Is America Going To Elect A President Who Will Be Selecting Her Own Prosecutors As The Email Investigation Continues Post-Election?

Journalist Carl Bernstein, who played a key role in uncovering the Watergate scandal in the Nixon era, says Hillary Clinton’s email fiasco is in no way “bigger than Watergate.” [Politico Oct 29, 2016]  But Watergate was a simple break-in at a Democrat electioneering office.  Hillary Clinton not only operated her email system outside normal security procedures but did so to hide the fact she was operating her pay-to-play schemes at the State Department and was lining her pockets with millions of dollars in the process.   Hillary Clinton literally put the State Department up for sale says a report published in the New York Post. [New York Post Aug 9, 2016] 

Even more criminal is that the Democrat Party is attempting to cover up Clinton’s scheme that keeps offering favors to even foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation, making the Democrat Party a complicit to criminal activity (as if that is something new to them).  The Justice Department sought to bar the Justice Department (FBI) from proceeding ahead with its investigation of Hillary’s emails, which is the reason why Anthony Weiner’s emails were not scrutinized early on. [Daily Mail UK Oct 31, 2016] 

Is America going to elect Hillary Clinton and watch her use her power to appoint an Attorney General and a new FBI chief to get off the hook?  Hillary Clinton may still be under investigation after she is elected. [Daily Mail UK Oct 30, 2016]  Hillary Clinton could go to prison for 20 years if charged with obstruction of justice. [Info Wars Oct 31, 2016]  Expect a Presidential pardon if that ever happens.

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While Hillary Clinton is now playing the role of victim of an “October Surprise” that the FBI chose to run against her, 24 years ago Bill Clinton cheered an 11th-hour indictment in his bid for reelection. [Washington Examiner Oct 30-2016]

Meanwhile, another email gets uncovered where Hillary Clinton’s top aides were drooling over a Super Pac that planned to work hand-in-hand with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, something that is legally forbidden.  As Hillary’s team ponders this development, one of Hillary’s top aides says in her email: “That’s fine. But skirting if not violating the law doesn’t help her INMHO” (slang/acronym: in my humble opinion). [ Oct 31, 2016]

Hillary Clinton opened her last week of campaigning with a TV advertisement that revisits the 1964 “Daisy” ad that attempts to claim Trump is a reckless leader who can’t be trusted with the “bug red button” that would launch a nuclear war.  Clinton has said there is only a 4-minute window to decide to launch a nuclear war. [Washington Post Oct 31, 2016]  The irony is that a vote for Hillary Clinton has been said to be a vote for war.

CNN has been caught drumming up a claim that Donald Trump urged his supporters to vote multiple times. [ Oct 30, 2016]