Does Steve Bannon Exist?

Yesterday I posted a blog defending Steve Bannon against some over-the-top charges made by NR-crybaby, David French. According to French, Bannon has helped “radicalize” American politics and is now poisoning the “inner circle” of the Trump administration, mostly because he has not condemned some disrespectful trollers who belittled French. Against that charge I gladly defended Bannon, because I loathe NR and all its well-paid Never-Trump propagandists and because I couldn’t figure out why Bannon should have come to the aid of the whiney, self-important French.  But I’ve no idea whom I was defending in the case of Steve Bannon. Although mutual acquaintances have informed me that Bannon may have been influenced by something I once wrote, I’ve no way of verifying that statement. To my knowledge, Bannon has never mentioned me, and I find absolutely nothing in his remarks that I’ve heard that could possibly have come from my word processor. Sometimes I see our names conjoined in generic attacks on the Altright. But that’s due to the fertile imagination or the malice of our leftist detractors rather than to any affinity between the two of us. Bannon for me is a taciturn presence slinking around the White House whispering in people’s ears and looking like someone who should be placed on an Atkins Diet.

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Lew Rockwell recently sent me a summary that appeared on the Breitbart website of an interview that Bannon granted to the WSJ. In this interview Trump’s half-hidden gray eminence denied (perhaps for the eight-millionth time) that he had commerce with the anti-Semitic Devil and emphatically abjured all “racist elements in the Altright.” Lew asked me if I thought that Bannon really uttered these platitudes. My lapidary response was that I’m not even sure this guy exists. Despite my doubts on this score, I still find myself linked to him in New York magazine and in other trustworthy LGBT sites; but that’s no proof of anything other than the fact that someone named Steve Bannon and I are hated, together with lots of other people, by the Cultural Marxist Left. Fascism: The Career of... Gottfried, Paul Best Price: $41.28 Buy New $40.07 (as of 03:55 UTC - Details)

Bannon once ran a website, Breitbart, which now dutifully praises him whenever the opportunity presents itself. At one time Breitbart identified itself as “Altright,” but that was before it became a boring adjunct of conservatism, inc. I’ve just learned that the website managers dumped an employee who proposed while tweeting a moratorium on Muslim immigration. And no, I won’t resist the temptation of discussing my own dismal experiences with this website. Any attempt I made to establish contact with the head honchos there met with impenetrable silence. I was foolish enough to believe that because my name appeared so often with Breitbart’s patron that the staff would welcome my commentaries. Nothing was further from the truth. The management has shunned me like a biblical leper.

At one time I toyed with the idea of doing a book on the Altright for a commercial press. This project went nowhere, except for two articles that I wrote in German, because no American commercial press with any claim to respectability would offer me a contract. But I did notice that before he got into trouble with his sexual escapades, the star of Breitbart, Milos Yiannopoulos, was offered a $250, 000 advance contract to write on the very theme I was hoping to engage. By then Milos was a guest on Fox-news and a bona fide member of conservatism, inc. He was also a politically correct victim of Political Correctness, an exhibitionist gay whose noisy fights with the academic Left brought him publicity. I’m afraid my credentials were never the equal of his. And what’s more, unlike Milos, I never got to meet that real or imaginary presence called Steve Bannon.