Chris Bedford Peels Back The Onion On Capitol Hill IT Scandal

The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Editor-in-Chief Chris Bedford discussed the Capitol Hill IT scandal involving the Awan family Wednesday on Fox Business and said the corruption may go all the way to the top.

Bedford said the Awan brothers — who worked as IT aides for many Democratic members of Congress including Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz — have multiple lawsuits pending against them by members of their own family. He believes there is a pattern of nefarious behavior.

“They’re appearing in civil court today as you mentioned at 10:00 in the morning. One of the many sordid cases they’ve been kind of involved in here where they are in trouble with their stepmother who accused them of kidnapping her, of wiretapping,” Bedford said. “They have lawsuits out with many members of the family. Women who have been involved with Awan, his wife, his girlfriend have all accused him of different kinds of sordid activity — some of which involved police activity.”

Bedford referenced an ethics complaint a group lodged against Democratic Rep. Emanuel Cleaver who gave Awan access to his IT network while paying another person for the work.

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