The Threats to Chistian Civiilization

Review by Efrem Sepulveda

Hillaire Belloc writes a prophetic work on the major threats to Christian civilization. Although there might be disagreement with the threat Protestantism, readers will read his essays on Islam and the Modern Attack and think they were written yesterday. Without a sure foundation of the Church, men would believe in anything and the Church must recover the old teachings if it is to make an impact in the modern world today. Belloc tells us what went wrong and gives us clues on how to restore the faith in the world. A solid work. Five stars

Review by  P. Mackey

After nearly 100 years, this book is still relevant, particularly the sections on Islam and the Modern world. Christianity is under attack from outside and inside (by notional Christians). How it is to survive is the question Belloc leaves to us. I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars because it is Catholic-centric (its intended audience) and the viewpoint is Western, patriarchal, and to a degree, racist. In other words, you can tell the book was written by a white European in the early 20th century. That said, I encourage others to read it because Belloc makes many valid observations that are applicable today.

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