To: [email protected] September 23, 2017 at 7:00 AM
I am not concerned with my friend’s opinion about a white America. I am concerned that he was confused about my opinion. Allow me to clarify:
To set the stage, what does one mean by “white America”? No more non-European migration? Deporting all those from a non-European ancestry, no matter the small percentage in the blood? Disallowing mixed marriages? All these must occur to achieve a “white America.”
The first could be achieved relatively easily – it would require modifying the current government enforced immigration policies with a different set of government enforced immigration policies. As there is no libertarian solution to immigration in a world of state borders, I am, at worst, ambivalent about this but could easily go for it.
Of course, if the USG (run mostly by white people) would just stop all of the wars in countries populated by brown-skinned people – both traditional wars and drug wars – this entire problem would shrink dramatically of its own accord.
The second and third? By force, and force of the most violent nature imaginable.
So I am perfectly clear about how I feel about this (let’s call it bionic being direct):
In no, way, shape or form do I support such an idea. I think those that do support such an idea out of concern for their descendants four or forty generations from now are either insane or have no idea what hell they are going to unleash on their family living today, right now, right here.
Your choice: look your children in the eyes while holding the knife to their neck to do them in, or educate your children properly in how to become a productive and contributing member of society, a member that values and improves on the best of Western Civilization. I know my choice. To be clear about my choice: I am not insane. (Put this together with the previous paragraph if my meaning isn’t clear enough for you).
Further, by far – and it isn’t even close – the most significant violators of my life and property are white males – not Jews, not Arabs, not Mexicans, not blacks (or whatever I am supposed to call them these days). It is none of these other bogeymen that taxes 50% of my wealth and sends my sons to kill by the millions and be killed by the tens of thousands. It is white males that have handed us the government enforced immigration that we live under today.
Like it matters to Jews that the US government bomb North Korea to hell or kill a few million Vietnamese; only a die-hard autistic Jew-hater can convolute a reason for this (and I am sure someone has, and I am sure a regular commenter to this site will point me to a book or a web site that explains the connection).
White men have done this long before anyone could find a Zionist worthy of the name – and would be doing it today even if there weren’t a Zionist anywhere to be found. And, no, I am not saying Zionists, or the state of Israel, or many prominent Jews are blameless. As I have asked: which Jews, by name.
But you will find more whiteys under the rocks than you will find Jews or anyone else.
Returning to a white America and the idea of racial purity: I cannot even dignify it with the label insanity; it is a ridiculous impossibility to achieve in any way other than the most diabolical violations of life ever imagined.
I have said it and I repeat: I am not for open borders; I am not for closed borders. I am for private property owners to decide who and what is allowed on their property and who or what has access to their property. Until property owners are free to decide this, all we are left with is government managed borders.
When I speak of the value of culture, I speak of the value of commonly accepted traditions and norms. I speak of the civilized part of what is commonly referred to as Western Civilization.
In a world without the government (run mostly by white males) forcing immigration (in other words, the opposite of our world today), the requirement for immigrants to fit in to such a culture – to assimilate – would force immigration to a natural level, a level that has occurred since man first walked on earth; immigration for those who know they must fit in or be excluded.
I value the civil part of Western Civilization; this is worth defending, but it can only be defended intellectually. There is nothing civil about defending it violently – this only further destroys it.
What’s so great about racial purity? Many white people don’t value Western Civilization – I would rather rid my polity of these while welcoming Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams.
In any case, this train of racial purity left the station on the day that the first man left his parents, saying “I wonder if I can find a wife over there,” and the guy over there said “welcome,” as he considered the possibility of this stranger as a son-in-law.
And I am happy for this.
The solution for America? Secession. Take the election map from last year, by county. Let’s start with that. There is no other peaceful solution.
In the meantime, if the kooks on the far left and the kooks on the far right want to fight it out, I have a solution that will satisfy the kooks and me: organize the next protest in an area within two miles of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. There are so relatively few of you that I think you will all fit in this space. Bring death and destruction to everything within your path – re-enact Sherman’s march.
If you happen to catch a few liberal arts professors at every college and university while you are on your way between your hometown and DC for this showdown, I won’t complain.
How is this for a direct bionic? Or should I bring the other guy back?
Reprinted with permission from Bionic Mosquito.