Judicial Watch Director of Investigations, Chris Farrell, appeared on Fox News to discuss with Lou Dobbs the entrenched and all-powerful Deep State, which is working daily to bury the United States in never-ending scandals, and reverse the nation-statism movement ushered in by Trump’s Presidential victory over their preferred globalist candidate, Hillary Clinton.
Via The Gateway Pundit…
Chris Farrell: It’s really a giant Socialist organ operating that protests itself. Offense after offense and you find laws are for the little people. The Clinton gang walks away. People say, “Hey where’s the Department of Justice investigation? Where’s the FBI?” Half the time they’re complicit… The people with direct firsthand knowledge, they’re the ones who kept their mouths shut for years… This is evidence that we are becoming a failed state. And I’m not exaggerating when I say that. When the entire Justice Department is paralyzed. When the entire Justice Department is compromised when there is no investigations. There’s these make-believe congressional hearings that are nothing more than soundbites..