Outspoken Brexiteer Nigel Farage offered to the “responsible adult” in the room when British PM Theresa May and US President-Elect Trump meet. Keen for Britain and the USA to keep up its special relationship, The Sun reports Farage said he would be there to ensure Trump did not get out of hand.
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Speaking to James Whale on TalkRadio he was asked how he is going to make sure Trump behaves himself when he meets the Prime Minister for the first time, he replied: “I want him to make us his priority so I’m now going to become a diplomat.
“I’m going to say come and schmooze Theresa, but don’t touch her for goodness sake.
“If it comes to it I could be there as the responsible adult to make sure everything’s okay.
And he said he would give him a lesson on British etiquette so he does not try and kiss her on the lips.
But Farage was not done, as he added that Trump is much better for Britain than “loathsome creature” Barack Obama and this weekend he will be jetting off to the USA where he is hoping to meet Trump and his team to talk about how to strengthen the special relationship between our two countries. While President Obama said Britain would be at the back of the queue for a trade deal, Trump has said the opposite. Farage said:
“That Obama creature – a loathsome individual who couldn’t stand our country.
“He said we’d be at the back of the queue didn’t he.
“What was interesting is that Trump said we’d be at the front of the queue.
“However imperfect Donald Trump may be and my goodness me he is, his mother was Scottish, he spends a lot of time in this country.
“He loves our country – what we stand for and our culture.
“This is a big opportunity for all British business because we can now do, once we’ve left that awful EU thing, we can now do our first trade deal with the United States of America, isn’t that great.”
There is talk of Farage becoming Trump’s special adviser to Europe and although he said it would probably not happen he did not rule it out.
Reprinted with permission from Zero Hedge.