From the “That’s going to leave a mark” department.
Scott Adams, who has recently written on his blog about his doubts about the certainty of climate science predictions, takes on climate science and the ugliness surrounding it with his Sunday comic strip. It’s hilarious how he states so clearly the issue at hand in a simple final panel. Of course, the usual suspects will scream foul, probably demand retractions and boycotts, and maybe even at the next pointless climate march, we’ll’ see “Down with Dilbert!” signs. Michael Mann might even sue due to the scientist looking something like him.
The response will be entirely predictable, but for those people that aren’t climatic automatons, the fact that a worldwide read major comic strip has taken a position will likely sink in.
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Due to copyright limitations, I can’t show the entire strip, only the first few panels, but click the image to see the entire Sunday comic, or follow this link.
Reprinted from Watts Up With That?.