A few months ago I shared a tutorial on how to make easy, make-ahead breakfast burritos. It was surprisingly popular and many folks have proudly sent me pictures on Instagram of the breakfast bounty they created by following the instructions in that article.
But, you know, not everyone is a burrito person. Some folks like to have their meat and cheese wedged between layers of bread. And even burrito die-hards sometimes get the urge to stray and add some variety in their life. So today we’re back with a tutorial on how to save time and money with another morning mealtime favorite: the breakfast sandwich.
These babies are even easier to make than the burritos, and you really can’t beat a breakfast sandwich. Sausage, egg, and cheese all held together by a warm biscuit or English muffin. It’s great to eat on the go or even while you’re relaxing on a Saturday morning in your sweatpants while you join your kids in watching Paw Patrol (Adventure Bay: A city that relies on puppies and a ten-year-old boy for their emergency services).
You could swing by McDonald’s or a convenience store and pick up a breakfast sandwich, but that won’t save you much time (there’s the drive there and back, and then you have to wait in line) and as we’ll see, it’ll cost almost 3X as much as the homemade variety.
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You could opt for frozen store-bought sandwiches, but then you run into the same problems I had with the manufactured breakfast burritos: 1) they’re dinky and not very filling, and 2) they’re filled with artificial preservatives and flavors.
The ingredients list for Bob Evans breakfast sandwiches. These were actually fairly tasty, but too small for my man-sized appetite.
A few months ago I spent 45 minutes (including clean-up) one Saturday morning making a dozen hearty breakfast sandwiches. When I was done, I put them in the freezer and pulled one out when I or one of the kids wanted one. The sandwiches were tasty and filling. Gus had a week where he ate one every single day for breakfast. Wheaties got nothing on these babies.
Below I share the steps I took in preparing my make-ahead breakfast sandwiches.
Ingredients & Prep Time
My breakfast sandwich is inspired by the McDonald’s Sausage Egg McMuffin. The ingredient list is much simpler than the make-ahead breakfast burritos, and they take half the time to make. Here’s what I used in mine:
- 18 eggs
- 2 packages of English muffins (you can also use biscuits but you’ll have to bake them ahead of time)
- 2 16 oz. packages of breakfast sausage (you can buy sausage in premade patties to save time, but they’re more expensive)
- 2 packages of sliced cheddar cheese (you’ll only use 12 slices)
- 1 cup of whole milk
The above netted me 12 hefty-sized breakfast sandwiches with plenty of egg and sausage.
Total cost of ingredients: $12.84
Cost per sandwich: $1.07
Compare that to the store-bought Bob Evans breakfast sandwiches: $.99
Then compare that to the cost of a McDonald’s Sausage Egg McMuffin: $2.99
My make-ahead breakfast sandwich beats the cost of the McDonald’s version by nearly $2. What a bargain. What’s more, you don’t have to wait in line to get your food like you would at McDonald’s. Just pull your sandwich out of the freezer, warm it up for a minute in the microwave, and you’re good to go. The store-bought Bob Evans breakfast sandwiches beat mine in price by $.08. But the big advantage of the homemade sandwich is that they’re bigger and much more filling. I made my sausage patties at least 1.5X the size of those on the Bob Evans sandwich, so you actually do save money when you’re comparing price per ounce. And as with most things you make yourself, there’s less artificial flavors and preservatives in my breakfast sandwiches than either the fast food or store-bought variety.