Pigs at the Trough

I was thinking about writing a post containing the list of CEOs of major US corporations who have come out against Trump’s decision regarding the Paris Climate Accord.  I am overwhelmed.  I would make my life easier by writing a list of those who haven’t.

I cannot let it go unsaid regarding one of these: Elon Musk.  It is really hilarious to consider that he has no company without the government’s involvement in the climate.

None of these CEOs is a climate expert; all of them publicly complain about regulation.  You would think that this combination of characteristics would lead to either at best cheering the elimination of the horrendous regulatory burdens imposed by yet another international scheme or at worst shutting up on a topic that they really don’t know much about.

But, of course, we know better.

Time to buy old US gold coins

Big business loves regulation, and the more complex the better.  Complex regulation kills off the little guy, the start-up.  Complex regulatory requirements drive up the cost of the product, which drives up revenue and margins.

Big business loves government-created markets which force consumers to buy products (that only big business can produce) that they would otherwise not want to buy.

Big business loves government programs, as big business does not then have to market and sell to millions of individual consumers but instead to a handful of bureaucrats.

Big business is four-square against killing this deal.  I can offer words of hope to these CEOs: don’t worry, it isn’t over yet; Trump is looking to a repeal and replace strategy.  You can get an ever better deal if you focus on this.

Albeit, your respite will, eventually, prove temporary.  The economy cannot sustain continued decrease of the productive (those who provide market-demanded goods) in support of the increase in the unproductive (those whose primary service is supported, directly or indirectly, by the government).

As this day approaches, who will win?   Who will have priority?  Grandma and grandpa?  The military-industrial complex?  Solar panels and windmills?

As to Elon Musk: one day Tesla will crash and burn.  The best outcome for the company will be to have its assets acquired by a major automaker, one who can afford to invest in a money losing technology that may, someday, pay a benefit.  The worst outcome for the company will be that no one cares, as several major automakers are developing high-performance electric vehicles that will out-compete Tesla.

I hope I live to see this day.  It will be almost as entertaining as the Trump presidency.


Reprinted with permission from Bionic Mosquito.