used to sell the mass caging of nonviolent black men and women. Like they demonstrate in their support of occupations of people of color overseas, Media Matters sees black bodies as expendable fodder if it means getting their allies like Clinton elected. What happened to all those black boys and girls, slandered by Clinton as super predators for nonviolent acts and thrown into violent prison cages for decades? Media Matters does not want you to know because it will make their soulless cadre look bad. That is how sociopaths think.
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” Lord Acton said. Some Media Matters blogger probably just created a hit file on him for that.
In contrast, the more media power Tucker Carlson has acquired, the more bold and independent his critiques on power have become. While Carlson makes nightly critiques on his party’s crony capitalism and global interventions, Media Matters’ founders pine for the days when allies like Bill Clinton could fly 26 times on convicted-pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s nightmarish “Lolita Express” 727, refusing Secret Service detail on six day jaunts through Asia, and not be disturbed.
Any brand or organization that heeds Media Matters’ threats against independent voices like Carlson are choosing dying grasps for political power over truth-telling in the defense of real flesh and blood victims. If Carlson is muzzled, every brand that turns their back on his show will forever be linked to the footage of drone strikes on Syrian families and the photographs of US-supported starving of Yemeni children, that his show denounces bravely. Any company that chooses to side with war, mass incarceration, and the selfish elites that gain from these policies, is a company destined for the ashbin of history. There is a new media era in town. Independent thought over dying partisanship. Uncomfortable truths over violent lies. Our culture is growing up. And it will scrape Media Matters off its shoes like the waste matter it is.