I have long assumed that such vermin as Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, or Donna Shalala are the lowest of the low for the female of the predatory species, Tyrannosaurus Democraticus. After all, how likely is it that any woman anywhere could be uglier, viler, more corrupt, tackier, phonier, more asinine and Marxist than these four?
But I was wrong. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) may well surpass them. Not by much, mind you. But even to be in the running with such stiff competition after one week in the US House is impressive. Were I a betting gal, my money would say ol’ Rash will nauseate more Americans more mercilessly than even Maxine, the Mistress of Malaise.
First, though, let’s dispense with the fiction that The Rash is Moslem. This profane barfly practices Islam about as devoutly as Pelosi does Catholicism. From whence hails the bizarre notion that an ogress can call herself “X” but reject and ridicule everything X stands for? And why do so many folks allow these imposters to get away with their fraud? The Rash is not the “FIRST MUSLIM WOMAN ELECTED TO CONGRESS,” however much the media insist otherwise; indeed, I question even the designation of “woman.”
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No, The Rash’s degeneracy has little to do with the religion she pretends to venerate and everything to do with her actual faith: Progressivism. It is Progressivism, not Islam, that prompted The Rash to declare, fourteen centuries after Mohammed invented a clearly masculine Allah, “…my Allah is She.” Hmmmm: how will the fanatics who got their robes in a wad over drawings of Ms. Allah’s prophet react to their deity’s sex-change?
Ditto for Child Protective Services. Where were their goons when The Rash insulted Donald Trump in “the State Room bar, near the Capitol” “with her children by her side”? (I didn’t spot them in the video of the incident, but perhaps they’re off-camera). Why hasn’t CPS kidnapped them from a mother this unfit? It threatens other families for treating a child’s illness with natural remedies or allowing siblings to play by themselves in a park; why doesn’t dragging minors who are only 7 and 13 years old to a bar while shouting obscenities trigger the same abuse?
The Rash has disgraced herself and her kin, and not only as an execrable parent: she sought to excuse her outburst by contending that her grandmother was as vulgar as she. That’s probably a lie, given that women—and even men—of earlier generations seldom indulged such depravity, especially in public. On the other hand, ancestors that crude … well, it explains a lot, doesn’t it?
The Rash has also dishonored one of her two countries, with news of her tirade making Americans an international laughingstock.
But she hasn’t degraded her office—only because she cannot. Congresscritters lie, steal and murder professionally; what’s a mere dirty word after all that? And The Rash is a congresscritter’s congresscritter. She’s leeched off taxpayers since grabbing a seat in Michigan’s legislature in 2008. From there, she redistributed whatever wasn’t nailed down: she “restored and secured millions of dollars for free [sic for ‘paid for by others’] health clinics, lead abatement, Meals on Wheels programs for seniors, before and after-school programs, and education funding. … securing over $1 million in tax refunds by providing her working-class residents with free [sic for ‘paid for by others’] tax preparation, and connecting seniors to grant money…” Now she’ll perpetrate this larceny on a national scale, no doubt while adding homicide to her resume. Discredit either her office or the House of Kleptomaniacal Butchers? Impossible.
Meanwhile, The Rash has doubled down on her iniquity. As “senior Demoncrats”—sorry, Democrats—”chide[ed]” her, she did apologize, though not for her offence. Instead, she offered a politician’s typical mea culpa: she regrets our reaction to her transgression rather than the actual transgression and topped it off by praising herself. To wit, she’s sorry for “the ‘distraction’ her expletive comment about impeaching President Donald Trump caused…” but she “will never apologize for being me and for being passionate and upset.”
Imagine a sewer this toxic, that “being me” requires cursing before not only the world but her two sons.
You might think The Rash would have lost all credibility by now, but no. The media continues hanging on her every foul word.
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Thank God, some of those words have upset the omnipotent Jewish lobby. The Rash, a “Palestinian-American,” despises Israel, though she attributes her hatred to a previously undetected devotion to America. It seems that Senators Joe Manchin (D-WVA) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) are kissing AIPAC’s butt with “a pro-Israel bill” to “punish companies that participate in the so-called ‘Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions’ (BDS) global movement against Israel. BDS proponents seek to pressure Israel through economic and other means.” To this, The Rash responded, “They forgot what country they represent.” Rich, isn’t it, coming from a shrew who swore her oath of office on a Koran. Even richer, The Rash forgot what country runs DC. Perhaps AIPAC will begin to return the trillions of favors it owes Americans by running this communist out of office.
But The Rash wasn’t done: “This is the U.S. where boycotting is a right & part of our historical fight for freedom & equality. Maybe a refresher on our U.S. Constitution is in order…” Wow: this termagant not only urinates but defecates on the Constitution. Her brazenness matches that of the Clintons or Obummer. Told you she was off to an astounding start.
But perhaps the most sobering commentary comes from The Nation—and it has naught to do with naughty words. Instead, its headline rejoices, “Thanks to Rashida Tlaib, Palestinians Finally Have a Voice in Washington.” As if they should.
Would that American serfs did, too.