Hillary's Glass-Hurling, Cursing Fit of Rage, and Dangling Noose Allusion

"Hillary would not be having fever dreams about swinging from a noose ... if she didn’t know, deep inside, that her actions, and the actions of those monied interests whom she serves, are noose-worthy."

Originally appeared at Chateau Heartiste

An insider source at NBC reported that Hillary Clinton (you may know her as the c*nt) had an epic meltdown off-stage of her recent debate with Matt Lauer (who is currently being criticized for asking her normal journalistic questions that enraged Leftoid Hivemind authorities in charge of preapproving fluff talking points for Hillary’s benefit).

Here is the transcript:


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“will have us swinging from nooses”…whew, that’s an oddly descriptive choice of phrase from America’s Sociopath Schoolmarm. A couple thoughts about her noose reference:

  1. In context with her alt-right moral panic speech, this is additional evidence that Hillary herself reads samizdat websites like this one, or has the information contained in dissident websites relayed to her through a lackey. It’s not for nothing that “Day of the Rope” allusions are practically a by-line in the shiv-right universe. Crisis of Character: A... Byrne, Gary J. Best Price: $1.88 Buy New $10.99 (as of 10:40 UTC - Details)
  2. Paranoia is indeed the destroya. Hillary would not be having fever dreams about swinging from a noose – a reckoning which no sane person actually believes a President Trump would declare upon taking the oath of office – if she didn’t know, deep inside, that her actions, and the actions of those monied interests whom she serves, are noose-worthy. This is Hillary confessing that her agit-prop and her policies amount to traitorous crimes against the nation.

My best guess is that, due to a degenerative neurological disease, Hillary Clinton, like her misfit SJW supporters, is experiencing increasingly frequent and severe detachments from reality, leading her to imagine scenarios like DOTR (Day of the Rope) that, while eminently justified, are extremely unlikely to occur… unless she keeps pressing her anti-White pro-globalist agenda, at which time the noose may swing for traitors in real world places outside of their martyrdom fantasies.

Reprinted from Russia Insider.

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