In 2016, approximately 1,685,210 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the United States alone, and approximately 600,000 people will die from the disease. The number of new cancer cases is 454.8 per 100,000 men and women per year, based on cases from 2008-2010.
Men have almost a 50 percent chance of contracting the disease at some point in their lifetime, and women have a 1/3 chance. Pretty crazy isn’t it? (source)
In a time where so much information is coming to light, challenging the belief systems of so many, it’s important to keep an open mind to new information to help us see through what’s really been happening on our planet. It’s no secret that a small group of corporations dominates almost every aspect of our lives, from energy to education, all the way to modern day healthcare.
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The Cancer Industry
How to Live Longer and...
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One aspect of healthcare is the cancer industry, and while people still scoff at the idea that there could be a suppression of cures and a lack of funding for proven alternative treatments, this is a fact that continues to come to light and is necessary for people to acknowledge if we are going to move forward and save millions of lives.
It’s important to accept the fact that, as Linus Pauling, Ph.D., and two-time Nobel Prize winner in chemistry told us, that “most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organizations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them.” (source)
Pauling’s ‘anger’ with regards to cancer research is well documented, especially in his book, How To Live Longer and Feel Better.
Dr. John Bailer, who spent 20 years on the staff of the National Cancer Institute and is also a former editor of its journal, publicly stated in a meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science that:
“My overall assessment is that the national cancer program must be judged a qualified failure. Our whole cancer research in the past 20 years has been a total failure.” (source)
These few quotes won’t tell you everything about what is going on, but the documentary below will. It’s a 2-hour segment from the film, The Truth About Cancer.
The segment below features interviews with renowned health professionals from around the world, so you can hear it directly from the horses mouth.
Most health professionals who are skeptical of the information below, often haven’t done the research for themselves to stay updated with what is going on. Real medical education goes well beyond medical school. As illustrated in the video below, medical school is largely a brainwashing tool for pharmaceutical medicines. This is becoming more evident as information keeps emerging that the average health professional has no idea about.
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We got, hours and hours and hours on how to use, basically patented medicines, which as you know, are what usually goes on a prescription pad as a molecule that can be patented which means that it’s not found in nature….And that’s what we get educated in.
– Dr. Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. Medical Director and Founder
The doctor is brainwashed when he/she gets out of medical school because the medical school has too much subsidization of the professors who are being paid by the drug company, so the professor never teachers any student in medical school, why don’t you try vitamin C, they’re going to tell them the latest drug.
– Dr. Gary F. Gordon
Quotes are taken from video below.
Unfortunately, doctors today are simply taught how to prescribe drugs. Although their knowledge of the human body and how it operates is fairly good, and they often have the best intentions at heart, they are often being used to push an agenda, and it’s one of the primary causes for the rise of disease in the past few decades. In fact, medical error is now the third leading cause of death in the US.
Doctors get paid to write prescriptions. Over a century ago, the Carnegie and Rockefeller foundations started to engineer the curriculum. They put their money into drug-based research and made that the main focus of “healthcare”.
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Since then, the Rockefeller’s and banking elite have been able to control and profit from the drug industry. The AMA – which is the largest association of physicians in the U.S. – enforces the drug-treatment paradigm by heavily lobbying Congress and publishing one of the most influential journals, JAMA, which is largely funded by pharmaceutical advertisers. It is also engaged in suppressing alternative health treatments, such as the Royal Rife cancer cure.
“The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.” –(source)(source) Arnold Seymour Relman (1923-2014), Harvard Professor of Medicine and Former Editor-in-Chief of the New England Medical Journal
There is a problem that’s well known in the medical community, which is why John Ioannidis, an epidemiologist at Stanford University School of Medicine published the most widely accessed article in the history of the Public Library of Science (PLoS) entitled Why Most Published Research Findings Are False. In the report, he stated that most current published research findings are false.
This was more than 10 years ago, fast forward to today where a more recent ‘cry’ to the public masses came from Dr. Richard Horton, current editor-in-chief of The Lancet. He stated that half of all the published literature could be false. (source)
Check out the Truth About Cancer series for more.