How to Handle a Hero

In the video below, a guy is stopped for a “license check” – that is, a random and probable cause-free interrogation and inspection – which by definition is unreasonable and so ought to be unlawful but isn’t anymore because of a despicable Supreme Court ruling that effectively rescinded the Fourth Amendment’s protections.

The armed government worker conducting the random interrogation and search then proceeds to violate laws still in force. The man stopped asks whether he is being detained, whether he is under arrest. The armed government worked answers no to each but when the man asks whether his is free to go, the armed government worker says no  – which is an abuse of his authority under the law:

When you are told by an armed government worker you are not being detained and are not under arrest, you are – legally speaking – free to go.

Or should be.

Myths, Misunderstandings and Outright lies about owning Gold. Are you at risk?

The armed government worker – they style themselves, rather ironically, law enforcers  – is apparently confused about the law. So he makes up his own. He accuses the man (first) of having a “modified” exhaust. Then (second) that the vehicle’s exhaust is “broken.” The man asks the armed government worker whether he is a mechanic.

The armed government worker uses the “modified” and “broken” exhaust as the legal pretext to demand the driver’s “papers” (ID, insurance/registration) and then demands the passenger’s “papers” as well. Which – again – he has no legal authority to do.

The armed government worker asks, “Is that your girlfriend?”

“It’s none of your business,” replies the  courageous driver.

“How do I know she’s not wanted?”

The driver correctly (legally) replies: “You don’t.” In other words, it is not the legal obligation of the passenger to disprove she isn’t “wanted.”

Hilariously, the driver then asks the armed government worker whether he “has a warrant.”

The armed government worker does not like being interrogated – the same insolent, prove-to-me-you-are-not-guilty of something techniques applied to him.

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